BekJ Member


  • Bek from Perth, Australia here!!! I just completed my first Tri a couple of weekends ago and absolutely loved it!!! So definitely many more to come!! I did the Pinkie (Breast Cancer Foundation) Long Course; very scary!! I discovered tha tI can't actually swim... So glad it was in a pool... I could take a break every 50m...…
    in Intros Comment by BekJ November 2011
  • It is possible!!! I've only had one kid (carried full term) I started my pregnancy at 87kg and finished my pregnancy at over 110kg... I am now down to 59kg and have a six pack to show for it... I will be honest though... I only show off the top half of my stomach as the bottom half is covered in some pretty saggy skin…
  • Unfortunately you can't pick and choose from which areas you lose fat from... You can target particular areas to build up muscle and strength train, but the fat will come off from wherever your body decides. Just keep up the cardio and it will fall off from your stomach, as well as everywhere else ... Spot fat loss is…
  • Welcome to the message boards... Feel free to add me if you like...
  • Would definately love more friends!!! Add me people!!! The more friends the better!!!
  • Welcome! You guys are gonna love it here... So much support and encouragement... Feel free to add me if you like...
    in Howdy Comment by BekJ August 2011
  • Fat is definitely very stubborn!!! It takes twice as long to get off as it does to put on... Stick with it... It will happen... And if you're looking for some support feel free to add me...
  • You've done so well!!! Congratulations!!! Feel free to add me if you like... I'm more than happy to provide support and encouragement!!!
  • Welcome!!! You're gonna love it here.... You can never have too many friends.. Add me if you like....
    in Hello Comment by BekJ August 2011
  • More than happy to help you on your new way to a new lifestyle... There's so much support here... I love it too!!! Feel free to add me if you like...
  • You're definitely heading in the right direction. And this site rocks!!! So full of like minded people!!! Feel free to add me... I'm here to provide support, encouragement and even a little motivation and inspiration!!!
  • Agreed!!!! 800 is way too low!!! Around 1200 to 1500 you will still lose weight and be eating enough to keep your body nourished.... Don't jeopardise your health for a lower body weight!!!
  • Losing that last 10lbs is definitely the hardest weight to lose (I know you didn't want to hear that)... I'm on a low calorie and low carb eating plan (I refuse to call it a diet) I try to eat very few processed carbs (bread, rice, pasta) but get most of them from fresh fruit and veg, lentils, legumes and the like... MFP…
  • Welcome!!! It truely is a wonderful site!!! So inspiring, motivating and supportive... Add me if you like...
  • I've got it and a few of my friends have it too.... It's seemed to work for them... Not so much for me yet... (hubby works stupid hours (IT nerd)) so it's hard to actually "pin him down" at the right moments... It keeps track of when your period is, and thus can tell you when you're fertile... Just remember that this is an…
  • MFP is fantastic for support and encouragement... Add me if you like...
    in Hello! Comment by BekJ August 2011
  • Friend request sent...
  • Welcome... Feel free to add me... I'm also a massive Gym Junkie!!!
    in Hello to All Comment by BekJ August 2011
  • This is such a great start point... So much support and encouragement. Feel free to add me...
  • Welcome... Feel free to add me if you like... This is the best place for support and encouragement...
  • Stick with it!!! You'll have good weeks and bad weeks... And us here at MFP will be there for you for both... You'll get all the encouragement and support you want... You've taken the first step to weightloss success... Enjoy the ride!! Add me if you like...
  • You've come to the right place... And you've got the right attitude!!! Love it!!! Add me if you like...
    in New Here Comment by BekJ August 2011
  • Congrat on the quitting smoking... I quit 9 years ago (after numerous attempts!!!) and have never looked back... I've sent you a friend request...
  • I was thinking the exact smae thing!!!
  • That's still a fantastic effort... It will come off... sometimes you have slow weeks, sometimes you lose heaps!!! Don't get too discouraged, and stick with it... It will happen... My only piece of advice (from someone who's been there) is to maybe increase your exercise... 120 minutes (2 hours) a week doesn't seem like…
  • What a fantastic effort!!! You've done so well!!! You should be so proud!!!! And don't stop bragging... You deserve it!!!!
  • You've definately come to the right place... And with right attitude... It is definitely a lifestyle change, not a diet... I wish you all the best on your journey... And feel free to add me if you need/want encouragement and support!!!
  • Best of luck!!!! You've come to the right place... There's so much support and encouragement here!!! Feel free to add me if you wish...
  • Feel free to add me... I've lost most of my weight and am now into the maintenance phase... And I'm addicted to Strength Training!!!
  • I'd love to help support and encourage you on your path to a fit and healthy lifestyle... Add me if you like... And best of luck!!!