

  • You are so very welcome. Happy travels and good job!!
  • Very nice!!! Everyone is doing great. I did 2 miles yesterday and 2 miles today. I have 183 miles to go to get the Richmond. Woohooo!!!
  • I want to ride...sooooo bad...but I am soooo tired...zzzzzzz
  • Fantastic moving!!!! Keep it up. Can't wait to see how you feel when you get there!!!
  • Awesome!!! I am 2 miles to my goal!
  • You guys are awesome!!! I haven't been to Richmond since I was a kid...so I'm going there first. :0) It's 189 miles from where I am. 2 in...187 to go. :p
  • I like where you guys are going with this. A bit of a change to what my original plan was but since you guys are going so far, it makes sense. I was thinking starting off with something a little closer to home...but hey, you wanna go to Paris or Ireland...HAVE AT IT!!! :) That's awesome. I'm in Virginia and so my…
  • Never too late to join, anyone and everyone that is serious about getting up and moving is welcome...we are here to support and motivate each other which is what this group is all about. couple of things: 1)I want to remind everyone that this group is purely fictional. We will not (at least right now) be really meeting up…
  • Well, since this is all virtual, you could have a huge bridge you could ride on to get to Rome. I'd like to head to Ireland at some point. I have added everyone that wanted to join as friends. If I have forgotten anyone please let me know. I am still working on ideas for the group as well as our first destination. Please…
  • Wow!!! I am so excited by how many people want to join up!! and yes I will start a group here!!! As far as real bikes go, they count too. If you track your bike and you ride 3 miles, that's 3 miles to your destination. If you walk 3 miles, that's 3 miles to the destination! No matter what form of 'travel' you use, you're…
  • Don't overcomplicate it, make a commitment to yourself and stick to it. MFP is only a tool to help. You have to be the one to do the work. Eventually it becomes second nature logging in. You just have to want it bad enough. Add me as a buddy and I'll help keep you motivated!! You can do this...but only if you want to.
  • And done. Again thanks!!
  • Alrighty. I had no idea but thanks for letting me know. How do I delete a post??
  • I am so glad you're here!!!!!!!!! (hugs)
  • You're not alone in your weakness but the fact that you recognized it says a lot about your growth. We all stumble and we all fall..the difference is the ones that get back up and keep going!
  • Hi there and welcome to MFP everybody! This is a great place to help and motivate each other. Feel free to add me, you're never alone!!!
  • Me too, me too!!!! :0)
  • I am going to try to be a little more positive as it seems you are getting quite a bit of honest but hard-to-swallow truth. Are you stressing? If you are obsessing with trying to lose weight you might be doing yourself an injustice. Are you giving your self a break and allowing your self to 'cheat' at least one day a week?…
  • sure thing!! Add me and let's get things moving!!!
  • Welcome to MFP. It's a great place to share struggles, ups, downs, food, etc. so jump in with both feet and hands. Everyone has bad days because we're only human but through support and courage, you can do it! Feel free to add me and let's get going!!
  • Well, the fact that you're thinking twice about not going says something already. I'm sorry but ONLY 2.5ish miles??!! Are you serious??!! That is AWESOME!!! Ok, now that I'm done cheering. I don't think about it. I absolutely used to HATE getting up at 5am. Are you serious?? My husband is laying there sound asleep and he's…
  • Feel free to add me. I am VERY motivated to get moving and I am on here religiously. I'm crazy determined and will be here with a soft shoulder to help. All I ask is you do the same. Oh, and as long as you can handle honesty when you need it (we all need it sometimes) then we'll be best pals!!
  • Welcome to MFP, I'm loving it so far and I just know you will too!! :0)
  • Wow, I can feel so much love in this group!! I just HAVE to join in!! I am new to MFP but I am loving it so far. I'm OddBerry and I'm a mom of two (13 and 7), wife to love of 14 years, manager of financial aid department at local college, and full time student getting ready to graduate. I have 66lbs to get rid of. And I…
  • Congrats to you on your up-and-coming 10 yr anniversary. My husband and I just celebrated 14yrs this past Monday after dating only 3 weeks. Sometimes ya just know!! It doesn't feel like 14 years to me or him...how about you and yours?? :0)
  • Mom, wife, boss, student...I know all too well the busy tasks of life. Feel free to add me. We will do this!!!
  • The more the merrier...feel free to add me as well!!! I help you, you help me, we ALL win!!
  • Also, don't overcomplicate things. The more you stress about what you're NOT doing, the more you're NOT going to do what you need to be doing. Eat less, move more, drink more water. The rest will come. But above all do NOT beat yourself up. You are beautiful on the inside and out...now it's time to match that with being…
  • Would love to add any one and everyone in need of motivation and support. I am not joking about my goals. I am strong, I am devoted to my family, and I am h3llbent on making this happen. I have done VERY good these past two days and can already see a change. Would love to be able to help anyone and everyone that's willing…
  • Its never easy when you make the change to go from sedentary to active and get the weight off that you've become comfortable with. I am here to help stay motivated because I myself need the extra boost as well. I am a bit older than you but I've been around this merry-go-round many times and feel as if this is it. I'm not…