teacher, runner, mountain climber... and overweight.

I'm here because I had an aha! moment... I've been teaching for five years and preach/nag/harp on my middle school students to stay healthy and eat right. I commute on my bike and walk a lot, but I went home for the holidays and my mother said, "Are you pregnant?" I was hurt but took a good long look in the mirror and got on the scale for the first time in years-- to see it hit 160. Whoa. Guess I'm not as young as I once was, guess the metabolism doesn't run as high as it used to. I really respect folks that come here with big goals and lose amazing amounts of weight-- for me, losing these 40 lbs will be difficult (I'm gonna have to give up ICE CREAM?!) and this seems like a really friendly community...

Any others that saw a lot of extra weight "sneak up" on them when they got a little older?


  • skinnyclothes
    Mine hit me in my early mid twenties. I swear I feel as if I woke up and was heavy. Most of it was due to pregnancy but it seems I never lost the baby weight. I've only been using this sight for almost 2 weeks now but it has been a great help. I think you will enjoy it everyone is so supportive and are great motivators! Welcome. I'm going to friend request you it always helps to have a buddy. I call it positive peer pressure.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Welcome! I totally understand. I have degrees involving health & nutrition - but somehow, somewhere, I got off track and started excusing myself from applying that knowledge to ME.

    Had a child at 30 (the body just doesn't bounce back like it does at 20 - yikes) and gradually put on 5-10 lbs a year since then. I knew it was happening, but I never really SAW it or was motivated enough to do something about it until the last couple months.

    Found MFP and it's been a lifesaver. The tools help tremendously just to keep myself paying attention. And the people are incredible - motivating, supportive and friendly! Feel free to add me and good luck on your journey!
  • steacher24
    Ooh.... Breyer's has really good low carb ice cream! ;-)
  • Rondaks
    Rondaks Posts: 22
    I have always been overweight. In fact, I weigh now only 20 pounds more than I weighed in high school. That was nearly 25 years ago. But I was up to 350 at one point. It didn't sneak up on me. I watched it happen. I just preferred to ignore it. I was one of those people who always held to the opinion that 'I (or any person) am not what I look like. I am a beautiful person because we all are in our own unique ways.' Know what? I still am that person. I still believe that. But at some point it becomes about health. I am the same person emotionally and mentally now as I was when I was 350 and when I was 165 (for about 5 minutes). I was a good person and I still am a good person. But my joints, my heart, my lungs, my whole body feels better. I'm much older than you, but you are right... as we get older it gets harder to get the weight off. If I didn't start now, regardless of how good I felt about myself, my weight was only going to go back up to 350. 10 pounds a year (or even 5) adds up fast!

    After I started gaining my weight back (about 5 years ago) I chose to ignore my weight and be happy with who I was and where I was, after all, I am still no where near my 350 pound mark. But I finally stopped and realized that though I was 120 pounds lighter, the scale was gradually inching up. I had to learn not to be afraid of the scale. If the only time I stepped on a scale was when I went to my doctor, I was going to be disappointed every time. And I was. I may not make it back to 165, but my victory is taking control of the scale and being aware of myself inside and out.

    It's time to take control and love ourselves as we are while at the exact same time try and make our health better so we can live long and happy lives.
  • Shawnalee0703
    I haven't given up ice cream completely and I am down 60 pounds!!! You can have it in moderation. Get the single serving size containers so you don't feel like you can't stop. You have the power within! :-D
    I am a teacher as well so I know that feeling of "I should be a good example" It is very important in many ways. You will do great! Get your students to encourage you so they see you succeed and see what those good choices can do for your health. They look up to you even if they can be middle schoolers! ;)
    Best of luck!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks for responding! It's good to know I can still have ice cream. I'm feeling pretty optimistic.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Thanks for responding! It's good to know I can still have ice cream. I'm feeling pretty optimistic.
    Just keep track of what you are eating and try to eat as real and wholesome as you can. Then you can enjoy yourself a treat when you feel it is NEEDED ;)

    Also, for a sweet low cal low fat treat try No Pudge Fudge brownies. They come in a pink box with a pig on it. It is all natural, you use yogurt to mix it is and DELICIOUS!