Poll: Thinking Thin



  • Aliciaaah
    Aliciaaah Posts: 379 Member
    1) age: 24
    2) approximate weight: 187
    3) physical location. California
    4) activity level. moderate to advanced exerciser
    5) How often do you exercise? 6 days a week
    6) Do you eat breakfast? Yes
    6) what is your largest meal of the day? Dinner
    7) how many times a day do you eat? 3 meals, 1 or 2 snacks
    8) how much water do you drink? Generally 100+ oz a day
    9) how do you deal with food temptations? I don't keep it around, and stick to the plan
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal? Steak and eggs, or meat and veggies. Or a salad.
  • Claremoak
    Claremoak Posts: 75 Member
    1) age:60
    2) 173
    3) northern Wisconisn
    4) blend of sedentary/moderate.
    5) Typically walk 2.5-3 miles daily
    6) Always have breakfast typcially 150-250 calories
    6) Dinner (Usually 500-700 calories)
    7) 4 (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, evening snack)
    8) 48-70 oz.
    9) Try to focus on something else and on my goals. Even searching the internet for healthy eating tips/exercise helps me focus on what i want to achieve. Occasionally I just give in to get it over with:)
    10) Really depends on the meal, if it is Dinner it's tycially seafood but an occasional steak, Mexican or Pizza. Always have a salad and always ask for a vegetable instead of potatoes/rice
  • jen4t25
    jen4t25 Posts: 3 Member
    1. 36
    2. 176
    3. Lower NY
    4. Moderate
    5. No. I was trying & plan to restart soon
    6. Most of the time since dieting. Maybe a banana.
    6. Dinner
    7. 2 meals & 1 snack
    8. I drink lots of water (& diet soda)
    9. If I can walk away I do. Think skinny.
    10. Grill chicken sandwich & fries
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm hoping you can help me with some research. I am studying the diet habits of various people to see if there are any correlations. I am studying my coworkers and friends but I would like information about you if you are willing to supply it. I'm working off of the honor system here. If you can please reply to this post with the following information.

    1) age: 20's, 30's, 40's, etc...I don't need actual ages
    2) approximate weight
    3) physical location. state is fine
    4) activity level. Sedentary, beginning exerciser, moderate, advanced exerciser, sporadic, etc...
    5) How often do you exercise?
    6) Do you eat breakfast?
    6) what is your largest meal of the day?
    7) how many times a day do you eat?
    8) how much water do you drink?
    9) how do you deal with food temptations?
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal?

    Thank you,
    1. 40s
    2. 160
    3. IN
    4. moderate
    5. 4-5 times a week
    6. yes
    7. Usually breakfast or lunch
    8. usually 4-5 times
    9.. average 6 8oz a day
    10.. I allow myself a small amount to keep from going nuts and eating the whole thing
    11. Grilled chicken with veggies of some sort
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    1) 32
    2) 118
    3) physical location. Missouri
    4) activity level. Moderate.
    5) How often do you exercise? Seasonal team sports once a week, dedicated workouts (weights and cardio) 3-4 times a week.
    6) Do you eat breakfast? Rarely
    6) what is your largest meal of the day? dinner
    7) how many times a day do you eat? 2 meals, occasional snacks or dessert
    8) how much water do you drink? avg 64oz
    9) how do you deal with food temptations? generally by just eating a little bit instead of either eating a lot of it or none at all
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal? varies greatly. seafood, pastas, sandwiches, pizza
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    1) age: 31
    2) 110
    3) ks
    4) moderate
    5) 3-5 x/ week. Run, lift, yoga
    6) Do you eat breakfast? Yes.
    6) what is your largest meal of the day? Breakfast or supper friending on schedule
    7) how many times a day do you eat? 3 meals sometimes 1 snack
    8) how much water do you drink? Roughly 60-80 oz
    9) how do you deal with food temptations? I keep a fairly clean pantry and try to plan splurges. Sweet tooth wins often though.
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal? Salad with meat or lettuce wrapped burger and a few fries.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    1) age: 30s
    2) approximate weight: 125 ish lbs (isn't height relevant too?)
    3) physical location. UK
    4) activity level. don't really understand your categories. I'm somewhere between sedentary & lightly active in my job & daily life, but exercise a fair bit
    5) How often do you exercise? usually 5x a week cardio, 3x a week strength, yoga here and there
    6) Do you eat breakfast? not usually (but I've been experimenting a bit with it lately)
    6) what is your largest meal of the day? tea (evening meal)
    7) how many times a day do you eat? 2-ish... sometimes 3 (see the first #6)
    8) how much water do you drink? probably about 10 glasses/mugs of fluid, including tea, coffee, water and fruit tea

    9) how do you deal with food temptations? well, I don't know, I mean if I want to eat a particular food item, and it fits in well with whatever else I'm eating that day, I'll eat it. If it doesn't, I'll have it tomorrow (unless I've gone off the idea.) Occasionally, depending on what the thing is, and where I am etc, I might eat it anyway even if I go over cals a little. If you mean how do I deal with eating more than I need to, well I just remind myself of what my body needs, remind myself I can eat more tomorrow, distract myself with other things etc. Just because I want more food (and I usually do tbh) doesn't mean I should feed myself more food.

