20 Day Challenge - Can YOU do it?

withanurgency Posts: 36
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Hey, everyone!

So, this is kind of a selfish challenge I want to do before an event I have to attend on January 20 and was wondering if I could get some buddies to do it along with me.

It's going to start tomorrow - Jan. 5 and will end on Jan. 25.

The goal is work out for a total of 500 minutes between Jan. 5 and Jan 25. This can be done by either splitting it up over the course of 20 days and do a little each day, or do larger chunks of time 3 or 4 days a week. There's no prize for completing the challenge other than the fact that you'll probably end up logging over 500 minutes of working out in the month of January.

That's it. That's the challenge. 500 minutes of working out.

I am going to write a blog post about the details of this challenge and use it to keep track of my work out minutes. For those who want to participate in this challenge, reply to this post and I will friend you and write your name down in my blog. I'll make sure you keep up with you guys about how you're doing. You can either log your minutes on your own blog or post on mine, whatever works for you.

Ready, set and go!


  • joydclark
    joydclark Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Sure, I'm game - I have been working out 45 minutes daily so this will encourage me to keep it up. Keep in mind that Jan 5-20 is only 16 days (if you include the 20th) - this means we must workout for 31.25 minutes or more daily to reach the 500 minute goal. Let's do it!

    -Joy from Saginaw, MI
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    Ok this is great....I had basically qiut exercise over the holidays and now I need to push myself. Friend me.
  • Absolutely I'll do it. I love the community and support of MFP and I'm happy to jump in.
  • Wow, major math fail. Okay, I've changed the date to Jan. 25 which works well because my birthday is on the 26th! I'm linking you to my blog post - http://bit.ly/i3Tabi

    I'll add both your names and friend you! Hope you're excited!
  • Yay! I'll add you too! Here's a link to my blog post if you want to record your numbers there.

  • cyoung8151
    cyoung8151 Posts: 19 Member
    Sure, I need a challenge. I'm new to this site, but certainly NOT new to dieting! Just so I'm clear- are you saying 500 minutes of aerobic exercise? That would be 25 minutes per day minimum?
  • 500 minutes of working out, total. It doesn't have to be just cardio. It can be strength training, or a class. Just get your body moving for 25 min/day. And, on the days you can't hit your 25 min mark, increase your exercise another day. If you work out too much one day, take the next day off etc. Doesn't matter how you do it.

    Welcome aboard! I'll add your name to the list.
  • raynen10
    raynen10 Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in!
  • Great! I'll add you!
  • I'm in!!
  • ashleyinthestars
    ashleyinthestars Posts: 107 Member
    Count me in! :happy:
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    I am SO in. When I exercise at the gym it's usually a minimum 90 minutes and this will insure that I am getting to the gym and / or zumba regularly to get this in!
  • Just joined this website today, but would like to join the challenge. Get my butt moving for my 2011 resolution :smile:
  • I'm in! I could use the extra push! :)
  • Wow, TONS of people! Sorry I just saw this. I'll add you all!
  • Just joined today...count me in!
  • Just added your name :-)
  • Did 60 minutes today, 440 minutes to go!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I can do this, so, count me in......

    Today I completed 55 minutes. 30 minutes of Fire 30, 10 minutes of Ab 10 and 15 minutes of Stretch 10 all from the Turbo Fire program.

    Total minutes completed: 55
    Minutes remaining: 445
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! A quick post prior to the start of my morning meeting. Today I completed the Fire 45 EZ dvd from the Turbo Fire program. This is another really good dvd but I struggled with some of the moves so I had to improvise but nonetheless I ROCKED THIS OUT and BURNED 536 calories in 45 minutes

    Total minutes completed: 100 minutes
    Minutes remaining: 400 minutes
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