jjolynmill Member


  • As you said, you have lost weight before. So, you know how to handle it. I gained also and was very pissed off at myself. Time to get back to it. Can't change where I am but I can change where I am going.
  • My first few days of seeing that I thought it was saying 200's, I realized a couple days ago it was actually giving me numbers in the 190's. That realization lead me to think that I had never even considered that I could actually get to that weight. Even though I am trying I never even considered it possible and here it is…
  • Here is the link. http://www.americanbariatrics.org/content.php/80-Roux-en-Y-Gastric-Bypass-5-Day-Pouch-Test
  • You deserve it too! Friend me if you need a buddy.
  • I wanna get rid of the 2 that begins my weight trade it out for a 1.
  • Will Power? Well honestly I have been doing this 3 years, it will be there and be boosted when you see the scale move and your body and life change, however there will be those time of plateaus and deflation of will power. That is when we need each other to keep us from freaking out because we have been losing and all of a…
  • I am new here too feel free to add me. I am 31 yr old mother of an 8 year old boy. I have been overhauling my life the past 3 years. I was disabled and depressed and sick of my life so I changed it. I applied to nursing school and graduated and am no longer disabled, I learned to ride a motorcycle and have tamed the dragon…
  • I started at needing to lose 100. Got about 60 left to go. Add me too.
  • I just joined too. I feel like my weight is the one area of my life where I have been failing and it is time to conquer it. I have tackled some major goals and been successful. It is time for my weight to be tackled. I know I can because I have already lost 60. Time for the next 60 to bite the dust.
  • I was an athlete in high school, in great shape running 3-5 miles a day. Then I was injured and had to sit out for a year and a half. The Doc was struggling to pinpoint my injury. Eventually he did exploratory surgery and was able to repair my hand. During my year and a half out I continued to eat like I was an athlete…
  • I have gotten some from The Academy sports store and some from Walmart. As I have been going down I got some things at Target also. Sometimes I will hit the mens section. Things over there aren't slim fitting.