    10) what is your typical restaurant meal? Ooh... so many different things; no "typical". I don't eat at restaurants very often, so I make the most of it and have whatever takes my fancy. Could be pasta, or a burger, or salmon, or pork belly, or steak... whatever. And something chocolatey for dessert usually. The only time I wouldn't do that is if I'm meeting someone at their choice of restaurant and it's (in my opinion) crappy food, and I know I won't enjoy it that much anyway, I'll stick to lean protein & veggies. If it's good food though, I'll have what I really want to have.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    1) 32
    2) 100 lbs (ish)
    3) South Coast of the UK
    4) sedentary and sporadic
    5) around 3 times per week
    6) No
    6) dinner
    7) 3 times
    8) 10 glasses
    9) binge eat
    10) pizza
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    1) 30
    2) 160
    3) California
    4) moderate to advanced
    5) Every day
    6) Yes
    6) Different every day
    7) Varies every day. Could be 1, could be 5 small meals.
    8) I'm constantly drinking water. 4 cups in the morning, every morning, 4 cups at least 3 times thru the day.
    9) Rarely to never.
    10) I rarely eat out because I'm poor. Depends on the restaurant. If I'm getting Vietnamese, I like chicken pho and shrimp spring rolls, if it's Chinese food I like egg fried rice and dumplings. If it's Indian I like tandori chicken and this orange curry with cheese and garlic Naan. if It's American food, I go for salads. greek salad, chicken cesar salad, something like that...
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    1.) 62
    2.) 137 (was 227)
    3.) Calif
    4.) sed.
    5.)3 times a week
    6.) yes
    6) dinner
    7.) 2 snacks 3 meals
    8.)8 oz
    9.) mind over matter,
    10.) salad
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    1) 20s
    2) 150
    3) Pennsylvania
    4) moderate to advanced exerciser
    5) ev day
    6) Yep
    6) Dinner
    7) 5-7
    8) a ton! I haven't measured
    9) Tea, gum, mints, sugar free caramels...or i just give in sometimes
    10) salad, salmon or veg/turkey burger
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    1) age: 27
    2) approximate weight: 118 pounds (5'4")
    3) physical location: Canada
    4) activity level: office job, light exercise.
    5) How often do you exercise? 3x week plus a short bike commute on weekdays.
    6) Do you eat breakfast? Not usually.
    6) what is your largest meal of the day? Dinner, around 7:30 usually.
    7) how many times a day do you eat? Twice, three times if I have a snack at night.
    8) how much water do you drink? 1-2 litres, generally.
    9) how do you deal with food temptations? I either have a bite and walk away or remind myself that I would like to keep fitting into my clothes. Once a week or so I have a no-counting evening now I'm maintaining.
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal? I usually get tuna tataki or a lightly seared ahi tuna dish at the places I go. Occasionally 6oz steaks with vegetables. One or two glasses of wine or cocktails.
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    1) 30's
    2) 230
    3) Florida
    4) Beginner
    5) 1.5 hours 6 six days a week
    6) No
    6) Dinner
    7) 2 meals, sometimes a snack
    8) 120oz
    9) Remind myself what's more important or eat just enough to satisfy me
    10) Don't eat out often so when I do I get what I want and refuse to feel bad about it
  • Aeramis13
    Aeramis13 Posts: 135 Member
    1) age: 31
    2) approximate weight: 170
    3) physical location: IL
    4) activity level: I guess moderate to advanced, depending on who you ask. See below.
    5) How often do you exercise? ~5 times per week, for between 50-150 minutes per day
    6) Do you eat breakfast? Yes & No. I have a very small protein filled snack when I get to work.
    6) what is your largest meal of the day? Depends. Typically dinner, but sometimes it's lunch.
    7) how many times a day do you eat? Breakfast snack, morning snack, lunch, couple afternoon snacks, pre-workout, post-workout protein, dinner, evening snack or two...So, as little as 8 and probably as many as 12 times per day.
    8) how much water do you drink? At least 15 cups, normally not more than 24 cups
    9) how do you deal with food temptations? Mostly, I allow for reasonable quantities of them. I cut a very, very few items out except for really special occasions since their calorie count is just really high and I don't like to eat only a teeny, tiny sliver of them (Chicago stuffed pizza comes to mind)
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal?
    To Go: Chicken Nugget Happy Meal from McDonalds (apple slices & juice, plus a toy lol) or half of a Chipotle burrito bowl with chicken, white rice, black beans, guac, and sometimes cheese/sour cream if I feel like & have room in my day. Subway sandwiches without sauce are also a common occurrence.
    Dine In: We don't go out often and we don't have a lot of options where I live. Standard is probably one of the 500 calories and under steak meals at Applebee's with steamed broccoli and their mashed potatoes (which are freakin delicious!)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    1) age: 20's, 30's, 40's
    2) approximate weight
    3) physical location. state is fine
    4) activity level. Sedentary, beginning exerciser, moderate, advanced exerciser, sporadic, etc...
    I wouldn't say I'm a beginner
    5) How often do you exercise?
    7 days a week. 3-4 run days, body weight training and/or stretching on other days. Pilates about once a week. Probably average 45 minutes a day.
    6) Do you eat breakfast?
    6) what is your largest meal of the day?
    Lunch or dinner.
    7) how many times a day do you eat?
    4 +
    8) how much water do you drink?
    Maybe 32 ounces of water + other beverages
    9) how do you deal with food temptations?
    I work palatable food into my macros
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal?
    More often than not, I'm getting pizza or fast food with the kids. This can range from a Mighty kids happy meal to a salad.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    1) 48
    2) 178
    3) MD
    4) Sedentary w/moderate exercise
    5) 4-5 x week
    6) Yes, Greek yogurt w/fruit, nuts, black coffee,
    6) lunch
    7) about 4-5 (3 meals + snacks)
    8) ~ 50 oz
    9) exercise, drink water, distract myself
    10) some kind of meat entree, wine
  • ZhaoWei76
    ZhaoWei76 Posts: 37 Member
    1) 30s
    2) 205, as of this morning
    3) Georgia
    4) Sedentary
    5) Rarely
    6) Yes
    6) Usually Dinner
    7) Usually 4 (3 meals and a snack in there somewhere)
    8) 7 to 10 cups a day
    9) Get frustrated, and move on... If it doesn't fit in my numbers, I don't have it... If I have it, and have to eat less later, than I'll do that...
    10) Steak and mashed potatoes... Not as high in calories as you'd think (and usually, one of the smallest things at a restaurant, if you don't get a lot put on it, or too large a steak)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm hoping you can help me with some research. I am studying the diet habits of various people to see if there are any correlations. I am studying my coworkers and friends but I would like information about you if you are willing to supply it. I'm working off of the honor system here. If you can please reply to this post with the following information.

