Fitbit? Pedometer? Runkeeper? Nike+? HELP



  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    Marking to read more later. I've been looking into these also and am appreciating all of the info here. :)
  • i use a polar hrm. love it. very accurate. can't speak about other products.
  • Ilangilang
    Ilangilang Posts: 37 Member
    bump to read later...
  • thinkpositive3
    thinkpositive3 Posts: 85 Member
    Check this out if you're looking at a Polar. I just got mine and LOVE it. Helps track acurately. Very excited to see how it affects my weightloss.

    I got the Polar FT4 - with the POPO code, came in under $60.
  • SeniorSixPack
    SeniorSixPack Posts: 3 Member
    I passed on the fitbit, the Nike+ and the other glorified pedometers. They measure jiggles.

    I got a Wahoo Heart Rate Monitor and Ant+ Sensor. It fits into my iPhone. I use the Pedometer GPS app. It gives a much better idea of calories burned and a lot of other fun things (inclination, elevation, route maps, alarms, announcements of how you're doing) that a dataphile like me uses to keep my mind off the boredom or pain. The system works better on indoor workouts and outdoor workouts than a pedometer.

    The system works with RunKeeper and other popular apps.
  • hobbitgrrl
    hobbitgrrl Posts: 67 Member
    I'm not all that worried about accurately tracking calories burned, because I'm not going to eat back all of the calories burned anyway. I like that it will put me into competition with myself to get moving more often. For the price, I don't think it can be beat.

    I love my FitBit as a motivator to get off my butt & move, plus I really like the sleep tracking feature. I've been using it for a week and am very pleased with it. :)
  • I have a fitbit and I love it as well, but I have heard many times that you should have a HRM so you can push your self harder as you get more fit. I looked into many things like the Bodybugg but I was put off by the monthly fee as well.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    Good thread.

    I have and love my FitBit. However, the new Wahoo Blue HR is intriguing since my iPhone is always with me. I might order one to complete my tracking arsenal.

    Any more info from Wahoo owners?

    FitBit is sending me a replacement because mine doesn't record my stairs consistently. I wish they'd manufacture a Bluetooth version or add-on so you don't need a computer to sync.
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    I love my Fitbit and my Polar FT60 heart rate monitor! I have a much better idea of what I am burning each day. Two best purchases I have made. The Polar comes with a chest strap but I purchased the sports bra with the built in chest strap. I love it, highly recommended!
  • bump
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i have a Polar FT7 HRM. i find it to be quite accurate for me, and i definitely wear it when i do outdoor activities!
  • I use the Fitbit. It works really well!
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    I've used Nike+ with my iPod nano and it worked well. My major frustration is that you cannot manually enter any data, and Nike has no plans to change this. You also cannot upload data from any third party sources (ie: Garmin, Endomondo, MapMyRun, SportsTracker, etc...). Their goal is to get you to buy Nike products(ie: Fuelband, Sportswatch GPS+, iPod foot sensor, etc...) and trap you into an iPod/iPhone interface.

    I have since left them for Garmin. For cross training, I can manually enter workouts. You can also upload your Garmin data to various third party sites. They play very nicely with others. If you want more than GPS data, you can buy the HRM as well as the foot pod. If you are a cyclist, there is a cadence thingy as well.

    I hope this helps. :-)
  • honeydoozy
    honeydoozy Posts: 46 Member
    I use a bodybugg (also a bodymedia) that I can wear 24/7 minus water time (ie shower). This has proven to be very accurate since I get the full picture of what I am burning in a 24 hour period. It uses two metal plates that are touching your tricep to sense the tempature, wetness, and a few other chemicals to tell just how hard you are working out. I suggest you look into it :wink:

    According to the website "The armband has been shown to be over 90% accurate when determining calorie burn through the entire day. More specifically, a recent independent study tested the armband in real-life situations. Participants engaged in "free living" activities, including brisk walking, running, bicycling, sedentary activities, home activities, home repair, occupational activities, strength training, and ball games. The study compared the armband to a $40,000 "portable oxygen analyzer", the gold standard for measuring calories. Results showed:

    Total Calories for free living activities: mean error <10%.
    Total Minutes of exercise: mean error <5%.

    Source: British Journal of Sports Medicine. July 2010. Berntsen et al."

    I have been looking at the body bug vs the slim coach and then today I found out that Jillian Micheal's has the Body Media on her site. I want to find something that will track my all day calorie burn vs just a workout burn. One question since you have one...Can you see just what you burned during workout, and then see what you burned the whole day, or is it a whole day only thing?

    YESSSS!!! Good question! Is there any way to isolate a workout calories burned or is it all or nothing?

    Serious BodyBugg/BodyMedia fan here!! The answer is a resounding YES! You can get the digital display which wears like a watch and you can watch it going, OR you can wait until you sync with the online part and look at the results.

    What I LOVE about BB/BM online is that it shows you a timeline so you can see exactly what your burn rate is at any point in the day, and a slider so you can isolate an activity, time frame, etc. When I ride my horse, I can determine exactly how many calories I burned in a training sesson, and see exactly where we took short breaks to talk or rest. It's pretty darn impressive that way.
  • I have a fitbit and love it. I feel like I need a HRM too. Is there a HRM that will link to myfitnesspal or fitbit site so that your workout info automatically gets entered?
  • i'm bumping this because i really need to read through all the posts. I am looking into a new pedometer but now reading about a HRM i need to do my research. THANKS!