

  • Ellelit.. I just read your post and I thought I would share..I really identify with what your going through. Your on the right track though as far as preparing in advance...it will help some. Anyway, I just picked up a great book titled "Overcoming Binge Eating" the author is Dr. Christopher G. Fairburn. So far it has some…
  • Lol..Dont worry I am :cry: Will you keep me posted, if they call you back? Thanks
  • Does anyone know how many calories are in the French Vanilla coffee you get at gas stations? :love: I love em so so much, but Im really nervous how many calories they may be.... Fingers crossed:blushing:
  • What exactly is hummus? And is it low in calories?
    in Hummus?? Comment by opatt23 March 2008
  • Thanks Ya'll :flowerforyou:
  • Ok quick question... I did calculate on this site and it is saying 1200 cals for me. Im 5'0 and I weigh about 115 pounds. However that is really difficult for me to maintain... my question is does anyone think 1500 cals is to much..?
  • hey there, it's always been my idea that Breakfast does jump start your metabolism in the morning. So even if you eat just a small something to kick start the day and then dont ignore the hunger later but go for some fruit or something like that...that way you wont over eat at lunch... Hope this helps! :smile: Good luck
  • Lol..ya'll are too funny. Thanks for the advice... :flowerforyou: And good luck to all you busty gals....Im still jealous :laugh:
  • Ok....so I dont post to often:blushing: But this is something I really need some input on. My weight fluctuates pretty regularly. In the past couple years I've gone between 110 to 125. Currently Im at 114 and happy with that, however recently I've been picking up my cardio more than usual and Im very sad to say that my…
  • Hmm..:grumble: Ok so I made my husband some vanilla cake on Tuesday night and I had one tiny piece and I thought I was good. Well then today I didnt have to work until 1 and my husband was gone. That's right :angry: He left me and the cake alone together! Welp, needless to say I had a binge and now my calories which are…
    in Lapse Comment by opatt23 February 2008
  • :wink: Awesome! Congrats to you. Its such a success when you can do that! Im happy for you :happy:
  • Breakfast: 1 cup Natural Oatmeal w/ splenda and 1 piece of jelly toast Lunch: Homemade tuna tortilla with hot sauce and raw broccli Dinner: Jenny Craig Salisbury steak meal Snacks: 1/2 grapefruit/ 110 cal pack veggie chips and a smores bar lol..now tonight...I cant promise I wont be adding a couple glasses of wine…
  • So what's everyone's V-day plans and how are we going to combat all the wonderful chocolate that will no doubt be around?? :heart:
  • Great topic! I have a black lab and he is now 1 year and 2 months. We dont have any kids yet so he's our baby. He's the most human dog ever. Whoo Hoo to all you pet lovers! :wink:
  • :grumble: I was just in the emergency room yesterday with my poor hubby for about 3 hours. He had a temp of over 103. Thankfully he is feeling much better. Good luck to all with the flu
  • :drinker: Today is the day! Hope everyone has a great day whether it's a free day or your watching those cals. So what team is everyone rooting for?
  • Ya'll rock! Im definitely doing the tortilla pizza....I can have about 3 of those things! YES! Thanks ya'll:love:
  • Hey There. Im a weight loss counselor for Jenny Craig. Personally it's one of the most effective and easy programs to go on. Im sure Nutrisystem has it's positives but I've also heard some not so great things. JC is one I would definitely recommend, not just because I work there. If you need any other info, feel free to…
  • :laugh: Awesome!! That's just what I needed this morning! My husband will get a kick out of this.... I love it!
  • Morning everyone. Hope ya'lls Saturday is off to a good start. Im happy to say I've done very well...Fruit and Granola in yogurt. I was a little skeptical but it was very filling and only 310 calories. I highly recommend it. Now if I could bypass the 4 cups of coffee I'd be good. Lol. Anyway, Everyone have a great, healthy…
  • I really like Winsor Pilates. It's like aerobics but it's great for flexibility and stretching your body. And you do feel stronger after you've done it.
  • Lol...sweet...free info.. :wink: If you tell us enough we wont have to buy the book..lol..
  • Im no expert :ohwell: But I think it's great to have a protein shake or something of that nature after exercising. And as far as eating I agree with the other post..Breakfast is the most important. Even if your not hungry, grab a banana or somthing small, that will kick start your metabolism. Then you should really have…
  • Originally Kingsport, TN Husbands millitary though so now we're in Maryland, any other Marylanians(sp)? :smooched:
  • :wink: Yeah...Congratulations!!! Keep it up.
  • Ya'll rock..thanks for all the suggestions. Looks like I'll be trying to make my own pizza...lol..that's a laugh all in it's own. :laugh: I'll have to let you know how it goes. :drinker:
  • :smile: Thanks for asking! I am currently a counselor for Jenny Craig and Im going to school to be a Veterinarian Technician.
  • Tennessee? What part?
  • Alright, we all know SuperBowl Sunday...whooo whooo! Let's hear it for the Patriots! Ok that being said..I know we will be having pizza..so I need some healthy tips!
  • So what does everyone do for a living?