What time to eat

I wake up at 4:00 a.m. what time do I eat so that I'm losing weight optimally


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    It doesn't matter. You lose weight when you consume fewer calories than you expend over time. Bodyfat is just stored energy...kind of like a backup generator. When you consume less energy (calories) than your body requires, your "backup generator" kicks on and you burn stored energy to make up the difference.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,178 Member
    What he said up there.

    Some people find that their appetite is more manageable on some particular eating schedule, making it easier to stick with a sensible calorie level. What schedule that is tends to differ from one person to the next. You can figure out what works best for you by trying different routines for a few days at at time, and seeing how your appetite and energy level respond.

    The actual loss is directly about the calories. The timing is just to make eating the right calories less challenging.