    1) age: 20's, 30's, 40's, etc...I don't need actual ages
    2) approximate weight
    3) physical location. state is fine
    4) activity level. Sedentary, beginning exerciser, moderate, advanced exerciser, sporadic, etc...
    5) How often do you exercise?
    6) Do you eat breakfast?
    6) what is your largest meal of the day?
    7) how many times a day do you eat?
    8) how much water do you drink?
    9) how do you deal with food temptations?
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal?

    Thank you,

    1. late 30s
    2. 140-145lb (depending on the time of day and month lol) - I'm at a healthy body fat percentage and alternating between cutting and bulking cycles and I've just started a cut.
    3. Bahrain (I'm British living abroad)
    4. weight training 3x a week (heavy, i.e. 1-5 reps to failure), no cardio but one of my jobs has me going up and down stairs a lot
    5. see question 4.
    6. yes
    6. it varies from day to day, i.e. whatever time of day I'm hungriest, on workout days I try to make my post-workout meal the largest (which could be late morning, early afternoon or evening depending on when I managed to fit in my workout)
    7. 3-6 depending on my mood and hunger levels (calories are the same, if I have more meals in a day the meals are smaller)
    8. 2-3 litres - like I said I live in Bahrain though, i.e. crazy hot and humid climate.
    9. find a way to fit them into my calories
    10. burger and/or chicken nuggets (or other fairly high protein option), water, usually I don't have fries. Or Arab food, where I'd have some kind of barbequed meat and a salad and leave out the bread and/or rice (or maybe I'll have some, depending on my mood and calorie allowance and whether I'm cutting or bulking). I'm not that keen on the carb part of those kinds of meals, so they seem like a waste of calories, although a little of them to get the flavour is nice.

    What are you correlating the above information with? You didn't ask any questions about people's level of success, relationship with food or anything like that.... the above data seems pretty meaningless without any context like that. You might find a lot of people doing one particular thing but that doesn't mean they're all being successful. Or are you looking for general trends comparing different age groups in what they choose to do rather than what kind of approaches are more successful?
  • katiewilsonxo
    katiewilsonxo Posts: 85 Member
    1) 20's
    2) low 140's
    3) Ontario, Canana
    4) At work I'm fairly sedentary but I walk about 70 minutes daily
    5) 3-5 times a week
    6) I have a late breakfast but I try to have something
    6) Dinner/ Evening snack
    7) 5-6
    8) about a litre of normal water, another 2 litres in tea, soda water etc
    9) I try to avoid them all together (if my family is having a late dessert that I'm not fond of, I'll go upstairs because it isn't worth the calories and if I stay down there I'll pick at it)
    10) I often will get a burrito from a place that posts nutrition facts but at a sit down place I get what I always got before I started losing weight: bruschetta with a side of french fries or I'm a fan of pizza margherita
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    1) 48
    2) 199
    3) Ontario, Canada
    4) moderate
    5) 4 to 6 times per week
    6) Yes
    6) Lunch
    7) 5 to 6
    8) try and drink 64 oz
    9) Don't keep it in the house or fit it into my calories for the day
    10) Varies