High Protein....

Hi all!

Ok so having been on WW for over a year and done really well (lost 2 stone) and having now got a new found love for exercise (I used to find any excuse not to), I decided that I would try something new.

I told my friend that I was more or less happy but that I had a bit of excess 'squidge' around my tummy and waist that I wanted to lose just to make me more in proportion, and also to tone up a bit before my wedding next year. Now we are talking very out of proportion according to an average of five different clothing sites, approx size 12-14 hips, size 14-16 bust and dangerously a size 18 waist. So, I am more than willing to put in the exercise and do a range such as Body Combat, Zumba, Pilates, Pump and going to the gym and probably average out around 1 hour a day to 2 hours a day.

He recommended I increased the protein in my diet, so approx 60% protein, 20% carbs and 20% (good) fats. I've started today and am really looking forward to the challenge, I've changed my settings on here so it fits and have since been recommended a similar way by a couple of other friends so that I can incerase my metabolism and energy and burn the fat quicker.

SO, has anyone got any major tips for either focussing on my waist (main area) and getting the fat from there quicker, and also, any majorly high protein foods that are low in fats as well? I've got in the usual, chicken, fish, veg, eggs, nuts etc but nuts are quite high in fat. Any ideas? I'm aiming to eat lots of smaller meals a day as well to compensate :) thank you!


  • jmhII
    jmhII Posts: 11
    I think probably the best way to up protein intake without affecting carbs and fats would be whey protein supplements and possibly some egg whites (or better yet, mixing the two... mmm yummy). You can usually find pure pasteurized egg whites in grocery stores. I think 60% protein diet would be difficult to maintain without the aid of one or both of these.
  • BekJ
    BekJ Posts: 53 Member
    SO, has anyone got any major tips for either focussing on my waist (main area) and getting the fat from there quicker,

    Unfortunately you can't pick and choose from which areas you lose fat from... You can target particular areas to build up muscle and strength train, but the fat will come off from wherever your body decides. Just keep up the cardio and it will fall off from your stomach, as well as everywhere else ... Spot fat loss is definitely not a choice we get to make... We just have to go with it...
  • rivlong
    rivlong Posts: 29 Member
    I'm starting high protein today too (I had some success with it earlier in the year but then got off track). Supplements definitely helped me get my protein up and carbs down.
  • Ash_76
    Ash_76 Posts: 186 Member
    keep doing what works for you and stay motivated and patient, if you have lost that much it shows you can get there, good luck
  • SmashBob1984
    SmashBob1984 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you everyone, I think the way forward is the supplements and shakes otherwise I am going to struggle! Also for the 1500 calories I am supposed to be having I am struggling to eat that amount anywho! I have the willpower so fingers crossed! Rivlong what sort of loss were you getting? Not really sure what I'm expecting lol
  • rivlong
    rivlong Posts: 29 Member
    When I was sticking to high protein I was getting really good results. I found that I wasn't hungry, stopped craving high carb foods and was just getting them from fruit, veg, seeds/nuts and legumes and lost around 20lbs in 6 weeks or so. I then went to NYC for my 30th and ate too much stodge and haven't managed to get myself back on track. Had a good day today, so hopefully if I can stick to it for the next couple of days I'll get myself back on track. Good luck with it!