asharkin Member


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  • Hello! I have Hoshimotos disease and am considering the AIP diet...waiting for some food sensitivity tests results to see what foods come back so I know exactly what to omit. Also ordered the Paleolithic Approach book...cant wait to learn more!
    in Welcome! Comment by asharkin March 2014
  • Depends on the endo...I thought they would treat me better since they are "specialists" but the one I saw did nothing for me. I hope this isn't your experience but be prepared. I found a homeopathic Dr now who is great so far. She ordered tests regular des wont / suggested supplements&diet changes and finally listened to…
  • I switched to Armour last summer. I felt good in the morning but by afternoon I felt like it wore off. My TSH skyrocketed to 56 so I went back to levothyroxine. I think the break was good TSH was too low before I switched and when I went back on it it went back to normal range. I also have Hashis. Good luck to…
  • I think it is different for everyone... there are certain foods that will make you miserable and if you avoid them you will feel better. Mine is dairy - when I eat it I am miserable. When I limit it I start feeling better. I saw this website posted on here and it explains a lot: .
  • Just looked at this website and think I will get the book considering the excellent ratings it got! Lots of helpful info on her website as well. I'm bumping this one back up so people will see it.
  • I've done the c25k and it was a great program. I was doing the c210k program (stopped due to out of whack thyroid & loss of energy...just been walking) but it is a lot longer workouts so I haven't gotten through it all... I like the interval workout it gives doing the shorter walk/runs anyway - I don't really care about…
  • I haven't tried it but I was also looking at that and going to ask my endo about it! I also know nothing about it but would like to know if someone else does! It's amazing the stuff you find online when you start searching... I have a long list of stuff to ask the endo about.
  • There is definitely a connection. My Dr lowered my dose a year ago and my periods were horrible. I was also on the pill. I ended up having a hysterectomy at age 36 because of fibroids that wouldn't stop bleeding. I know it may not have been my thyroid meds to blame but I hadn't been having problems until my dose was…
  • UPDATE: I got into the endo earlier than I thought! The nurse told me the wrong date! I saw her today and she was very nice and she asked me if I wanted to stay on the Armour or go back to the Synthroid. I really have been noticing that the Armour isn't lasting me all day and I have days where I am tired all day long...…
  • I wondered on the dosing as well....I am also worried about the endo. I have heard of a nurse practitioner in town who is very open to trying new tests and using alternative meds so I might just go see her. Its just getting my records transferred from the Dr is such a pain!
  • I switched from generic synthroid to Armour Thyroid... I'm starting to feel better but got my test results today and they are increasing my dose as my thyroid is way out of whack since I switched. I guess they just need to figure the dosage out since the dosage is so different (??) At any rate...even tho my thyroid is…
  • Roasted Veggies & Sausage Potatoes, washed & diced Green Beans (fresh or I'm sure you could use frozen) Lite Ring Bologna Olive Oil Put veggies on baking sheet and pour some olive oil over enough to toss & coat it and season with salt. Bake at 425 from about 30 mins. Then cut up ring bologna and put in with veggies & toss.…
  • I made some chicken salad this week with chopped up chicken breast, light mayo, avocado & some onion. It was a nice change ... but you would have to like avocado I guess. I thought it was really good :)
  • I've had hypothyroidism for 16 years...I have never heard of anyone dying from it... is that from not being treated? Just curious. Find a Dr who will go by your symptoms as well as numbers... I'm trying to regulate my numbers and the Dr keeps lowering my dose. I'm so tiredand cold and irritable. I hit a certain weight and…
  • Thanks for the responses. I am half way through. C25k program. It only happens on cold days and only after I quit running-breathe fine during. I guess I should go to the Dr and get an inhaled if that might help. Its more annoying than anything :(
  • I have started using white beans instead of chickpeas - less of an after taste :)
  • I am only on week 2 and I can barely make it the 90 seconds! I would say you are doing great - let your body tell you when it's ready to move on to the next level. Trying is better than not doing it at all!
  • I make dips out of it. You can mix it with any dip mix - hidden valley ranch or any of the Tastefully Simple dips I have tried have been good. I dip veggies in it - very filling!
  • I actually quit WW to do this online since it is free. I liked the old WW plan but I didn't care for the new plan. I felt to restricted from eating carbs and a lot of the foods I loved eating I was now learning didn't fit well into the new plan. They focus more on eating a lot of fruits and veggies which is good but I got…
  • My sisters & I have a blog dedicated to healthy living / eating. Check it out: Another awesome blog with great recipes is:
  • Thanks for the suggestions! That really helps!
  • I had shooting pain during my pregnancy & on and off after. I have found that the elliptical doesn't aggravate it as much as the treadmill does, it actually seemed to loosen things up a little bit. Good luck!
  • If you want something a little lighter has a recipe called Angel Lush that is very good & elegant looking too. But it is SUPER easy to make & good for you too!