new to fitness pal

Hello everyone,
I have just joined fitness pal to help keep my motivation going. It always seems that I'm motivated for month then the motivation goes out the window. I'm really determine this time to keep going past the one month mark and really make progress.


  • Ditto! We can do it! What do you struggle with more? Bad eating habits, or inconstancy when working out?
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    MFP will help with that. it holds you accountable. Keep up with logging exercise and foods. it'll help you stay focused.
  • Had a crazy few months and have piled on the pounds so need to buckle down and lose all of my wobbly bits!!
  • I'm new as well. Pretty excited about it. :) This app has changed everything for me
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    you can do it!!! stay motivate!!
  • AmberFaith90
    AmberFaith90 Posts: 904 Member
    Welcome! MFP is AMAZING!! It's great for accountability and making new friends to help motivate and support you! :smile:
  • Welcome to MFP. It's a great place to share struggles, ups, downs, food, etc. so jump in with both feet and hands. Everyone has bad days because we're only human but through support and courage, you can do it! Feel free to add me and let's get going!!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Actually, I've held to THIS longer than I have any other diet or fitness thing.
    I like it here.
    I think I'll stay.
    Like a germ.
  • lmcmahon1221
    lmcmahon1221 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new, too. I'm looking to lose about 10 or so pounds and am hoping that this site will help to keep me accountable!
  • I'm new too! Although I'm highly unmotivated these days, I'm giving this a bunt to try and stop the spread. Is there a place to find recipes that make it seem like I'm eating something other than rabbit food? :-)
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Hi I am fairly new too and need all the support we can give each other