2013sk Member


  • ^^^^ Great answer!!! Im a woman, 29 years old, and weigh around 153lbs at the minute. Who told you to eat 1600 calories? You need to eat a lot more calories and lift heavy weights. Try adding the below into your diet:- Sweet potatoes Avocado Peanut butter Protein bars Protein shakes Cottage cheese Nuts Lots of veggies…
  • I have a greek fage yoghurt & put crunchy peanut butter inside - Soooo yummy! Try it. I love omelettes, Porridge with fruit/peanut butter/cinnamon Normal cereal is just mainly carbs, hence why 3 Weetabix doesn't really do much for you. Try and pick a high protein breakfast - Ie smoked salmon with scrambled eggs etc, Should…
  • 2.5 years with no period. I would say get back to the doctor ASAP and get a blood test done. They will be able to check your thyroid levels, sugar levels, white & red blood cells etc. I didn't have a period but only for 7 months. I was working out a lot & eating super healthy and lost a bit of weight. Has your weight…
  • Only weigh once a week, at the same time and the same day :smile:
  • Good question!!! I sometimes think this too. Ask yourself are you happy with how you look now? Do you want to lose more weight? If so I would change the amount of calories your eating, so you only lose 0.5lb a week. Take it really slow & steady. Maybe focus more on weight training and changing your body shape maybe?…
  • How many calories are you eating a day? Maybe your binging as your not eating enough on a normal day. Add more protein to your diet, will keep you fuller for longer.
  • WOW!!!! Thank you all for your lovely replies :smile: I didn't think anyone would even reply back. It sounds like you are all doing very very well!!! Here's to us tall girls eating well & reaching our goals whatever they may be!! Keeping working at it and don't give up girls!! Have a lovely weekend xxxx
  • Yes when I am tired I want to eat more sugary/carby things. Try a do some things that will relax you if you have been pretty stressed lately. Go for a nice swim, book a nice body massage, sit in the park with a book, switch your phone off and clock off for an hour, have some you time this will really help. Going to bed…
  • I totally agree with the above ^^^^ Why cut out something you love? Just make it fit into your daily calorie allowance :smile:
  • Maybe too many carbs & not enough water in your diet?? Could be many things bloated. Try probiotics : )
  • I wouldn't really call my period a gift every month lol! I feel like a whale, I get a lot more hotter and can be right moody hahaha! I crave carbs, crisps and chocs badly around this time. But I find eating good fats ie Peanut butter curbs this craving for me. Love a peanut butter sandwich. There filling too so keeps you…
  • You need more protein and good fats in your diet. Peanut butter, nuts, greek yoghurt, cottage cheese, fish/chicken, eggs, avocado, olive oil etc - I think you probably need to eat a bit more.
  • If your around 140-145, don't only eat 1200 calories - That's nothing. Im around 147lbs, and there is no way I would only be eating that, I would be starving. Visit the iifym.com website to work out your macros (Ie carbs, protein, fat) will also tell you how many calories you need to lose weight or maintain. Work out your…
  • I feel you too!!! I just want to eat rubbish, and I am struggling with my workouts too!!! Hey its only for a few months, try and pick more filling foods to fill you up. I am aiming for 3 gym sessions a week, normally I would do 5, and trying to clean it up diet wise, but its so hard. Everyone is the same, don't worry, your…
  • If I just came out of hospital - I wouldn't be on here posting a forum after weighing yourself, to see it the 2lbs is water weight or not? I don't think I would really care what I weighed, I would be more bothered about my health. Why not focus on your health & living a healthy lifestyle? I think taunto is right - You need…
  • This is actually quite a good read - Thanks for posting & making us realise that the number on the scales can change ALOT!! As we all know, its 3,500 calories over your maintenance calories = 1lb of fat
  • You need to weigh on the same scales, at the same time, and the same day - Only weigh once a week. Your weighing way too much, It will be all over the place. Water weight, food, hydration etc. Once a week is so much more accurate at the same time.
  • We have all had embarrassing moments at the gym. I wouldn't even worry about it or lose sleep over it. I just get back there the next day & kiss *kitten*. Half the time I walk around the gym with big sweat patches on my bum......... Do I care? NO! Am I there for a reason? YES! Am I progressing? YES! Do I care what people…
  • Ahhhh thank you!!
  • Sounds like your doing great!!!!!!!!!!! Don't give up! Keep at it. I am sure your get to where you want to be! :smiley:
  • Sounds like you are at a perfect weight. You don't need to lose weight as such. But maybe eat at maintenance, and lift some heavy weights?? Lose a bit of body fat & build some muscles? Just my opinion. Im 5ft 8.5 and currently around 147lbs - But I am concentrating on how much fat is on my body, not the number on the…
  • If you only have 15lbs to lose, set your goals to lose 0.5lb per week, you get to eat more. Eat lots of protein & good yummy fats - These will keep you fuller for longer! Things I love - Peanut butter, almonds, cottage cheese, greek yoghurt, fruit, veggies, chicken. I snack on nuts and peanut butter from the jar really if…
  • I get like this too. Its like now its Friday afternoon and I am already thinking should I go to the gym tonight? Or just chill out at home, watching tele, all cosy in bed? MMMM! But I think I am going to push myself and just go. You feel so much better after. This time of year doesn't help, its cold & wet. You can do it!…
  • What a good idea!!!!!! I think I am going to buy some dark chocolate tonight. For some time now I am always craving dairy milk chocolate. So hopefully having two pieces of this every evening will help. Im literally at the gym to burn off my chocolate eating at night... :blush:
  • I love the gym as I have a lot of friends there, and with everyone else working out, it sort of motivates me to work harder or run faster. But I always think about having a mini gym in my room all the time - I'm worried I wont be motivated though, and it will all just collect dust :neutral_face: With it being colder now, I…
  • I don't know how to upload pictures :neutral_face: <<<< But you can see my arms from my profile pic :blush:
  • That is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!
  • You don't 'need' to eat them if you don't want too. Carbs are needed for energy though - Swap white carbs for brown :wink: I love love love carbs... But try and watch the belly carb bloat hahah :neutral_face:
  • Im from the UK :smiley:
  • Cut the snacks out, and eat bigger filling meals. IE - 500 calories for breakfast, 500 for lunch, 500 for dinner etc. 1500 right there :wink: Fruits, veggies are great - You get a lot for not so many calories. Make a massive salad for lunch, boil eggs, chicken slices, etc. Big bowl of stir fry for dinner - All veggies with…