Court2180 Member


  • ME! I'm 6 months out, I'm a revision from a failed sleeve.
  • I tried it once and loved it. I buy mine at Sprouts but I think it would either be with the rice or pasta if not there in the organic or healthy section. I use chicken broth and just go crazy with my's different every time. I like the red quinoa also, as far as I can tell it tastes the same but it's a little…
  • Bananas or any kind of hard fruit like an apple. I keep a stash of snacks at my desk for when I forget cold snacks like cheese or yogurt. The oats & chocolate Fiber One bars are awesome when I need something sweet!
  • So very inspiring, thanks for sharing!
    in 110 lbs Comment by Court2180 July 2011
  • Awesome! You are so CAN do it!
  • I've been it for years and haven't noticed any side effects. Hopefully with losing weight I can stop taking it soon!
  • WOW!! This was SO good. I added some cayenne for a kick and garlic powder but it would be wonderful just as it. Great dinner idea!
  • I do WW and MFP. For the most part I stay within my calories & points. What kind of WW info are you looking for?
  • I think I'm the ONLY person on the planet that does not have an IPOD or something like it but I use Pandora on my smartphone and it's just as good I think. Thanks for all the suggestions!!
  • I'm in Lewisville if anyone has any interest in a workout/walking buddy friend me!
  • I was wondering that myself. I need something upbeat to get me moving faster! I usually hit shuffle but then have to keep messing with it because a slow song will come on.
  • That's one thing I WILL NOT cave on. The FF Ranch's I've had have been gross! I just stick with light or FF vinegrettes but if I go out to eat & get a salad I'll splurge and get the full on stuff. But I use that as my "cheat" meal.
  • I know how you feel. My good friend & I had a falling out in December but for me it was actually a good thing. She made me feel worse about myself than I should! And I moved back to Texas, where I had tons of friends in my junior high days, but 16 years later we've all lost touch and it is hard to make new friends as an…
  • I've been doing MFP since the begining of the year and I'm in my 9th(?) week of WW. So far on WW I've lost 4.2 pounds, I had a few off weeks with personal issues but I'm back on track. And I started walking again this week so I'm looking forward to start seeing that scale go DOWN!