missyme10 Member


  • I too am starting again 1st September after having quite a long break from dieting. I'm aiming to loose 1.5lb per week on 1440kcal a day, so hopefully about 24lb by Christmas.
  • I really don't know the answer but if you consider a pregnant woman, her mid section increases significantly and shrinks again after birth. So logic tells me that as the stomach is like a bag of flesh, if you over fill repeatedly it would expand, and shrink back if you only half filled it for a period of time. I find it…
  • There are lots of other brands as well on the market, own supermarket brands are often cheaper and just as good. Go have a good root around your freezer section in your local supermarket. Lots of grills and bakes to choose from, team them up with a big pile of vegetables and you'll find yourself fuller for longer.
  • Hi, you are very similar to myself in your diet, although my calories are less each day and although I am not vegetarian/pescatarian, I rarely eat meat - so I have to get my protein from food stuffs other than meat and meat products. Have you considered Quorn products? I make Quorn and veg curry, Vegetarian chilli with…
  • Friday mornings, I get up, go to the loo and before eating get weighed and always in my PJ's - that way the weight is consistent and any losses or gains are a true reflection of my current weight. By bed time that same day, I am usually a couple of pounds heavier. You notice the patterns, and I guess you could argue both…
  • In the first week or 2 you will loose more because your body retains water due to higher salt intake (eating healthy tends to lower your salt intake) and you have more food in your digestive tract. So for me when I started out, I lost 5lb first week (3lb water weight, 2lb actual body fat), then a further 2lb the next week.…
  • I am the same height and weigh 165lb at present and I get by happily on 1200-1300kcal per day. I am only ok with the low level because I plan in advance, and I eat an awful lot of vegetables that fill me up - I already know what I will be eating tomorrow. I home cook healthy food and freeze, always have portions in the…
  • Oh yes, I think that would be perfect. You learn something new every day!! Thanks :) x
  • Heh? I don't even know what Calisthenics is!! Off to look it up :D x
  • Oh wow, you look amazing, great job!! x
  • I think it's true, and that's based on my own personal experience. I tracked my food daily and realised I maintained at 2200kcal a day. I then reduced to 1200kcal a day and lost 2lb a week consistently - this equivalent to 7000kcal. When I upped my calories to 1700 a day, I lost on average 1lb per week. The maths is bang…
  • I'm in, I re started my diet yesterday with the aim of loosing 14lb by xmas, but hell if I get off my butt and exercise, I can do this!
  • My hunger is worse in the evening. If I go to bed hungry, I wake up constantly hungry and it makes me a crabbed cow the next day. I thought I'd learn to sleep with the hunger but I haven't. I always keep a minimum of 200kcal for supper, or have a snack around dinner time and a late dinner that will take me through the…
  • Watch out for pasta and rice, a bag may say portion size is x amount and x of calories, but that's cooked weight sometimes. So if you weigh dried, you end up with about 2 1/2 times what you should have in the case of rice - which definitely wont help the diet!! It varies on brand, so just check the label. If the portions…
  • Hi, I had my gallbladder removed about 7 years ago. Prior to removal I was eating a diet very low in fat and like yourself I continued after removal for a short while. I then started to eat what I wanted, but I didn't go over the top at first. I kept portions small. Within 3 months I was eating just the same as I used to.…
  • I've took the last 6 weeks off and also gained 3lb. I continued to weigh myself weekly and have seen a slow creep up in weight so I know it's an increase in fat. I re start my diet on Friday, and I figured I'll be starting over again. But as I am only aiming for max 1lb loss a week, I find water weight etc. really doesn't…
  • I think you are expecting too much. You are loosing at 1 1/4 lb per week and that is good. 1 1/4 pound of fat removed takes a calorie defecit of 4375 calories in 1 week which is 625 calories a day - and you're doing this consistently for 4 weeks. Stop worrying, you're doing great and if the weight loss slows, don't panic…
  • I think the grilled chicken salad without dressing is very low calorie, so there are very healthy options available. I eat salads all the time at home so the happy meal I have is a treat :)
  • Cheeseburger happy meal with diet coke. 530kcal.....................yum yum!
  • Mine is to ride my little pony. I was just too heavy for her so she became an over grown pet. I've lost enough to potter about on her for 20 mins, but nothing else. This has really spurred me on now, made me realise just how much I'm missing out on and how much I really want to be able to go for long leisure rides this…
  • To be honest I don't know, is diet coke caffeinated? I also used to drink loads of diet Irn Bru......gonna go see if I can find out if either is caffeinated.
  • MFP gave me1270kcal a day, so I aim between 1200 - 1300. I am fine with this, and I don't feel like I'm starving. Yes I get hungry, but I used to get hungry being a pig whilst piling on the 4st of lard I've gained the past few years. I think I am ok with it because in January I was eating 1500kcal a day, and my body got…
  • My niece told me about this diet, said it's the latest craze......... I thought the rules are the 2 fasting days must not be 2 days on the trot? From what I've read of fasting, it doesn't do harm to the body as long as it's only very short term. If it works for you, good for you. But personally I'd want to chew my arm off…
  • Thanks for the help everyone, I've just put in my first recipe - easy when you know how! And I now know how to change my settings so my food diary can be seen. A couple of weeks of logging my own recipe's and it will be really easy x
  • Thanks all, I never knew you could build your own recipes so will go have another look. I take it after a few weeks of logging, you'd find that 90% of what you eat is in your own list and it's only new stuff that you have to look up and figure out? Also, how do I know if my diary is open and visible to others? Can others…
  • I never knew Oreos are vegan!! Ethical biscuits, that's gotta be a good enough excuse for me to eat them :D
  • I've made a few changes that I think have really helped me. First, I parked up the car. I have a 3 mile rule, if where I am going is within 3 miles I walk and walk back. If beyond I will take the car, the only exception being the weekly grocery shop. I also decided to take on the NHS 5000 steps a day challenge, now with…
  • Thanks, some really good ideas, things I would never have thought of myself. Keep them coming, lots of ideas for my shopping trip :)
  • I have only tracked calorie intake to date and I don't do any exercise yet so no calories to eat back. I wanted to give myself a week to adjust to the 1200kcal a day, then start exercise at the beginning of week 2 but I am shattered all the time. Being overweight means I struggle anyway but I am never this tired normally.…
  • Yeah I will be, I too quit smoking and piled on the weight. The way I see it is, if I have the will power to quit smoking, then I can loose weight. I just couldn't do the two together! :grumble: