Who kept/ accomplished their New Year's Resolution?

The year is coming to an end, I was just curious to see how many of us kept that New Year's Resolution? You know the one where we swore we would work out, eat healthy and lose weight?
What was your resolution and how have you done?
Well for me, I am very proud to say that I did very well on mine. No more bull ****, I told myself. I was determined to get healthier, lose weight, be able to jog, and gain alot of self confidence! My goal was to lose 75lbs by the end of the year. I have lost 74. One FREAKIN POUND more to go!!!!!:mad: My next goal is to lose 50 more lbs by the end of 2011, be able to jog 3 miles non stop, and wear a comfortable size 12-14.
So how did ya'll do?
And what's in store for 2011??


  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    My resolution of course was to lose weight...no specific number in general. I started off January great, that lasted a whopping 4 weeks lol. Failed miserably through summer till Oct 25 (my bday). The day after I vowed to lose 100 lbs by my 29th bday and so far I've lost 34 lbs... Sooo I kept my resolution for 3 months..haha
  • brittyboo07
    brittyboo07 Posts: 109 Member
    That is awesome! You still have a few days to get that last pound off!! Good Luck!

    I joined a long time ago and then stopped coming by here. Now I am back. I have decided to no longer make new years resolutions but rather just yearly goals. I know same thing really but just trying to look at it differently!

    My goals for 2011 are to lose 75 lbs (eating better and exercise) and train for a half marathon.

    Good luck with your goals!
  • Rondaks
    Wow! Good job! I didn't have a resolution in 2010, but I do know. I've lost 8 lbs since Thanksgiving. Not too bad for going through the holidays! I'm looking forward to keeping that resolution in 2011. I plan to lose another 48 by July. and a total of 68 by the end of the year. So... we shall see.

    You did great, though. Congrats!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    no, I had to check to see what they were! I had a resolution to clean 15 mins each day but I did not do that, it's still good, though, maybe I will try it next year!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    My resolution was to be at my goal weight (125-135) by the end of the year. But I lost 30 from this time last year so I consider it a win. Half 2010, half 2011!!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I kept my resolution really well, but it was a cheat to start with - my resolution was not to make any resolutions this year!

    Weightloss wise though I'm pleased with my achievements, didn't start off the year with a set goal to lose weight though, as always vaguely thought I should lose a bit of weight as it was creeping up every year although I was never clinically overweight. Well something finally clicked (I think it was my disgust at the muffin top hanging over my jeans) and I decided to turn my mind to it properly and signed up here. I was aiming to lose initially around 10 pounds and when I achieved this I revised my goal down and then down again so I've lost 22lb now and am sitting at my goal weight and have maintained since August.

    One of the best things though has been meeting some great people on here and learning about their weightloss journeys whether like me they didn't have much to lose or those amazing people that have lost the equivalent to my entire bodyweight.

    I hope everyone has a happy and successful 2011.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    My New Years Resolutions 2010 were:
    1. Pay off one credit card and stop using it. Didn't happen not even closes
    2. Save money. Didn't happen
    3. Continue doing my food log. Completed it for 365 days as of today
    4. Work in exercise. Yeah did that do now just need to get back to it.
    5. Get back into hiking. Yes we went on 5 hikes in the spring then last sight of it. But 5 is better then now
    6. Make over the house. Started that we put in a propane hot water heater, propane fire place redid the tiles and we wall mounted the flat screen TV above it.

    Next Years Resolution will be:
    1. Continue on my journey! Logging, exercising and drinking my water.
    2. Catch up on bills and start saving money.
    3. Paint all the rooms in the house.
    and hmmm!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    I can't remember what mine were but I'm sure it had something to do with weight loss and exercise. For 2011 -- my goals will be to continue with weight loss and get to exercising. I like the cleaning for 15 minutes every day that someone mentioned, so I'll add that. And, finally some how...some way get some type of handle of my finances.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I don't do New Year's Resolutions per se and here's why:


    I did have goals last year, both my general list that I work on constantly and a shorter list of goals for my triathlon season. The ones I accomplished this year were:

    Get my resting pulse rate into the low 50s
    Complete a Sprint Triathlon in under 1:30
    Complete a Half-ironman
    Complete an Ironman

    I also made progress on these:
    Get on the podium at a triathlon - I did it at a swim race but not a triathlon and only because I was the only one in my age group. :laugh:
    Have a "normal" relationship with food
    Get my personal life in order (yeah, that's kind of vague)

    For my season goals, I accomplished the following:

    Swim 1.2 miles in 45 minutes
    Be able to bike for four hours without getting exhausted
    Swim an average of 2 times a week

    The ones I didn't accomplish were almost all due to my injury as they were running goals except this one:

    Be able to average 16-17 mph on the bike when the course is flat/fast - I got to 14-15 mph but I didn't get to 16-17 mph.

    I'm still working on this season's goals and I need to update my long-term goals as well.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I wanted to lose weight too......actually thts been my resolution for the past 8 years
    i started out at 197lbs after having a baby, that was my heaviest ever so my goal was to get back to my pre-baby weight of 185 by summer and then see how it went from there.

    It has been a rough year i started and stopped many times but I will say I at 180lbs I am 17lbs light and much happier....I have had many non-scale successes. I eat less, able to control my portions, I now drink water - this was a major feat for me and I actually excercise regularly.....

    I wish I could have done better but I know 2011 will be my year....
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