Gary6030 Member


  • You look great! You're a pear. Pear's tend to carry their weight in lower adbomen hip areas. I'm an apple just fat all over. I'll bet you get very frustrated purchasing clothes. Smaller sizes on top then on bottom. Keep at it! You are doing a great job. Just look at it as your final hurdle. You've already overcome a major…
  • My1985Freckle took the words right out of my mouth! Drink more water to flush that sodium out and stay away from processed foods!
  • Skimmed the videos I know there are things I cannot do right now...but looking forward to doing it all by the end of the 60 days. I'm going to do the fit test either tonight or tomorrow depending on my company tonight. After that its on! I've lost 167lbs and I've got precisely 90 more to go to hit my goal of 199 and make…
  • This post is filled with the stench of death......DEATH TO FATTY! You people are doing it! Keep up the great work and keep pushing forward. Just you wait until March I've got some great things planned for March! DIE FATTY DIE!
  • Home Depot, Lowes and other Big Box Stores don't sell rope of this size and length! I found a place locally here in Columbus, Ohio I can get a 1.5" 50' for $125 I think this payday I'm going to pick them up! Pretty stoked about it.
  • That's great to hear! Your body is much stronger than it will allow you to believe you got this!
  • I guess what I meant was was the tire meeting up to your expectations and performance needs. Was it holding up to the sledgehammering, jumping flipping etc.....and were you pleased with getting one or was it a 3 week love and now it takes up space? Battle Ropes best place to purchase? I've been seeing 1.5" 50 ft for around…
  • Remember they are challenges. They should be challenging and difficult but oh sooooo goood! I don't know about you but when I'm done with them I feel absolutely amazing! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Those of you who picked up the Tractor Tire have you been pleased with its performance? I want to make sure its a worthy piece of equipment before cluttering up my garage.
  • 12/31/13 lose 88lbs to hit my goal of 199!
  • Burpees are just really hard! They are no joke.
  • Any recommendations on a jump mat? I'm getting ready to start insanity in the next week and I'm thinking a jump mat sounds great since I was planning on doing this in my garage with a concrete floor? Any suggestions recommendations?
  • I'm not sure how a running shoe that has the full impact of your feet hitting the hard pavement would be much different than an aerobic shoe? I mean Danskins is better than a $130 running shoe...I doubt this. I have Brooks DYDA7's with a special heel gel insert for heel impact resistance. If you could do it barefooted I…
  • An Adult man! Oh YEAH FATTY IS DEAD! Now on to Kill his baby brother! 86lbs to go!
  • do yourself a huge favor and go to a running store and get properly fit. You might be purchasing shoes that are not the correct fit for your foot. I have a neutral foot but for 3 years were purchasing "cool looking" shoes that really were make my foot pronate. $120 later my feet have never ever felt better. Best part no…
  • Agreed....I saw someone's post yesterday that said cleaning house 60 minutes 800 calories? Uh probably not. I'm not even sure why items like riding a motorcycle, cleaning house (vigorously), etc are even listed. I really don't think Cleaning your house would ever burn 800 calories. When I do a pretty extreme cardio workout…
  • This is a great workout week! Is everyone enjoying the globe jumps?
  • I busted mine out! I feel great! I've been doing them but this one was a good one! I feel amazing!
  • Tricks, Tips and Recipes! A great trick I learned and try to do with most dinner meals. To encourage myself to eat slower I purchased a pair of chopsticks off of amazon. I eat most of my dinner meals with chopsticks. I'm pretty good with them but you can't pile food on the chopsticks and most people aren't great with them…
  • Q: If I'm unable to do an exercise what should I do? Just eliminate it? A: No do no eliminate it but instead find an alternative that works the same area of muscle groups. A great example is a jumping jack. For many obvious reasons women tend to hate JJ's. Overweight men feel the same way. Your belly and your chest bounce…
  • Q: Can I break the exercises up into a circuit? A: Absolutely! Many times I will take half of each exercise and work through it the first time take a 1 minute break to get a drink and then immediately begin the second circuit. They I try my best to go run/walk immediately afterward. After 20 minutes of continuous exercise…
  • Remember Either Tomorrow or Sunday need to be a rest day for you! Let your body re-coop! Next week its on! We're really going to start tearing it up! 3 days a week there will be some type of weight training (soup cans, whatever you have) and cardio everyday! The pure cardio days get ready! We're stepping it up! You are…
  • I'm in. I'm up to a full minute! Oh how I hate the planks! Have you tried the high and low plank exercise it really does help strengthen your core and arms and chest! We did wall sits the other night in Fitness class at my church. Good night those are killers!
  • My daughter and wife and I are all working out together as well! I love them so much and I'm so proud of them! Keep up the great workout and family bonding! You got this!
  • Not at all. Use enough weight to be able to successfully do the sets of 21's. If you can't complete all 3 sets then drop the weight. Many people will use can's of soup, or tomato juice cans. 2 Liter bottles filled with water will work well. Then graduate up to sand and then graduate up to mercury...just kidding its an…
  • 21's are a bicep exercise. here is a link so 7 lower bicep curl, then 7 upper bicep curl then 7 full bicep curl for a total of 21 and you would perform 3 sets of the 7-7-7 or more commonly known as 21's!
  • Yep however you can do it! Its best to just get them all done at one time if possible. I break mine up like a circuit because I don't have my own video know what I mean. I get them all done but I'm pushing myself just like everyone else! Keep up the great work and so glad to see you kickin Fatty's Butt!
  • See in the original post I added the links. I thought I grabbed them from my word document and missed them somehow! Great ready for a great burn!
  • Lawnmower Exercise Windshield WIper Exercise High Plank to Low Plank Burpees All other exercises if you just put into YOUTUBE.COM you can find them very…
  • BEGINNER STYLE Day 1 - 1 minute bear walk, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Crunches, 25 Split Squats, 1.5 mile walk, jog, run Day 2 – 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers Day 3 - 1 minute bear walk, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Crunches, 25 Split Squats, 1.5 mile walk, jog, run Day…