New creative way to stay motivated...together!!!



  • LAMAnRLA91909
    Sounds like fun! I'd like to join you too.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    We have a group on called VRide, where we collectively log physical activity (riding, walking, cleaning, yard work, stepping, etc.). When we have enough miles among us, we pay a virtual visit to a caregiver using Google Hangouts. This entry describes our most recent visit:

    I'm a cofounder of the group and was inspired by this video made by a guy who virtually pedaled his stationary bike across the US:

    For people who don't log actual miles, we use a conversion of 15 minutes of activity = 1 mile. Technically it's inexact, but our main goal is to exercise together in a way that's fun and that keeps us all motivated, plus we bond in the VRide Forum and the Hangouts.

    Great idea to start a group here! Have fun! :D
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    Wow what an awesome idea!
    I am probably the last person on the face of the earth without a facebook (had one but gave it up for resolution 2012 and never went back lol)....
    so I may borrow the idea for myself to do at my home.

  • shutrbugz
    shutrbugz Posts: 28
    This sounds like a great idea and I'd love to join the group as well. Please count me in! :flowerforyou:
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    my friend came up with the idea of getting a jar, and adding a dollar or whatever every day you do a workout. so when you get down to your goal, you have a nice wad of cash to go buy yourself a cute outfit, or have a celebration dinner.
  • lnettles87
    lnettles87 Posts: 35 Member
    This may actually keep me on track; please add me too! :D
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    my friend came up with the idea of getting a jar, and adding a dollar or whatever every day you do a workout. so when you get down to your goal, you have a nice wad of cash to go buy yourself a cute outfit, or have a celebration dinner.

    thanks for the endomondo idea to the woman who answered. i will look that up.

    i like the jar idea too, depending on the destination my reward can have somthing to do with it, like if the destination OP chooses is new york, i can get some DKNY sunglasses, if the destination is Rome, I can get something related like italian shoes. Except rome crosses an ocean so that's not gonna work. lol.
  • oddberry
    oddberry Posts: 39
    Well, since this is all virtual, you could have a huge bridge you could ride on to get to Rome. I'd like to head to Ireland at some point.

    I have added everyone that wanted to join as friends. If I have forgotten anyone please let me know. I am still working on ideas for the group as well as our first destination. Please voice any opinions or suggestions you have as to the name of the group as well as where you want to go. I'm in Virginia but I'll go anywhere. I'm working on the Facebook page and once we figure out a name I'll begin inviting you if you're interested.

    Beginning location suggestions:

    Grand Canyon
    Niagara Falls (did I spell that right?)
    Most voted sports stadium...
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    I'd love to do this if I'm not too late! I'm in Brooklyn, NY, and love traveling, so I'll go anywhere!
  • ekmanning50
    ekmanning50 Posts: 21 Member
    I am I interested. I live in KY.
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    That's such a fun idea! I'll have to keep this in mind! : )
  • oddberry
    oddberry Posts: 39
    Never too late to join, anyone and everyone that is serious about getting up and moving is welcome...we are here to support and motivate each other which is what this group is all about.

    couple of things:

    1)I want to remind everyone that this group is purely fictional. We will not (at least right now) be really meeting up and riding to a specific destination. This is just a fun and creative way for us to get our workouts in and hold ourselves accountable with the rest of the group.

    2)I have named the group 'MOVE MILES TO LOSE POUNDS' but the name is still a work-in-progress. I have gotten awesome feedback on name suggestions such as:

    Smiles for miles
    going places
    leaving it all behind
    dropping it in our dust

    GREAT suggestions so far! It's Wednesday and I want this to be a group effort so I'd like to have a name picked by Friday that way I can get the FB page up and running and this group can be well on its way. I want the journey to begin next week bright and early :0)

    3) Suggestions on first stop is still needed. I can come up with the stop myself but what fun would that be? :0)

    Again, the group is MOVE MILES TO LOSE POUNDS for now just so people can join in. It's private but that's the way I want to keep it. Any and everything else you can think of let me know!! Let's rock this!!!

    Big hugs,
    Odd Berry
  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    i love this idea, im going to steal it slightly as i dont want too impose on your group.

    just found directions from the shire to mordor on google, its 260 miles, (yes there are places with these names in reality)

    im going to set myself a target of 1 month to complete the run, walk , jog, cycle to mordor.
  • daxnine
    daxnine Posts: 30 Member
    this sounds fun to me! but im not on facebook.. is there another way to participate?

    also i trampoline so i like the 15 min = 1 mile.
    FFXXIV Posts: 38 Member
    Wow what a wonderful idea!! I don't have a bike (stationary or otherwise), but I do have an elliptical. Would that be okay to use? If so, I'd love to join the road trip coming from Los Angeles :)

    Like the person above, I don't have FB either. Hopefully there's another way to participate!
  • Lind140
    Lind140 Posts: 140 Member
    Great idea for motivation!
  • joyfulthanks
    joyfulthanks Posts: 155
    Check out this free app for virtual walking. It apparently even unlocks pics of places as you get to them!
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Idea for group name: Wayfaring Strangers :flowerforyou:
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    My partner has just finished his 960 mile sponsored cycle for MacMillan cancer support, from Lands End at the most south West part of the Uk in England to John o'Groats on the most north western part of the UK in Scotland. The weather was awful. I'm so proud of him. It makes me feel so guilty that I can't even be bothered to start my Couch to 5 k again. You've inspired me to use his route and mark off my journey as I run it each day. Going to print off photos from the Internet of where I get to and make a scrapbook. I'd love to join your group too. It would be fun to share photos and learn about different countries.
  • MsFunkyfit
    MsFunkyfit Posts: 24 Member
    :flowerforyou: I like Smiles for Miles... Cute... and I'm here in Portland, Oregon :) Can't wait to decide on our first destination