your IDEAL Job what do you want to do



  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 428 Member
    I want to be a doula, labor and delivery nurse or a midwife.
  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm honestly not sure...which is probably terrible. I just know I want to be able to travel and not worry about the cost while doing so.

    I want to be independently wealthy so I can travel the world without a care in the world.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I'm not sure it would be considered a "job" ...but my dream thing is to be a zumba instructor.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    i would love to own and run a historical bed and breakfast:) i love making people feel at home!
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    I'm not sure it would be considered a "job" ...but my dream thing is to be a zumba instructor.

    I hear Kennebunk, ME is a great place for that :wink:
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I'm really tired right now so pillow tester sounds like a great job. I'm ambitious so I think I can handle the blanket department too.
  • LitaRose77
    LitaRose77 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm really tired right now so pillow tester sounds like a great job. I'm ambitious so I think I can handle the blanket department too.

    ^^This! I could totally be a professional mattress sleep tester!
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    I'm honestly not sure...which is probably terrible. I just know I want to be able to travel and not worry about the cost while doing so.

    I want to be independently wealthy so I can travel the world without a care in the world.

    That sounds fantastic!
  • threeonethree
    threeonethree Posts: 182 Member
    I'm envious of people who know what their path in life should be. I've been working with computers since I was 15 and thought it was my "thing" but i'm tired of it.

    Being 25 and not knowing what to do with your life is mortifying. Wish one day I could wake up and say "I want to do that!". It would take the weight of the world off of my shoulders thats for sure.

    Something in healthcare is my backup plan if I cant figure it out. Looking back 50 years from now and saying "well atleast I made a difference" would be a good feeling.
  • An interior designer fixing houses for the rich and famous,or an actress ..but I have horrible stage fright:$
  • kcoburn327
    kcoburn327 Posts: 111 Member
    I am in my dream job right now as a kindergarten teacher, however I am really burnt out and want out.

    I would like to do something in accounting or anything with money and math.
  • I always thought of being a police dispatcher, but since I married a cop, I'm not sure I have the stomach and personality for the job.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I'm going back to school for electrical engineering and would love to eventually be able to do that from home and have the flexibility to travel/exercise/enjoy life.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    I'm envious of people who know what their path in life should be. I've been working with computers since I was 15 and thought it was my "thing" but i'm tired of it.

    Being 25 and not knowing what to do with your life is mortifying. Wish one day I could wake up and say "I want to do that!". It would take the weight of the world off of my shoulders thats for sure.

    Something in healthcare is my backup plan if I cant figure it out. Looking back 50 years from now and saying "well atleast I made a difference" would be a good feeling.

    ive always felt that way, never had a clue what id like to do, even when i was little when other people said astronauts or teachers my answer was always i dont know or just copied the person before me lol.
    Never been drawn to anything... but i'd love to do something with art, or design, interior design, or shoe design... love shoes! lol
  • If I didn't have to worry about money, my ideal job would be a travel photographer. I love to visit new places, and always have my camera with me. Right now I swear I work mostly to fund my travel and photography :) It keeps me happy.
  • playitagainsam
    playitagainsam Posts: 84 Member
    One of two jobs are ideal for me...
    1 - I want to be an entertainer, singing in the styles of Andy Williams, Bobby Vinton, Michael Buble, etc.


    2 - I want to be a Program Host on the QVC shopping network! I am actually planning to submit an audition video to QVC in the very near future.
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    I'm envious of people who know what their path in life should be. I've been working with computers since I was 15 and thought it was my "thing" but i'm tired of it.

    Being 25 and not knowing what to do with your life is mortifying. Wish one day I could wake up and say "I want to do that!". It would take the weight of the world off of my shoulders thats for sure.

    Something in healthcare is my backup plan if I cant figure it out. Looking back 50 years from now and saying "well atleast I made a difference" would be a good feeling.

    I feel the same, my problem is that there are too many things I want to do! Writing, drawing, designing, counselling, healing, I want it all! I'm a Patent Secretary at the moment which I actually enjoy (lists, organisation, formatting, being precise, it suits my slight OCD!) but I don't think I could do this for 20-30 years.

    I can draw/design so I would like to retrain myself, practice, practice, practice and become a professional artist or a tattoo artist. Would be awesome travelling the world going to expos and seeing other's work. Also inflicting pain for a living is kinda appeals to me!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Record Store Owner.
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 457 Member
    Easy. A Ph.D in Biology, working in the Amazon Rainforest. Forgot to add, I could give two f***** about how much I was paid.

    You could or you couldn't give? Sorry, pet peeve of mine..... lol

    I want to be an ethnographer, I love studying people! They're so quirky:happy:
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member
    My realistic dream job - a GIS analyst/specialist at the National Interagency Fire Center.

    In my dream world where I didn't have to worry about money or anything else - I'd open a shop and make candy.