Boogage Member


  • Who knew down there hair was such a big deal! I'd never really thought about it before. Think I'd be super weirded out if my fella shaved anything apart from his head (above his face :o) ). Wondering where exactly this hairs growing from if you can't just move it to the side lol
  • I've always loved Valentines day whether I have been single or in a relationship. I've received a card every year for as long as I can remember (those anonymous ones were probably from my parents but it made it exciting anyway lol). Now I'm in a long term relationship with 5 kids it serves as a reminder that we need to…
  • You don't have so much to lose now so it will be slow. Also weight loss is not linear so there will be weeks when you don't lose anything although you're doing everything right. Last time I was doing this (just getting back on the wagon) I'd sometimes go 6 weeks without seeing a drop in weight but then 6lbs would just drop…
  • I usually have natural yogurt with berries and a small amount of an oaty type of cereal just for a bit of added taste and texture.
  • My reason for not wanting to count is that I got too crazy obsessive with it and ended up eating too little. I'm trying to find some sort of balance between losing a bit of the weight I've gained and my sanity. Might have to give this plate idea a go :)
  • Me too. I'm trying not to count most things at the moment though. I mean, I counted calories for 2 years so I should have half an idea about what a portion size is by now.
  • Curious conversation. Life happened for me and I gained 14lbs. Now things are settling down I'm getting back on track and I will reach my new goal. For me, its just been a learning curve. I learned that I do have think about what I'm eating or I will gain weight and the muscle I gained from working out isn't helping me…
  • So gutted that I don't have my old pre digital pics handy. Had a great one of a 6 inch pin that worked its way out of my hip bone and stuck out the bottom of my scar, half way down my thigh. Doc tried to say it was just an infected stitch and kept sending me home until it finally pushed through. I was with my child minder…
  • Great job. Popcorn has lots of health benefits so I wouldn't feel bad about that! Everything in moderation will make your lifestyle sustainable.
  • It should go down again. Maybe in the future you could just avoid weighing in around that time of the month if you find it upsetting. I understand how frustrating it is when you're trying hard. My hormones have been out of whack lately and I've skipped a couple of periods so my weights stayed up a while and then I took…
  • Amazing. I need to get over my fear of bulking...and hard work lol
  • I have found that when I workout regularly/daily that I don't lose weight. It's not until I stop working out for a week or two that I see a big drop on the scale and in inches. I put this down to all the water and other stuff that my body holds onto for repairs being released as its no longer needed (as I'm no longer…
  • Awesome. You're looking great
  • Have you tried lifting? Once you notice you're getting stronger, you might start to enjoy it more. When I started I couldn't do a push up. I don't really like them but I do them because they make me feel proud of myself and strong. There are a lot of moves you can do and some you'll like more than others so look up some…
  • Its just one day. Enjoy your cake and move on. You'd probably be surprised how much you can eat without gaining anyway. For nearly 2 months now I've been without self control and eating 2-3000 calories most days (mainly sugary, fatty cakes and pastries covered in icing or cream) and I've only gained 2lbs. I am looking…
  • Yes, eating at or under your bmr (and not strength training) will cause you to lose more muscle than necessary. I ate very low for a long time when I was losing weight and around a third of my loss (20lbs!) was muscle. If I could go back, I'd eat at a smaller deficit and strength train from the start. It's a slow process…
  • I don't like a full bun as it bugs me when I'm doing floor work. I usually just tie it in a ponytail but on the last pull through I only pull my hair through half way so I get a loop of hair and a small ponytail.
  • 250 cals is probably about a 10% deficit too, which is advised when you don't have a lot to lose
  • Might it be useful to log the kind of days you have been having as they say a lb gained = around 3500 calories so over the 6 months it sounds like you've been consuming around 200 extra calories a day. You wouldn't have to cut much more than that from your average day to start losing the weight again (just smaller portions…
  • Personally I've found that too much protein does make me gain on the scale and fast. During maintenance I decided to keep my calories the same but up my protein from 80g ( I only have around 80lbs of lean mass) to between 100-120g a day as I was training hard. I found I gained a couple of lbs a week which obviously…
  • Cake unfortunately lol. I never even used to like cake but I've become ocd about baking lately. I've tried to find healthier recipes but I seem to mess them up doh.
  • I think there's something in the air at the moment. Myself and so many mfp friends are struggling to stay on track right now. I feel like I've been on a 6 week binge :o( Make sure your calorie goal is set to a reasonable amount so you don't wake up starving every few days and binge and make sure you log everything - good…
  • I get hit on sometimes. I guess around 4 or 5 times a year. I don't think that's bad considering I never go out without my partner.
  • The best advice I've found is strength training while doing lean bulk and cut cycles. Seems like a good idea to try and fill the skin out with muscle and help tighten everything up. I'm at a point where I can't lose any more weight so but still have quite a lot of loose skin after 5 babies so that's the plan for me.
  • I think you may have to continue eating at a deficit until you've lost whatever weight you want to lose then switch to eating a little above maintenance to really build up the muscle to hold your tum in. I am a little underweight but I still have the belly and from research, lifting while eating at a slight surplus seems…
  • I think a mixture of cardio and heavy lifting is best. Cardio burns lots of calories and allows you to enjoy eating a good amount while burning fat and weight training builds muscle and the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn day to day. Also the fat burning effect from lifting lasts a lot longer than…
  • Seems strange to me to turn the film into a series (isn't it usually the other way around) but I've recorded it to watch anyway. I did watch a bit and was surprised how similar it seemed to the film, I think I thought it would be telling the story from a different point of view or something. Not that I can really remember…
  • I'm veggie too. I used to find it really hard not to have too many carbs and too little protein but I'm kinda getting the hang of it now.
    in Vegetarian Comment by Boogage April 2014