Claremoak Member


  • Could list any number of things i.e. childhood, always was "chubby", babies, work, cancer, knee surgery, LIFE. But basically I am lazy, like to snack and hate to exercise, and I eat the most when I "sneak it" (definitely a childhood thing!). All those LIFE things were just excuses not to take control of my emotional…
  • I hate having to always think abut what I am going to eat, I just want to make "normal food", and order anything off a menu, and not have to figure out how many calories I ate. I know I will always count calories because if I don't I gain weight, because I overeat. I fall back into old habits. I lost 125 pounds over two…
  • Name: Clare Age: 61 Height: 5'4 Start Weight (April 6): 214 Goal Weight (May 1): 208 Weigh-ins (week of...): April 6: 214 April 13: April 20: April 29: Weight -/+ this week: Weight -/+ this month: Successes/struggles this week:
  • 195, up 3. Stress eating, not good.
  • Unfortunately stayed the same :s
  • Name: Clare Current Weight: 192 lbs. Goal Weight (wk 4,June 17): 187 Goal Weight (week 8, July 15): 182 Goal Weight - Final Aug. 12: 176
  • Hi My Name is Clare, My first time to this challenge, I have done a few others in the past. I have been doing MFP for a couple of years and at one point had lost 125 pounds, but have been struggling the past year and regained 25, I do great during the week and totally fail on weekends. My goal is to lose 1-1.5 pounds a…
  • Only thing I could add is that you are doing this for yourself, not your doctor. Yes, your doctor wants to help you get healthy and she is supposed to be there to support you, but you have do this at a pace and boundaries you can manage. Starting off slower and building to where oyu need to get will be better for you…
  • I am a little of both, probably lean more toward A. I walk and do small amount of strength training. We raise our own pork and beef (grain and grass fed! yum!!) so meat is a big part of our diet even though chicken and fish also play a big part. One meatless meal a week. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whether from…
  • looks good will have to try it
  • 8 glasses of water 10,000 steps( includes 30 minutes walk) 30 second plank start gentle yoga class
  • Hello Everyone, I am the old timer i guess. I am 60, married for 41 years, 3 grown children and 6 grankdkids. I joined MFP in Nov 2012 and have lost about 125 pounds. I started at 293 , currently at 171 ish. Still have a little way to go. I started this journey when someone suggested we look at MFP for our weight…
  • bump to try sounds good
  • 1) age:60 2) 173 3) northern Wisconisn 4) blend of sedentary/moderate. 5) Typically walk 2.5-3 miles daily 6) Always have breakfast typcially 150-250 calories 6) Dinner (Usually 500-700 calories) 7) 4 (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, evening snack) 8) 48-70 oz. 9) Try to focus on something else and on my goals. Even searching…
  • Don't, it will not be appreciated. If they approach you tell them what worked for you, and be willing to help when asked, but everyone has to find their own will to do it. My husband had heart bypass surgery last year and needs to loose about 40 pounds, but doesn't want to give up his eating style, even though he knows he…
  • Be proud of the fact that you had a 24 pound loss and dropped 3 dress sizes! That is an accomplishment someone will notice. It took me almost 100 pounds off before I went from a 24/3X to a 16. A 14 is just now getting loose after 120 off. (I love shopping for clothes, now)
  • Almost everything everyone has said. Clothes, bodily functions, no padding, support, emotions... all of it. This is one of the best threads for inspiration. Just knowing that so many people are going through the same feelings is amazing! Why did it take me 30 years to really learn that portion control and calorie deficit…
  • I have been gardening for while, but took a break after the kids left the house but started up again four years ago after they all were married and settled back in the neighborhood and the grandkids were old enough to enjoy it! It is more like the little red hen story, everyone says they will help, but no one does, but yet…
  • The only thing I "had" to "give up" was big portion sizes, bad food choices and sitting on my butt all the time. I learned there are alternatives for most foods and I substituted lower calorie, healhier choices for higher calorie standards. Such as flavored coffee creamers. I stopped my 2-3 a day Diet Pepsi and a lot of…
  • Todays's weight 177.6
  • baked ham, scalloped potatoes, cauliflower, barbecue ribs, fruit salad with homemade cinnamon tortilla chips. Not too bad. small portions of everything except maybe too much ham, but it was so good! Passed on the chocolate turtle cheesecake and no Easter candy!!! Went out and flew kites and went for a walk with the grand…
  • 2 x 15 jumping jacks 2 x 30 push ups modified 2 x 25 squats 1 20 sec plank
  • 2x25 push ups 2 - 20 sec plank 0 jumping jack 2 x 25 squats
  • 2x 20 modified push up 2x10 jumping jacks 2x20 sec plank 2x20 squats. can't keep up, but definitely feel stronger. I will just do what i can do 6230 steps, 8 flights of stairs
  • Still did 2 sets of all but jumping jacks. I only managed 10 JJ!!
  • I did what I could manage 3 x 20 Push ups (1 set on my knees, 2 at counter height) 3 x 25 Squats - Done 3 x 30 Jumping jacks (40- maybe I can manage another set later, I have a hard time jumping!!) 3 x 20 second plank - Done... surprisingly, i haven't tried a plank in a while because I couldn't do it, but I managed to do…
  • Hi I am Clare, I will be 60 in June. Married. 3 grown children. Before Christmas in 2012, I decided I needed to seriously make changes to my health, I joined MFP starting at 293 pounds. I have lost 114 pounds since then and have made great progress and improvement to my health. But... i have done most of it with minimal…