Post Holiday Blues

JennBennett410 Posts: 229
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
So I over indulged. I ate snacks I would never normally eat. I worked out, but not like I was. I ate out A LOT! So tomorrow is back to work and back to the routine. I feel gross. I notice the 5ish pounds I have put on. I feel the no work outs catching up with me. Sadly, I cannot go back to the gym until Tuesday (staff meetings after work tomorrow) BUT I already packed my bag! I did buy very healthy choices for snacks to have at work and I made a Tastefully Simple soup to bring for lunch (160 calories per cup and super filling).

Any tips or motivation from anyone out there that has been here before? I feel so sluggish and gross. I am anxious to get back into the routine and back to healthy eating, but I am also worried I am not going to push myself like I was. HELP!


  • Totally understand how you feel. The holidays are not kind to my body, not that I do anything to stop that from happening. But, my first workout after the holidays and I felt awesome. I started slow, but even just walking for a few minutes made me feel a lot healthier. You'll get back to the fitness level you were at before, just ease into it and don't over do it. Don't stress out about it either, just do little things that make you feel better like drinking more water or a few pushups. And then, once you can do workouts again, push yourself but only a little outside of your comfort zone at first. You'll build back stamina in no times. And don't worry, holidays are like that for pretty much everyone.
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    Look in the posts and find a forum of buddies to support you. I am in the womens 40+, but we don't turn anyone away! These ladies know when to empathize and when to crack the whip! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I wouldn't have made it this far without the folks on here pushing me. YOU CAN DO THIS!

    feel free to friend me if you like!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    It sounds like you're on the right track. You may have to force yourself for the first few days, but then you'll get there. It's great that you are planning ahead. I'm feeling a bit that way myself, so Good Luck to both of us!:wink:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm dying to get back to my regular routine as well! But, my problem is that I've been sick all week. I'd had a lot of time off from the gym since Thanksgiving that I didn't want. Things were just so crazy I couldn't really avoid it. My husband had doctor's appointments at the VA (which are an all day thing), I spent almost two weeks working on handmade Christmas cards and lots of baking/candy making, Christmas shopping, etc. And as soon as I changed my goals on here and promised myself I was going back to the gym, my family got sick. And then I got the cold that has now turned into a sinus infection. :(\

    Luckily, even though I was indulging in all the Christmas goodies I was careful and only gained half a pound at most. I'm happy that I pretty much maintained my weight through all of it, but I want to be losing again! I'm hoping to be well enough to go to the gym tomorrow, but we'll see...
  • I faltered a bit over the holidays, too. I haven't weighed myself, in a week, but I feel a bit ... bleugh.

    I'm drinking more water and eating more steamed veggies and fresh fruit. I'm trying to consume fewer processed foods. I feel like it has a cleansing effect on my body.

    As far as exercise goes, take it easy for a few days if you feel you have to and work back up to your previous level. Maybe knock five minutes off the time you spend on the elliptical, or postpone adding that extra 5 pounds to your weight routine.

    Above all, try to remain positive. What's done is done; you can't change what you did or did not do two weeks ago, but it's not a permanent obstacle to your goals. It's common to have some setbacks when you're trying to lose weight, but we have to grit our teeth and keep going.

    Good luck!
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    I am feeling the same exact way, it will take a few weeks to get back into the routine and the habit of working out and eating right, but once we make it past that point, we will be on our way with no looking back! Find some encouraging friends on here and let them know you need the extra push for a little while. Best of luck, you are welcome to friend me also.
  • Thank you everyone! I appreciate your support and words!
    Working on a healthier me is a life changing task. I know i wouldn't be able to do it without MFP!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I am also feeling VERY crappy after the holidays. I am back to work tomorrow, which means a normal routine and back to the GYM! Add me as a friend and we can get rid of this holiday bulge in no time - and than continue onto reaching our goals
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I feel your pain. It's amazing what we do to ourselves while "enjoying" the holidays. You know, the self-talk we trick ourselves into believing like: I'll have just one, I deserve this, It's the holidays so it's not a big deal, I'll get back on track tomorrow.

    But, you're WAY ahead of the curve. You're totally aware of where you've been, what you indulged in, how gross it made you feel, and you have a SOLID plan to get back on track. There's no quick way to feel better, but by tomorrow - you'll be feeling closer to what you've come to enjoy. I suggest consuming extra water, lots of fruits and veggies tomorrow - it will help flush out all the junkfood and get you back to craving the good stuff.

    I'm working hard to get back on track myself after about a YEAR slacking off. I had great losses up until then - over 200 pounds, in fact! Now, I've gained about 30 and have gotten soft. But, I'm back in the game as of last week and feeling good.

    It sounds like you're doing great. Drink your water, eat clean, resist the cravings that might try to sneak back in... and stick to your plan. You WILL do it - and let us know your progress!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    It sounds like you're on the right track. You may have to force yourself for the first few days, but then you'll get there. It's great that you are planning ahead. I'm feeling a bit that way myself, so Good Luck to both of us!:wink:

    Big ditto! Look at the bright side - you are HERE. A lot of people would slip away from MFP quietly. But we are here, knowing how great MFP is for us. Even when we over-indulge or miss some workouts, we still keep coming back. Maybe we are just crazy. :laugh: But I'd rather be here than where I was before finding MFP. You can get yourself back on track in no time. You already have a plan. You've got this! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    I definitely understand how you feel. Although I knew this past week would be off it still killed me, I actually missed the gym!

    But you know what you have to do to get back in groove. Don't worry you will get there!
  • Thanks everyone!
    off to a good start. Fiber one Bar for Breakfast Cheese sticks (2%) and tomato snacks. Trying to walk around a little more than usual. TOMORROW back to the gym!
    Thanks for all your support!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Lots of water and NO NEGATIVE SELF TALK!

  • I felt the same way just this morning as I was chowing down on chocolate covered mini-donuts.

    Then it dawned on me... SCREW THAT! :noway:

    I put away my donuts, got up out of bed (yes, i was eating them in bed) threw on my work out clothes and headed to the gym! I never go in the morning because I usually have my son, but my ex has this til 10 this morning so i figured I had just enough time.

    What I realized is REALLY important for me to remember is that not only is it a new day, new year, new week... It's a new moment. It's a new choice. and those happen ALLL the time! Knowing myself, I'm going ot mess up sometimes. and i'm going to get upset with myself. What I need to do in those times is acknowledge the disappointment, acknowledge the fact that I probably went over board, and the at the next possible moment, make a better choice. Life is a series of moments, a series of choices. All we have to try to is to make each moment, and each choice, a step in becoming who we want to be.

    So upward, and onward, my friend! Feel good about your good choices and let the bad ones go! :flowerforyou:
    Totally starving right now, but drinking my peach detox tea.
    Hoping that it is just the blues for being back at work...
    MFP is the best, I would be shoving so much food in my mouch if it wasn't for you guys!
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