

  • Big thankyou for those who have added me. I have only added a few, so please do not think I didnt appreciate the requests if I did not add you. Thanks!
  • I weigh everyday at the same time, and log everyday. Makes for a good weight graph, and i can see any fluctuations.... But overall its going down at a nice rate... It motivates me a lot, and i really look forward to it!!! Its exciting
  • Yeah, its definately a good idea to continue to log even when you are at your goal weight. Its so easy to relax and lose track, and then undoing all the hard work put in!! Also good to know just how calorie ridden the food that you "think" is ok, is infact half of your days quota!!
  • Thats what I thought... For example Ive had a bad week this week (Feel free to view my diary), but lost weight... I think if I logged exercise id be tempted to eat more.... At the minute im just glad that I now look at calories, it shocks me that if I make a ham sandwhich it can be over 500 calories..... Now at least ive…
  • What should I be putting under exercise on the days I am physical at work then? Downstacking a pallet isnt on the list!! The problem is a day can be quite different, depending on what I have to get done, and whether I can be bothered running around like a mad man....
  • sorry, typing error, 1lb per week, lol!!!!
  • i totally agree, just counting the calories is working for me, i do NO EXERCISE... I simply cant be bothered, and Im not going to lie about it... but yet im losing weight at 1900 calories per day... The difference now is that im paying attention to what I am eating because now I have an idea of how much ive used in a…
  • im in a similar situation. I was good all week last week, but went out for a boys day of drinking yesterday as the football was on..... Met up at 11am for a cafe full english breakfast, then large volumes of lager, got home and had a burrito (sp?) and a galaxy chocolate bar..... 1000 calories for breakfast..... 1332…
  • just google a weight converter, for example: http://www.onlineconversion.com/weight_common.htm or, download an app such as "convert"
  • im not going to lie, I cant be arsed making my own snacks... im happy with a simple low calorie bar....
  • I weigh myself every morning as routine now before jumping in the shower.... Some days ive lost a few lbs, some days its gone up 0.5lbs.... if its gone down i think "yeay!!", and if its gone up it makes me think a little harder about what I have ate the previous day or two and pushes me a little harder to cut out the…
  • In my first week I have lost 5lbs, and 1 inch...... Im not too fused about thge weight, as I know muscle ways more than fat etc.... I just want to see the waist inches drop..... because if that bad boy is getting smaller, then im getting slimmer... simple as that really!! Hahahah....
  • For me if im feeling snacky i'l have a bowl of cereal (corn flakes).... Fills me up, not too many calories... and better than a chocolate bar anyday of the week..... And drinking a pint of water helps as well..... Im starting to drink more water now (after NEVER drinking water in a day), and im finding that I feel less…
  • I think alot is trial and error to start with, and after time you learn what you can have and what you cant have, I also find now when im shopping I will look at the calorie content to get an idea of things. Now I have a rough idea of things, even after less that 2 weeks. I think as long as you stop snacking on rubbish,…
  • Camera's and CCTV are the best.... I always knew I was overweight, but when I saw a picture of me in the pool at Centre Parcs I nearly cried.... I was so fat with my man boobs and wobbly hips....... The pictures do not lie, the mirror seems too... Im also lucky to have CCTV at work, and whenever I have viewed footage and…
  • I have a very similar work/eating pattern. Im up at 5.15am, have a shower and now eat a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea. Eat again approx 9am/10am.... cereal and a brew again..... Then, like yourself, hunger kicks in at about 1.30pm/2pm.... guess what.... cereal and a brew again!!! :-p Now depending on what time I finnish…
  • It has to be new clothes at every step of the way... There is nothing better than having to shop for a smaller size, and seeing that you look good in it... the confidence is simply amazing!! Its not quite as good for us blokes, sizes are simply Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large..... :-p Oh well, im just working my way from…