cwolfman13 Member


  • The general recommendation from most health bodies for adults is 7-9 hours. I'm usually around 7-7.5...8-9 hrs on weekends.
  • How many calories are you eating right now? If you're pretty much maintaining around 190, just eat more calories than you're currently eating by 250-500. I used to do landscape construction and had to eat a lot just to maintain weight...I had to pretty much eat when I wasn't hungry to put on weight, though adding more…
  • I'm going with none of the above. My fitness goals are more health oriented...maintain good cardiovascular fitness because it's good for my overall cardiovascular health, and it also allows me to do other fun things like hiking or mountain biking or kayaking or other adventures without them feeling super hard. I do…
  • You can add your own custom "exercise" and the estimated calories burned. It doesn't have to be something selected from the database. I have a ton of my own custom exercises because they weren't in the database. For example when I was doing Wendler's 5/3/1 I had a custom exercise I named "being Jim Wendler's *kitten*"
  • My lunch is often leftovers from the previous nights dinner...this is particularly true this time of year when we typically make at least a couple different "stewps" weekly or we make a casserole type of dish, etc. Twice per week I do a "chicken Greek salad" with spring mix greens, cherry tomato, cucumber, kalamata olives,…
  • I've been on here over a decade, so I'm well aware, but the OP never mentioned overshooting other macros, just fat. People do a bunch of handwringing around here because they don't hit a particular macro bang on and they think the world has somehow come to an end. I usually overshot protein but undershoot fat and carbs for…
  • It's a baked carrot "chip" from what I can tell. My guess is that it is being marketed as "healthy" because it's carrots instead of potato or tortilla or whatever. I wouldn't personally put this in the "healthy snack" category...more like tasty treat if you're into that kind of thing. Personally for the calories and…
  • What does your day to day actually look like? Also remember Sailrabit is a TDEE calculator for which you are supposed to account for your day to day goings on as well as purposeful exercise. If you're not doing any kind of regular exercise, starting is a good way to bump up your TDEE.
  • For things like stews and soups and casserole type dishes I just kind of winged it and gave it my best guess using the recipe builder, which was usually good enough. In general though, I don't really do a lot of recipe type of things where everything is in one big dish. Our meals tend to be some kind of protein, some kind…
  • Weekly on Thursday morning. I weighed in daily for quite awhile until that data became non-informative and really only served as extraneous noise.
  • Nothing is going to happen by overshooting your macro targets. Over eating your fat macro doesn't do any "damage". Overall calories are what matter and you have to look at that over time. There are times when you're going to be over on happens...but in the grand scheme of things, being over occasionally…
  • You are most likely consuming more calories than you think you are. The 2600ish calories mentioned above is what TDEE calculators estimate your maintenance calorie requirements to be, assuming light active. Pretty much any male would be losing weight quite rapidly if they were actually consuming 1300 calories per day…
  • While I would agree that TDEE calculators only provide estimates based on population statistics, and certainly aren't gospel and can certainly be off, I've also noticed that many people don't use accurate inputs. A lot of people seem to be scared to put in anything other than sedentary even if their day to day lives and…
  • Your arguments are outdated. Here's both an abstract and the full article which might interest you
  • Generally, consumption just shifts to another market sector, it doesn't cease. Fairly recently I substantially decreased my alcohol by a lot. Initially I had some extra cash in my pockets and floating around in my bank account, but ultimately my consumption habits just shifted elsewhere. Someone trying…
  • 30 minutes on my indoor bike trainer this morning. Calisthenics with my 13 yo this evening.
  • I would guess he's taking the average between both women and men. Avg BMR for women is around 1400 calories...1800 calories for men. Average of the two would be around 1600. Just hazarding a guess with math.
  • It's a combination of both. Regular nicotine use has shown to increase resting metabolism by about 10% and slightly more with exercise or with nicotine use after a meal vs being just at rest and watching TV or whatever. Smoking and the like, while not necessarily suppressing appetite (studies are a pretty mixed bag), can…
  • 2 grams of fat is and extremely, unhealthy low amount of dietary fat which is an essential nutrient for all kinds of body functions. 1000 calories per day is also super low. Dietary fat doesn't make you fat and is essential to our health. Given the time frame, most of your weight loss is water and waste.
  • If your TDEE is in fact 1650 calories and you regularly ate 2000 calories, then would be gaining weight. If you're regularly eating 2000 calories and not gaining weight then 1650 calories is not your TDEE...your actual TDEE would be higher than you're estimating.
  • Have you reached out to GloryFit? App integration is a two way street.
  • I would think at 5 months you'd be fine but maybe check with your obstetrician. Most are cleared for exercise after 6-8 weeks...12 weeks for more strenuous exercise. My wife is a runner and she started jogging again and was back in the weight room after about 12 weeks from her C section.
  • Is this a marathon training program? I ask because even novice marathon programs that I've researched assume you can run 6 or so miles right out of the gate week 1 for your first long runs. Having that as an ultimate goal is fantastic, but I'd recommend training for shorter races and working your way through them. This…
  • It doesn't matter. You lose weight when you consume fewer calories than you expend over time. Bodyfat is just stored energy...kind of like a backup generator. When you consume less energy (calories) than your body requires, your "backup generator" kicks on and you burn stored energy to make up the difference.
  • Your diet and calorie consumption is going to be far more impactful than what exercise you're doing. Normal amounts of regular exercise doesn't really burn the kind of calories that people typically think and pale in comparison to the calories you burn merely existing and going about your day to day. That said, regular…
  • That sounds like a Galaxy Watch thing, not an MFP thing. I don't imagine you're getting access to MFPs database via your watch...I've never heard of that being a thing. Samsung likely has it's own limited food database which is what you're accessing via your watch...that would be my guess anyway, similar to how Fitbit has…
  • Literally anything you want. This morning I'm having green chile chicken and potato stew
  • Exercise can aid in weight loss, but ultimately one's diet is going to be far more impactful. There are loads of people who exercise regularly and maintain their weight (me included) because they eat at a maintenance level of calories. If exercise just defaulted to weight loss, millions of people who exercise on the…
  • Yeah, if this were me I'd have a dedicated shoe for running and a shoe for lifting. I really like the Nike Metcon for the I said, it's not as rigid as a power lifting shoe so you can walk around and do other things in the gym, but it's rigid enough (and no heal lift) to provide a good lifting platform. Lifting…