omima07 Member


  • I am of the everything in moderation opinion... nothing is off limits but I take a controlled approach. If I really want chips, chocolate, ice cream I allow myself that especially if it's that time for me. However, every grocery store has the option for a single serving. Those tiny ice creams ( not the pints) or a small…
  • I'll add you! I just had my second baby in October! I gained 40 pounds and now I'm 10 pounds away from pre pregnancy weight! Then I have another 20 for my healthy weight!
  • What do you have your activity level at? If you have it set to sedentary it will give you a lot less calories to work with.
  • Averaging at 1400 a day
  • I don't believe it is key to weight loss. But keeping yourself hydrated just like the other 2 said is important for good overall health. But I do feel that drinking enough water will help prevent the urge to "drink your calories" such as juice or pop...
  • I have about one day per week (usually on the weekend with my husband) where we decide on one meal that we really enjoy, a drink or two and not worry about calories too much........we log it just like anything else and then we are back on it the next day....we have been doing it this way for a month and a half and I've…
  • Ok...yeah I don't typically spend alot of time browsing the forums so if there was something I didn't see it. Thanks for the article.
  • Maybe you're feeling guilty? Sometimes if I overindulge I start to think maybe I hindered my progress and it makes me feel thing to do is move on. I know someone already suggested it but f you drink lots of water too it will make you feel tons better!
  • I just had a baby recently as well! Is this your first baby? When I had my first baby I was back at my ore pregnancy weight at 3 weeks pp by doing nothing...( oh how I miss my young metabolism) and now 8 years later after my second baby I am 4 months out and still holding on to 20 of the 40 I gained. Ugh. Our bodies are…
  • I'm starting again...just had my second baby in October. I have 50 pounds total to lose. It would be nice to have a support system!
  • Well when I stopped taking birth control I gained 45 pounds....but I became pregnant! But the few months before I became pregnant honestly I felt like I had more energy and I didn't gain weight at all.
  • I drink as much as I can. But I'm not going to freak out over amounts...I think the best rule of thumb is to at least have a tall glass when you wake up, before lunch, before dinner, and before bed....and if those tall glasses are 16 oz you are at least getting around 70 oz a day
  • I'm the same way. I have found that a good amount of the time, whenever I'm feeling sad, I make myself a cup of tea and sit down with my paint, a book, or just watch tv or take a nap... I would feel better than if I binged on food. And binging on food never truly makes us feel better because we end up feeling bad about it…
  • I definitely do. Now, I am going to say I am very guilty of the pizza, cookies, and tons of chips "monthly hunger" I guess the trick is to add extra calories that would benefit us during our time. I'm sure you already are, I suppose I am just typing it for my sake :) But I definitely believe in listening to your body...if…