

  • I'm out of town on the weekend of the 15th. I'd be available evenings the weekend of the 22, gone for the long weekend (family reunion). Let me know what the final verdict is, I haven't been to a lot of pubs (just my neighbourhood favs) so I'll leave the choice of that to the experts ;)
    in Pub Night! Comment by AriesOx June 2013
  • Hubby and I are both in - not sure if you counted me as 1 or 2 ;) (he isn't friends with as many people here as I am, and he hasn't replied for himself yet :)
  • So it is Kinjo in the NW? Yes? I need to google that :) I've only been to the one in the SE :) What time? And is a reservation going to be made?
  • I'm in :) If other guys are attending, I'll bring hubby along too (he's on here too :) If it is going to just be the girls, he'd rather not be the only one either :) I'm on days that day, so I don't get off work until 6pm, so I can hopefully make it before everyone leaves ;)
  • sounds yummy :)
  • I'm just back from Vegas, and with the amount of walking you wind up doing, skip the gym and enjoy your trip! It is a lot more fun to see all the goings on and sights while walking than going and doing a workout ;) Bring good shoes for walking (now is not the time for high heels, unless you're just going to dinner :) bring…
    in Vegas Comment by AriesOx April 2013
  • I've almost always made more than hubby, but it has never mattered. When we dated, we'd usually go dutch (we both treated from time to time, but it was never a big deal) and even now that we share all our bank accounts, we still go dutch (we each take a spending allowance for the week, if we go out for dinner, it is a…
  • Not all HRM's calculate calories for you. The one I have doesn't, it only gives max heart rate and average heart rate over time (from reading with chest strap) It is a basic Polar model (T1 or something like that I believe). If you're using your max rate, or just an instantaneous value, the calculation may be too high. If…
  • big bump! :) Much better for me than the shortbread I made yesterday ;)
  • Don't try to change everything at once, it is HARD :) Try to make healthier selections, but really, the first thing you need to get an understanding of is portion size. If you don't know how much you're eating, logging won't help because it won't be accurate. I bought a cheap food scale and used all my measuring cups for…
  • bump - my weakness is cheesecake, if I can make it "healthier" I'm thrilled :)
  • Oikos Key Lime for flavoured (more like a dessert - love it as a treat!) Kirkland brand (Costco) plain greek yogurt with frozen berries otherwise :)
  • I think this is an issue for any of us that work shift work. I rotate from days to nights and back all the time. I work 12's, so it is a bit different for me, but if you're working a steady night shift, I treat it as you would if you were working in daylight hours (that's what I do, doesn't work for everyone though). Find…
  • If I didn't have to worry about money, my ideal job would be a travel photographer. I love to visit new places, and always have my camera with me. Right now I swear I work mostly to fund my travel and photography :) It keeps me happy.
  • I also have one, and I love it. I didn't like the price or the waste (plastic) of the cups, so I got a re-fillable insert for it. There is one that is made by Keurig, but it sucks (leaky, messy, and too complicated! :tongue: ) But there is another one that I found at Bed Bath and Beyond that was ~20 and looks like a red…
  • Awesome work! Keep on doing what you're doing - it is obviously working :happy:
  • I'm hoping for a heart rate monitor :) That reminds me, I still need to write my list for Santa :bigsmile:
  • I used to do this all the time at work (the work coffee was awful, the hot chocolate improved it :) Me and my co-workers would refer to it as "a poor mans mocha" :) I would think adding instant coffee to a couple tablespoons of hot chocolate mix would work - making it with almond milk I would think would improve it even…
  • Calgary isn't making it much of a game yet, unfortunately. As for the entertainment, I preferred Burton and Gordon to the Biebs. Turned it down after Gordon was done his thing, he's still got a great voice.
  • I'm in the SE, and would be interested, as long as you're flexible with days and times (I'm a shift worker). Having someone to meet up with would motivate me to actually do it and not put it off (accountability ;) So if it sounds ok to you, PM me :)
  • Calgary here. I've found it hard to meet people too. Add me if you like :)
  • I control the power :happy: Well the lines that carry the power anyways - I operate the electrical system...
  • I agree with the first poster. I'm wheat sensitive, so I buy a lot of gluten free products, but I find them to be quite high in calories. You'll find that rice flour calories are higher than wheat flour - hubby made homemade rice flour pancakes, and when figuring out the calories, we were both surprised by how many…
  • I eliminated wheat from my diet just over 2 years ago when a naturopath recommended eliminating it, along with sugar and milk (not all dairy, just milk), for a short time to see if it helped. I've had excema on my face, arms and legs for most of my life and have had to use steroid creams to control it, but nothing ever…
  • Canucks fan here :) Hope they up their play soon, lately they've been sloppy...
  • bump - these look awesome :) Oh, and to the person who asked what "bump" means... it is two fold... 1. it puts the topic back to the top of the pile... 2. it puts the topic in the "my topics" section so you can find the thread again...
  • Excellent job. I look forward to the day I can say the same good bye :)