

  • Sometimes 'fat' is a description, not an insult. I try and think of it that way. I am 41 years old, short, fat, brown (and purple) haired, brown eyed, beautiful woman. I am all of those things. That is my general description. When I was younger, I took 'fat' as an insult every single time I heard it. But I've taken back…
  • I have always been overweight. In fact, I weigh now only 20 pounds more than I weighed in high school. That was nearly 25 years ago. But I was up to 350 at one point. It didn't sneak up on me. I watched it happen. I just preferred to ignore it. I was one of those people who always held to the opinion that 'I (or any…
  • I take a ton of vitamins... because my doctor says I should. I think I do believe in them. Especially if your doc has done a complete blood panel showing your vitamin levels. If they seem to be inline without vitamins, I think a multiple vitamin won't hurt, but you might not really need them. Have your doc check your…
    in vitamins Comment by Rondaks January 2011
  • I started less than a week ago. I love this place already. I think I could spend hours here reading and showing and getting support. It's great. If you need some friends for support... Add me!
    in I'm New! Comment by Rondaks January 2011
  • You are beautiful... I hope you know that. We are all beautiful (or handsome) in our own way and in our own hearts, but you truly make people turn their heads. It sounds like you are a little pear-shaped. Heavy on the 'little' part. A breast augmentation is certainly an idea. I have a cousin who had it done and it really…
  • Good luck... perseverance and patience. You'll do it!
  • Holy Mother! I want to be you when I grow up! Congratulations! You look so wonderful and happy!
  • That's great. I'm just trying to get up to 60 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical. Nicely done!
  • My workout burns between 300 and 400.
  • Wow! Good job! I didn't have a resolution in 2010, but I do know. I've lost 8 lbs since Thanksgiving. Not too bad for going through the holidays! I'm looking forward to keeping that resolution in 2011. I plan to lose another 48 by July. and a total of 68 by the end of the year. So... we shall see. You did great, though.…
  • My goodness... That's... I don't know. I just can't comprehend how anyone can consume that much food - especially in only 2 hours. I think she does need some help, even if it is just to show her child a better role model. But who are we to judge? We can't live in someone else's mind to understand where they are coming from…
  • I like Splenda, but I've changed to Truvia (made from Stevia plant) and I definitely prefer its taste. I don't know what the effect is, but I do try and use it very sparingly. I haven't been working my plan for long, so I haven't noticed any type of a change. I'm not sure if I will or won't, but I do keep in mind that no…
  • I'm only 5 feet. It feels like us shorty's have to struggle with the fact that we have short legs. Lets face it, we take 3 steps to the average size person's 2. I don't know about you, by going 3 miles an hour on a treadmill is a pretty darn brisk walk for me - not a jog exactly, but close to it. I have given up looking…
  • I had to look up Tabata. It look really interesting. I think I might just try it on my next workout. But I don't think I can let myself do just 4 minutes. I usually do 50 minutes on either the treadmill or the elliptical. I can't imagine just 4 minutes a day. Then again, I haven't tried it, yet. I think give it a try. See…
  • I hate it too! A lot. But I think it is a great way to keep ourselves accountable for the food we eat. I know it sucks, but I think that it is really important. Granted, I have only started doing it since about Thanksgiving. So maybe I'll change my opinion in a few months. LOL But try and stick with it. Maybe try and do it…
  • The healthier frozen dinners are a nice simple way to make dinner if you aren't in the mood to cook. I agree with you completely. Some of the meals, while often high in sodium, can be a good option. Especially if it is reserved for those times when you just don't feel like cooking.
  • I don't know if this will help, but the problem I have with eating out isn't so much me, but my family. I have found that I can 'let' them eat out, but I'll give myself a dinner from home. I do like to cook, but sometimes I just say forget it and do a DIY day. That's where my son and husband and I 'forage' for dinner. It…
  • Good luck! Sending good vibes to you!
  • I am a lucky one in that I am a stay at home mom and student. My schedule is really flexible, but I like to exercise the same time every day. So Monday - Friday I workout right after I take my son to school. I go straight to the gym from there. On Saturdays and Sundays I am always the first one awake, so I go as soon as I…
  • I didn't know there was an app. Thanks. I just added it. You will love your iPhone! ;-) I just started here too. My coach at the gym suggested it. I love it so far! --Ronda