

  • Great! Thanks so much! Kimi from Beach Body is helping me too!
  • Great advice! Thanks so much!
  • I tried Amazon and I can get 10 DVDs for $140...but it doesn't come with the nutrition plan and some of the reviews said some DVDS don't work. Will try eBay!
  • You guys are awesome! All signs point to "yes I should get it" Just worried about cost at this point, what's the cheapest I can go and get away with it?
  • I did a "detox" once. Reacted badly to it. Got a headache, was annoyed and cranky. Couldn't sleep. To me, it wasn't worth it. A lot of people swear by it. I just started eating better and cleaner day by day.
  • That's awesome! If you're following along, could you post your minutes on my blog? I'm trying to keep track of everyone. Plus, everyone else will post on my blog and it'll become a little friendly competition. Here's the link: http://bit.ly/i3Tabi And awesome job!!
  • I haven't watched it in a while but I watched the premiere last night. Two new trainers is an interesting twist. We'll see how the season turns out. I feel bad for the big guy on the blue team. Over 600 pounds? YIKES!
  • AGREED. That is not love or respect. No offense but there are WAYYYYY better guys out there. Don't settle. You're beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
  • I know you don't want to hear advice on love etc, I've been with a couple of guys who would not only discourage me when I was trying to do something good for myself, but also told me I was being selfish. Finally, I realized, I wasn't doing it for them I was doing it for me. I gained so much self esteem I kicked em to the…
  • Just added your name :-)
  • Wow, TONS of people! Sorry I just saw this. I'll add you all!
  • Great! I'll add you!
  • 500 minutes of working out, total. It doesn't have to be just cardio. It can be strength training, or a class. Just get your body moving for 25 min/day. And, on the days you can't hit your 25 min mark, increase your exercise another day. If you work out too much one day, take the next day off etc. Doesn't matter how you do…
  • Yay! I'll add you too! Here's a link to my blog post if you want to record your numbers there. http://bit.ly/i3Tabi
  • Wow, major math fail. Okay, I've changed the date to Jan. 25 which works well because my birthday is on the 26th! I'm linking you to my blog post - http://bit.ly/i3Tabi I'll add both your names and friend you! Hope you're excited!
  • You guys are all so awesome! I love, love, LOVE MFP! THANK YOU! <3<3
  • I'm so sorry for your loss :-( Thank you for sharing this with us though, it's incredibly important for everyone to keep in mind that this isn't just about weight loss but about living life and living to see your children grow up happy and healthy. It's not just the number on the scale, but how many years you can add to…
  • All great suggestions! Thanks so much guys! I'll just make sure I eat a little something before I go. Skipping lunch might backfire because I'll be ravenous. I'll make sure I'm not starving and then just eat in moderation. I've been great with calories thus far so I can indulge a little. Thank you! :-)
  • Losing weight def. takes time. Sabotaging exercise will not help your cause. It's possible that your body is just adjusting to you working out again and it'll take time before it'll actually adapt. Also, you might be exercising too much, or eating too little. Also look at the other benefits you reap from exercise like…
  • I've learned that people will ALWAYS have something to say. If you lose weight, they think you have an eating disorder. If you gain weight, they think you an eating disorder of another kind or don't get off the couch. The past few times, when I was comfortable with my weight, whenever someone said, "oh, you look like…
  • Welcome! Sounds like you're pretty motivated and I love your profile! Good luck!
  • I had used a number of websites and apps before and none of them even compare to MFP. Everyone on here is so nice and encouraging! You'll love it! I'll add you.
  • Hi! I'm hoping for the same thing. So far (well, it's only been two days) I have done pretty well. The people on here are awesome and encouraging! Welcome!
  • Totally understand how you feel. The holidays are not kind to my body, not that I do anything to stop that from happening. But, my first workout after the holidays and I felt awesome. I started slow, but even just walking for a few minutes made me feel a lot healthier. You'll get back to the fitness level you were at…
  • Count me in! I need a weight loss buddy too!
  • No worries! At least you've come to the right place. Sometimes all people need is a little motivation. You can do it!
  • I'm 5'1 :-( And I have small bones. Being short has its pros and cons. The cons are that even putting on a little bit of weight looks really obvious and awkward. One of the pros is that when you lose weight, you end up looking tiny....I've always wanted to be called tiny. I kind of like being short though...or, more like…
  • Yay! Thanks, Annie! And don't worry, all that stuff is in the past. I looked at my pictures over Christmas and Thanksgiving and was SO alarmed. I mean, I know the camera adds 10 pounds but...how many cameras were actually on me then?! This journey is going to be full of ups and downs and support is incredibly important.…
  • Yes! I'm totally with you! 2011 is a brand new start and I, for one, am going to let nothing hold me back. This is the highest I've ever been as well and, like you, I eat my feelings. Happy or sad. Going it alone is never fun and determination can easily wane, but I think support from this community is what will really…