
ariellespiller Posts: 60
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I AM STARTING MY DETOX TODAY!!! Prayers and best wishes please! Last time I did it, I got a wretched week-long headache, so I'm really hoping that doesn't try to kick in again.
The first time I did this, I lost 4 pounds...but that wasn't the best part. I loved the control that I got over my appetite. And, since I'm going on a mini-vacay next month, I thought this would be a great time to firm up that control again! So, ladies and gentlemen, tip your caps at me; let's hope I make it through!


  • So what exactly are you doing to detox? cutting out your carbs and sugars?
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    yeah whats the plan?
  • Good luck! Sending good vibes to you!
  • Good luck with that! And I'm also interested in some details. Using a certain product for that? I've seen the infomercials and wondered from a 'real' person how it works.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I posted this information about 4 days ago because I read that some people were interested in "detoxing" after the holidays. I hope that it helps to clarify any missconception about juice fast if anybody is thinking in using this method for detoxing.

    What the Yuck: How long is safe for a juice fast?

    Too embarrassed to ask your doctor about sex, body quirks, or the latest celeb health fad? In a regular feature and a new book, "What the Yuck?!," Health magazine medical editor Dr. Roshini Raj tackles your most personal and provocative questions. Send 'em to Dr. Raj at

    Q: How long is it safe to stay on a juice fast?

    Don't do it longer than one day. Our bodies need a varied diet—too much of any one food to the exclusion of everything else deprives us of the essential nutrients we need to function well.

    Drink only juice and you'll miss out on protein, healthy fats, and a slew of vitamins and minerals. Plus, healthy adults who swear off foods can suffer fatigue, headaches, constipation, and even heart rhythm irregularities. And certain people should never, ever fast (children, pregnant women, people with diabetes, kidney or liver disease, and anyone taking prescription drugs).

    The proponents of juice fasting and other detox diets claim your body needs a "break" from digesting solid food in order to detoxify and help reset some sort of balance. As a GI doctor, I can tell you this is absolutely not true. Our kidneys and liver are responsible for removing toxins, and they do not react well to fasting. So that means your fast could actually prevent your body's natural detox system from doing its job. As for your digestive system needing a rest? False.

    But let's be honest: The real reason most people try these extreme fasts is to lose weight fast. While you may knock off a couple of quick pounds on a juice bender, you're just losing water weight so those pounds will come right back. And let me tell you, a few days with less bloat is not worth risking potentially dangerous side effects.

    Roshini Raj, M.D., is Health magazine’s medical editor and co-author of “What the Yuck?!.” Board-certified in gastroenterology and internal medicine, Raj is also an assistant professor of medicine at New York University Medical Center and a contributor on the “Today” show.
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    Have you tried the Shakeology 3 day cleanse??? I've seen great results with it, and so have other people that I know. And the weight doesn't come right back on, (like some detox plans that you just loose water weight. )
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Thank you for posting that article again! My grandma just told me my aunt is fasting right now and she won't believe that it's not healthy.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Yeah, I am thinking that a week-long headache was your body's way of saying "stop!!" Pretty sure the risks (see article that another person posted) far outweigh the benefits, in my opinion. And if you are getting severe headaches afterward, then you are obviously depriving your body of something that it needs. So you may be skinnier in the end, but probably not healthier. And there is a difference. You might keep that in mind :)
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    @ myprogress2010...Thank you for that article. That is very informative.

    I have to agree with the other comments suggesting that this is not a healthy way to go. A headache is your body's way of saying something is off. Please head the signs if this happens again if you do decide to go through with this detox.

    I don't get these programs where food intake is modified to eliminate a certain food-group or item from the diet. That just isn't sustainable for the long term, so why do it? A much healthier way to go would be to limit the things your body doesn't need (processed foods, simple sugars, etc), while increasing those that it does (complex carbs, healthy fats, etc) in a healthy balance.
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