chefchazz Posts: 427 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
is there any old or new weight watchers folks here on mfp? i started 2 1/2 weeks ago and would love to chat, exchange info, tips and ideas. friend me :happy:


  • I just joined WW not by choice but because my health insurance company mandated it. I haven't been following their point system at all - still counting calories using this site. I was going to try and figure out a way to calculate the points for the foods I eat and add them to the nutritional content or somewhere here to see how they compare with calorie intake. Hoping somebody else will want to work on that too.
  • lissa71
    lissa71 Posts: 44 Member
    I am actually doing both right now. I have done WW in the past and lost but then gained it back. So I restarted the first week in January. Did phenomal the month of January - but then have been losing the same pound since. Finally have started to see the scale move again. So I thought I would use this to track everything that I eat and enter it in and see if I can figure out if the new points plus will work for me....I am beginning to think not. I eat way too many fruit and veggies a day not to count them as points....
    I do still log in there and enter in my totals for each day to just to see what it shows....
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I just left weight watchers this month after two years.
  • MLG010105
    MLG010105 Posts: 29
    I'm a current WW member. I'm doing the PointsPlus system and seeing great results...both on the scale and off. This is the healthiest I've ever eaten. (Including the other time I was on WW.)

    I love double tracking. WW helps me plan my days and MFP keeps me accountable to the plan. ;)
  • I'm still doing the old WW program. I lost 40 pounds on it the last time I did it, and 2 kids later I went back to it. WW points gives you less calories than what's reccomended on here at ;east with the old system, not sure about the new one.
  • christinacherrelle
    christinacherrelle Posts: 27 Member
    I have done Weight Watchers, I am not a fan only because they don't tell you why you're doing what you're doing, by that I mean where's the education behind the foods being consumed? I believe that because people are basically not challenged to keep a truly "clean" diet, they often go back to eating the larger portions of bad food and gain all the weight back. Plus, you don't really know the formula so it's hard to configure calories in relation to points. The food plan I'm on now is awesome, and it works with this site as far as calories go. Plus, I understand the nutritional aspect deeper than I ever have and have trained my body not to want salt/sugar at least 90% of the week. I believe that to achieve results it should be about a lifetime, and I always hear of people "going back" to Weight Watchers which comes across as the plan simply not being sustainable once someone has reached their goal. Just my opinion, don't mean to offend anyone!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I'm still doing the old WW program. I lost 40 pounds on it the last time I did it, and 2 kids later I went back to it. WW points gives you less calories than what's reccomended on here at ;east with the old system, not sure about the new one.

    Definitely not with the new program, it's more. But now they keep telling you have to figure out where you fit in the program, so it doesn't make too much sense to me now. I tried the new for 3 months, and things kept changing, and all. Counting calories here, gives me the boundaries/ limits I need to stay where I need to within the day and week.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I have done Weight Watchers, I am not a fan only because they don't tell you why you're doing what you're doing, by that I mean where's the education behind the foods being consumed? I believe that because people are basically not challenged to keep a truly "clean" diet, they often go back to eating the larger portions of bad food and gain all the weight back. Plus, you don't really know the formula so it's hard to configure calories in relation to points. The food plan I'm on now is awesome, and it works with this site as far as calories go. Plus, I understand the nutritional aspect deeper than I ever have and have trained my body not to want salt/sugar at least 90% of the week. I believe that to achieve results it should be about a lifetime, and I always hear of people "going back" to Weight Watchers which comes across as the plan simply not being sustainable once someone has reached their goal. Just my opinion, don't mean to offend anyone!

    I kept quitting after a few months, because I kept telling myself i should be able to do it on my own, and not have to pay for it. Finally I realized that I was worth the money. But now here I am able to not be on my own and it not cost me anymore. So using MFP as been fantastic!
  • Court2180
    Court2180 Posts: 17 Member
    I've been doing MFP since the begining of the year and I'm in my 9th(?) week of WW. So far on WW I've lost 4.2 pounds, I had a few off weeks with personal issues but I'm back on track. And I started walking again this week so I'm looking forward to start seeing that scale go DOWN!
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    I did WW four times and always gained all the weight back. I love this site because it's like WW without the cost or hassle of going to a meeting. And with gas prices, doing this from home is just great.
  • tammill
    tammill Posts: 3 Member
    I did WW's in 2009 after I had a baby. I lost 15 lbs in 12 weeks and that was great for me since I was only looking to lose 20 lbs. I was very accountable when I was paying for it. I've tried to do it on my own and its too hard. I only need to lose 5 more lbs but I think my body is hanging onto the last of the baby weight plus I am over 40 too so now I just do MFP and exercise. I feel great and eventually the weight will come off once my hormones are more in check! :)
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    For those on the new WW plan - is it true you can eat as much fruit as you like?? (and still lose weight of course!)
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    For those on the new WW plan - is it true you can eat as much fruit as you like?? (and still lose weight of course!)

    No, they changed it. Telling us to just stick with the five servings. Even still people have to cut back on their daily points to be okay. Some of us still weren't okay. I was excited about the program as I was plateued for quite awhile, but after 3 months of gaining and not losing with the new, I left.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    I joined up and I'm currently on my 2nd week. Lost 3.8lbs last week and I'm loving the new program!! Have you done WW in the past?
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    >> No, they changed it. Telling us to just stick with the five servings. Even still people have to cut back on their daily points to be okay. Some of us still weren't okay. I was excited about the program as I was plateued for quite awhile, but after 3 months of gaining and not losing with the new, I left. <<

    Ah that's interesting.. thanks.
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