help pls....

Hey guys...i was just wondering if anyone had ne advice on wht tyms of the day one shud eat and how many tyms a day?


  • Zulzie
    Hey guys...i was just wondering if anyone had ne advice on wht tyms of the day one shud eat and how many tyms a day?
  • badtzmaru7979
    eat 5 times a day. and the most important is breakfast. after that just dont go longer than 4 hours without a small meal.
  • Zulzie
    thanks so much....i hav a bit of a prob tho n was wonderin if ne1 els had thsi prob...after i exercise i cannot eat at totally nt hungry! i herd its best to eat str8 after xercising tho, bcoz ur metabolism as faster...not sure how tru this is
  • opatt23
    Im no expert :ohwell: But I think it's great to have a protein shake or something of that nature after exercising. And as far as eating I agree with the other post..Breakfast is the most important. Even if your not hungry, grab a banana or somthing small, that will kick start your metabolism. Then you should really have 5-6 small low cal meals a day. That's what I "try" to follow anyway. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    Yep, 5 meals a day is ideal. You should always eat breakfast. Eat a snack about an hour before working out that has some carbs for engergy and some protein. You should eat some kind of quick absorbing protein right after working out. Your body needs it to repair the muscles. The suggestion of a protein shake is perfect.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I eat 5-6 small meals a day and worked them into my schedule I do 7, 10,12,3,6 and maybe a snack at 8 if I am hungry.

    You should try to eat something small with carbs about an hour after working out, doesn't have to be much, maybe a 100 cals, the reason is to give your muscles some fuel back so they can heal. I take an apple in the car or a granola bar, just something that is easy to eat after working out, otherwise you run the risk of being famished later and overeatting.
  • Zulzie
    thanks for all the great advice..will try to follow it and see how it goes....