Quinnstinct Member


  • Steak-eze- they do include some chemical preservatives so check if you are careful with those. They cook up in no time, with some sliced mushrooms, a little green bell pepper (or jalepeno if you like spicy), salt and pepper, and provolone cheese you have a 10 minute delicious super low carb meal. Seriously, game changer…
  • I try to check in from time to time and am always up for food talk!
  • HI Cheesy - are there other more active paleo/primal groups here? I'd check in more if there was more activity!
  • I don't know if I posted but I'm an on-again off-again Paleo follower. It's honestly been the best way of eating for me but I struggle with my relationship with food as reward (more like PIZZA as reward) so the more involved I am with the paleo community, the more positive successes I'm exposed to, and the more I talk…
  • I'm starting up again (much needed) and haven't been around for awhile so there are a lot of new faces! Add me, I love to talk all things food!
  • Some people choose not to eat dairy- are you the food police?
  • The book 'Paleo Coach' really helped me, it addresses emotional eating, the ties we have to processed food, and is really encouraging. It's hard, but we can all do it!
  • We did a version of this and it was in my first week back. I asked if we could do it again in 6 months so I can see my improvement, what a workout!
  • I'm in for a daily chat, I keep making excuses and I want to be healthier and hopefully lighter by the end of the year. I've even fallen off the xfit wagon and now have a knee injury and am forced to rest so food is even more important. Fitbit has great customer service, I lost my one from my bra and they sent a new one…
  • I'm still learning what the movements are at this point but Monday I learned what thrusters are- yup, I don't like those!
  • I enjoy wine, if I have a need to tighten up my eating it's easy to avoid.
  • Hi new people, feel free to add me. I'm on and off Paleo but believe it's the best thing for me and my body and overall health so I'm back on the wagon and hoping to improve my health greatly by the holidays! I something wander to the general forums and am so struck dumb by how focused people are on belittling other…
  • I'm making bacon jalapeño "bread". This is my first paleo baked recipe and is basically all eggs,ghee, and only 1/2 cup coconut flour.
  • Excellent suggestions, I'm going to use the salmon and berries for breakfast idea! Thanks. And welcome Kelly!
  • Excellent suggestions, I'm going to use the salmon and berries for breakfast idea! Thanks. And welcome Kelly!
  • It was 92 degrees in the gym last night (7:30pm) , good thing we were just working on technique and not at the WOD level yet. The humidity wasn't too bad so that made it bearable.
  • Oh I totally understand, I was just confused as to why other people didn't understand that no matter what plan you use making changes, especially to how you eat, is hard and sometimes life happens and people don't stick to their intended way of eating. BTW, I'm paleo now and love it and feel so much better than I ever have…
  • Has no one ever strayed from an eating plan? Why are so many people asking why she stopped? I've had a hard time doing weight watchers perfectly and continuously but when I did stick to it it worked for me.
  • THIS!! One of the best posts I've read. Thank you.
  • Will you share your crock pot tikka masala please?
  • I missed the finger food part! The shrimp is awesome, but yes, it's something that probably needs to be kept chilled so not really a hiking food. It sounds like you had a delicious picnic!
  • I made this for mother's day one year and it was fantastic- made with paleo mayo and you are good to go. Ina even has a cute idea of packing it in Chinese take out boxes (if you do seafood and it won't be in the heat). http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/shrimp-salad-recipe.html I cut the recipe in half easily,…
  • This took less than 15 minutes! I spiralized a summer squash and threw it in a sauté pan, then threw frozen wild caught red shrimp on a pan with grass fed butter, once it was almost done tossed it in cumin, chili powder, sea salt, lime and cilantro. Poured it over the zoodles and it was delicious. I'd rather use fresh…
  • I'm glad I went, I'm so glad they went easy on me. Just doing air squats with a PVC pipe left me shaking and sore. I'll be back Wednesday. I really like my box, I feel as comfortable there as I can in a gym type place!
  • First back on paleo dinner post onramp! I have leftovers for breakfast and extra green beans for lunch! l
  • This is the leg of lamb I made for Easter, it was the best I've made yet!! I'll be cooking a lot this weekend so have more recent pictures to share! I love seeing all of your beautiful food!
  • Nutmeg I forgot about the ulu, it's amazing for herbs! While I've added items to my kitchen collection they are basic and timeless and at the same time I've eliminated so many fad items (panini machine, rice steamer, pasta cookers etc.) I have a much more usable and efficient kitchen now and am so happy with it!
  • Homesweeths, that' great advice! Thank you, I didn't know about the ACV and will use it when needed!
  • I love that potatoes are on Whole 30, people can choose to eat them or not. I was reading the Hartwig's W30 book this weekend and they made sure to give plenty of warning and sound advice! A baked potato here and there really saved me from going off plan thank goodness.
    in whole 30 Comment by Quinnstinct May 2015
  • Sometimes a baked potato saves me from eating non-paleo junk. It feels like an indulgence and is awesome with steak!