Little help with work related calorie burn


after reading numerous posts about ensuring that you need to eat so much of your exercise calories (as long as you break through the 1200 barrier I have a query....

When I initially did my plan I put my job down as light/office work, as my job can be office based, but it can also be quite physical.

My current target is 1900 calories per day, 5'10, currently 177lbs, aiming to lose 1lb per week....

Now, i am in the UK and work for a discount retailer (example Lidl/Aldi/Netto) as a store manager. My job is office based for a few hours of the day, but there is a physical side to it as due to staffing constraints I will put out stock, veg deliveries, bulk pallets, tip the wagon etc etc. A full day shift for me is 14 hours, half day shift 6.5 hours).

How would I work out what the calories for this are, as a days physical effort can vary?

The reason I am asking is if my target is 1900 for a day, I know in a physical day of graft that I will have burned more than 700 calories (which would put my body into the starvation mode that I keep reading about).

Also, on my day off I look after my 2 y.o daughter, and normally clean and vac the house etc, should I be logging this exercise?

I dont want to get into a habbit of thinking I can eat a bit more, when in reality im not doing anything to warrant it?

I know its not the simplest of questions, but help would be appreciated.



  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    i would put it as lightly active, but to lose 1lb a day is a bit much you should be aiming to lose 1 - 2lbs weekly
  • fattydarren
    sorry, typing error, 1lb per week, lol!!!!
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    lol thats better then i would say lightly active or active just my opinion tho.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    I would also put lightly active. I'm set at lightly active and I do 2 days of gardening a week (over 5 acres of land) for 6 hours per day. Followed by 2 days of housekeeping for 6 hours per day. I also have approximately 4-5 clients for rehabilitation massage a week (roughly 1 hour at a time). On my non work days I clean my own house and sit about a lot mainly on here LOL.. I then add my gym exercise on top of that. I also eat all my calories as I'm not far from target.
  • fattydarren
    What should I be putting under exercise on the days I am physical at work then? Downstacking a pallet isnt on the list!!

    The problem is a day can be quite different, depending on what I have to get done, and whether I can be bothered running around like a mad man....
  • Larence
    Larence Posts: 37 Member
    Sorry but you did state "My current target is 1900 calories per day, 5'10, currently 177lbs, aiming to lose 1lb per week.... " Just so you don't feel bad about something you didn't

    I personally would leave it as it is. Anything extra on the scale will be well worth noted and showed on your physical appearance. Meaning that I would leave it to light/office work. You may work a little harder to hit your numbers but you will obtain your goal with a better performance/showing. Just what " I " would do.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Darren I know I'm female but I am 5ft 11, weigh 174lbs and my calories are set at 1860 to lose .5lb a week. I am set at slightly active. I have been losing approx 1 lb a week for a long time now (apart from xmas hols). I would definately leave it as it is and like Larence said if you lose quicker then thats good. Personally if you're not hungry on 1900 cals a day then stick with it. If on the days you load pallettes and you're physically hungry you could afford to eat an extra 500 cals probably with no problem. Just play about with it all, stick with it for another two weeks see how it goes and if nothing happens make some slight adjustments.
  • fattydarren
    Thats what I thought...

    For example Ive had a bad week this week (Feel free to view my diary), but lost weight...

    I think if I logged exercise id be tempted to eat more....

    At the minute im just glad that I now look at calories, it shocks me that if I make a ham sandwhich it can be over 500 calories.....

    Now at least ive bought wholemal pasta (we eat loads of pasta), low calorie cheese spread and margarine, low calorie snacks etc etc....

    And my biggest one is trying to cut alcohol consumption (I used to drink 1-3 cans of beer a night)....

    Im not perfect, and never will be.... :-p
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    LOL join the club :laugh:
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    Thats what I thought...

    For example Ive had a bad week this week (Feel free to view my diary), but lost weight...

    I think if I logged exercise id be tempted to eat more....

    At the minute im just glad that I now look at calories, it shocks me that if I make a ham sandwhich it can be over 500 calories.....

    Now at least ive bought wholemal pasta (we eat loads of pasta), low calorie cheese spread and margarine, low calorie snacks etc etc....

    And my biggest one is trying to cut alcohol consumption (I used to drink 1-3 cans of beer a night)....

    Im not perfect, and never will be.... :-p

    i was bad with alcohol as well i didnt drink everynight but would consume a bottle of vodka on a friday night with redbull for mixer not a great mix when trying to lose weight.
    iv completley cut it out now at least til my bday next month, but i have set myself a goal to lose 10lbs by then so i can have a drink for that one night lol