kacysuzanne Member


  • My mom's school in Southern Arkansas worked with the county extension office to start a school garden. I am a native Arkansan who has moved to a different part of the state where obesity is not as much of a problem and I admit I was a bit shocked to enter her 4th grade class and see that most of her kids were bigger than…
  • This is a great change, but start slow. Depending what you are now, it can be overwhelming! Look at the recipes you & your family eat now and research ways to make them with less processed ingredients. Be open to making your own food if needed. For example, we love pizza, so I started making our own pizza dough. It has 5…
  • Congratulations! I breast fed both of my boys and while I think it did help me lose weight over the 7-9 months I did it, my weight loss stalled the last few months of breastfeeding. After I quit, I lost 5-8 pounds in the next two weeks. Maybe some kind of water retention to make milk? I don't know . . . but my experience…
  • If it hurts to walk around in the tennis shoes or continues to ache at night, I would let him know. It's not a big deal to go back into the boot for a couple of more weeks. It's also fine to get a second opinion. I just broke my toe and went through the easing back into workouts. Letting pain be your guide, if you have on…
  • Yes, try this. It is really good!
  • Land's End has a 4 piece set - bikini with swim shirt and skirt that is interchangeable - so as you are moving from activity to activity you can switch it up and it all dries really quickly. It's probably about the same cost though. I have found that it is worth it to splurge on bathing suits. If you take care of them,…
  • This is great advice. I started buying a bone in turkey breast ($11-15 at my Wal-Mart) each week. We have it for dinner one night, then my husband & I use it for sandwiches for lunches. Yesterday, I found turkeys marked down to .50/lb. I bought three at $5-7 each. That is a lot of meat for a little $!
  • Amazing! What a great reminder of all the hard work you've done.
  • I think that it is a good plan to just talk it over with the neighbors in a friendly manner. If you have been friends for two years, your son has gone to church with them in the past and enjoyed it and the boys had not had a chance to see each other that day, the dad may not have thought a thing about inviting and picking…
  • One other thing, did you start any of your work out routines when you started TDEE? If so that might be why you aren't losing. I started a new weight lifting routine when I started doing TDEE and it caused me to retain a lot of water for a bout 2 weeks Thank you for answering! No, I have been working out for about 2 years,…
  • AmyRhubarb, did you lose immediately on the TDEE minus 20% plan? I was eating 1400 calories daily and eating back exercise calories and losing 1 pound per week. I ran into the same problem mentioned above and switched to TDEE - 20%, which is 1780 per day. I have not lost since then - it has been 3 weeks. I am waiting one…
  • 5'6", 150 lbs, size 8-10
  • Awesome job! That is great news.
  • I ran 1.25 miles straight outside. I have a mental block against running outside. I can run a 5K on the treadmill, but outside terrifies me. It felt great to not have to drive to the gym to exercise! I took my son to an art museum for some one on one time.
  • Parks and rec is a great place to start. Also, I was running with a group of friends and each of us made a route close to our own home (so we would all have a short drive once a week) and it was nice to change scenery. If you don't find a trail, you might consider driving to another subdivision with low traffic, parking…
  • I have several tricks that help with breakfast - getting two kids and myself fed & out the door can be tricky some mornings. When we are staying home for the day, I will make a huge batch of pancakes or steel cut oats. The oatmeal will keep for 4-5 days in the fridge and is great for my kids - just add a dab of milk,…
  • I want to be able to do a pull up. I am currently using the assist machine and am able to pull up half my body weight. :smile:
  • Yes, you will! I am 34 years old and decided at the beginning of last year to be able to do push ups for the first time. It took a few months, but now I can do 20 with proper form at once and throughout a class, I have done 100. My goal for this year is a pull up. We shall see.
  • 1 cup hot water 2 1/4 tsp yeast let sit for 5 minutes add pinch of sugar or tsp honey 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar (the recipe will work fine without this, but it does help the dough if you have it) 2 tbsp olive oil 2.5 cups flour (I use whole wheat or white whole wheat, but regular works too) Mix until a dough…
  • It takes SO much time. I am a physical therapist and I tell my patients that it takes time after surgery all the time, but I am so impatient! I have had two c-sections (2008 and 2010) and feel like my core strength is back to where it was within the last 6 months even though I started back with ab exercises 3 months after…
  • It took me 8 years. I made small changes in his favorite meals first. I agreed that if he tried a meal I made and didn't like it, I wouldn't fix it again. We now eat 90% clean - he still eats Fiber One bars and I still have Goldfish with the kids, but it's so much better than when we got married!
  • I have this problem too - my kids love smoothies in the morning and it is so easy, but I get hungry fast. I am going to try berry flavored Kefir (140 calories, 11 grams protein), a banana (105 calories) and some chopped yellow squash as a recipe. It is an easy way for me to add a veggie to all of our breakfasts. If your…
  • You can do this! I have been married for 8 years and it took 7 years for my husband to embrace the way I cook. I very, very gradually changed what he was used to (using ground turkey instead of beef, baking french fries in the oven, having a meat and two veggies for dinner) and now, he completely embraces "healthier"…
  • You have lost 4 in two weeks, though! Are you weighing at the same time of day, under the same conditions? I admit that I weigh every day, but I only "count" it on Thursdays. There are tons of reasons for fluctuations. Give yourself time to see the numbers move. Keep going. You can do it!
  • 5'6 (although I may have shrunk to 5'5, I still claim 5'6), Starting weight: 158 Current weight: 152 Allotted 1420 per day. I exercise three days a week, burning 300-600 calories each session and eat all of those back. For six weeks, I have lost 1 pound per week. I have not gone more than 100 calories over on any given…
  • I am proud that I did 100 burpees yesterday during TRX class and while I can tell I did them today, I am not really all that sore.