Weight Loss After Baby? Foods? Exercise? Calorie to eat?

I just recently had a little boy. I am breast feeding and have dropped down to my pre weight before pregnacy. But now I'm gaining it back. What helped you to loose weight after baby? How you male time to work out with a newborn? What foods do you recommend eating? How many calories should I be eating fo him and still loose weight?


  • kmguh
    kmguh Posts: 13 Member
    edited February 2016
    How old is your son and how many times per day are you breastfeeding? As my daughter dropped feedings, I had to decrease how much I ate, but I couldn't go too low in calories or I wouldn't make enough milk.
  • StormiLu
    StormiLu Posts: 211 Member
    He's a month old tomorrow. Day and night I feed him every 2, 2 half hours so I would say about 15 times a day for any were from 10 to 30 mins each time.
  • StormiLu
    StormiLu Posts: 211 Member
    Constantly wanting sweet stuff to eat.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    How's your milk supply? Is it pretty heavy? If your milk supply isn't an issue, set MFP to maintain your weight current weight. Because of nursing, this will put you on a deficit. If you notice your milk supply getting low, add 250 calories a day (when I had issues with my milk supply found 1 beer really helped). It may take some trial and error but it can be done.
    Best of luck.
  • stephanie20314
    stephanie20314 Posts: 81 Member
    Carrot juice, oatmeal, and soy are good for your milk supply. Drink tons of water. And don't worry about it for two more months. Enjoy the fourth trimester with your baby.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    TBH, I'd wait until your post-partum check before cutting calories.

    I wrote this up back in May... maybe it'll help you.
  • WinterSkies
    WinterSkies Posts: 940 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    TBH, I'd wait until your post-partum check before cutting calories.

    I wrote this up back in May... maybe it'll help you.

    I agree. At the very least, wait until your doctor gives you the all clear, but as others have said, waiting another 2 months or so might be a good idea. You are still establishing your milk supply, and restricting calories now can cause problems. Your body is still healing from birth, so strenuous exercise is not the best idea yet. You could start by taking your baby for walks in his stroller - if the weather is too cold, you can go to a mall. As for food, eat healthily! If you're craving sweets, try some fruit. At least you'll be getting vitamins and fibre along with the sugar :smile:

    I was down 10lb from my prepregnancy weight at my 6 week appointment after I had my daughter, but easily gained all of that back due to breastfeeding hunger and general inactivity. I started actively trying to lose weight once she was about 8 months, and found that balancing the food/exercise requirements at that point was pretty easy. There's no point in adding additional stress to your plate when you're also probably exhausted from not getting full nights of sleep either. You'll just burn out.
  • StormiLu
    StormiLu Posts: 211 Member
    Thans for ya'lls reply, yes I go for my check up next week so I will see what she says!
  • wordyroo
    wordyroo Posts: 98 Member
    I found this helpful after I had my daughter: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/breastfeeding_calorie_calculator.htm

    It factors in a deficit, but it also factors in the amount an average woman burns creating milk.

    Almonds are great for milk production and a tasty snack. I also had a problem avoiding sweets and ravenously eating all other foods.
  • brekober
    brekober Posts: 40 Member
    I would wait! You're establishing your milk supply and although you may think you are making plenty extra right now, soon your supply will drop down to only produce enough for baby and if you are cutting calories it will be even less.
  • omima07
    omima07 Posts: 17 Member
    I just had a baby recently as well! Is this your first baby? When I had my first baby I was back at my ore pregnancy weight at 3 weeks pp by doing nothing...( oh how I miss my young metabolism) and now 8 years later after my second baby I am 4 months out and still holding on to 20 of the 40 I gained. Ugh. Our bodies are just adjusting to new life and providing for our little ones. Be kind to yourself. I know everyone says it but our bodies changed dramatically over the course of almost a year. Give it time, eat as many good healthy foods as you can and drink lots of water...when the doctor gives you the okay to work out go for it! I Personally work out during nap time. I promise you will start to feel good again! And it will happen quicker than you will realize. Congratulations on your new baby by the way!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    In a month you've got to pre pregnancy weight and started to gain and are breastfeeding

    No you're not gaining

    It's water weight

    Your hormones are still all up in the air, with a range of post natal changes going on in your body

    The best advice I can give you is give yourself a break

    You've just made an entire human being

    Isn't your body clever and amazing?

  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    StormiLu wrote: »
    Constantly wanting sweet stuff to eat.

    Craving things when you are tired, emotional and breastfeeding is normal. Having a hard time resisting these cravings is also normal.
    Obviously if you give in to all sorts of cravings, you will gain weight, breastfeeding will not let you actually eat for two. But, since you have noticed what is happening, try to control it, within reason. It sounds like you are already doing more than great weight-wise, so just try to eat as you normally would. Do not restrict calories, but do not overdo it in sweets if this is not how you would normally eat. But do not go crazy about weight right now, relax :)
  • yoadrienneyo
    yoadrienneyo Posts: 2 Member
    StormiLu wrote: »
    I just recently had a little boy. I am breast feeding and have dropped down to my pre weight before pregnacy. But now I'm gaining it back. What helped you to loose weight after baby? How you male time to work out with a newborn? What foods do you recommend eating? How many calories should I be eating fo him and still loose weight?
    StormiLu wrote: »
    I just recently had a little boy. I am breast feeding and have dropped down to my pre weight before pregnacy. But now I'm gaining it back. What helped you to loose weight after baby? How you male time to work out with a newborn? What foods do you recommend eating? How many calories should I be eating fo him and still loose weight?

  • yoadrienneyo
    yoadrienneyo Posts: 2 Member
    I had a boy ten weeks ago. I am breastfeeding and when you are you burn 850 calories. Now you need at least 1300 calories. So eat more just healthy stuff because you should burn it off. Since my son is two months I work out by doing Zumba or just dance on the tv. Which can burn 300 calories in thirty mins. Finding time to work out is hard but when you do don't hesitate.