bad habbit I need help with



  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    gum is fine but it doesn't address the issue. You just need to think. Stop whatever you're doing and ask yourself if you are actually hungry, or do you just want to taste something interesting. I have struggled so hard with this issue. I tried gum, then went to the fridge. I tried celery and carrots, then devoured 2 whole packs. It all came down to me. So what did I do? The first time I stood there with the thing in my hand, then I put it down then I picked it up. "Is it worth it?" I asked myself? No. "Are you really hungry?" No. With a big sigh I put it down and forced myself to march back over to the couch and not move. The first week was quite tough, but once your body adjusts to the new routine it will get easier. And once the weight drops, it will be even easier. Good luck to you.
  • fattydarren
    For me if im feeling snacky i'l have a bowl of cereal (corn flakes).... Fills me up, not too many calories... and better than a chocolate bar anyday of the week.....

    And drinking a pint of water helps as well.....

    Im starting to drink more water now (after NEVER drinking water in a day), and im finding that I feel less hungry now. Ive heard that hunger and thirst can be confused by people (they think they are hungry).... Im still not at 8 glasses a day but im non my way....

    and those silly ad's on the TV for volvic that show you with more energy if you drink water... I sneered at them, but its true!!! :-p