nana_of_8 Member


  • Lost Boy - RUTH B
  • because I'm tired of my jeans cutting me in half
  • Yes, I'm still on and I've lost 5 pounds! wootwoot! How are you doing on it?? It is hard when on vacation or camping or picnics or parties.. haha but when I slip up, I try not to throw it for the rest of the day or week. just get right back with it. I think tracking the calories is very important. It's easy to eat what…
  • I agree with everyone who's saying to work the snack into your calories for the day, it doesn't really matter when you eat them. And all of our caloric intake and energy output is different, so some of us have 100cal snacks and some have 300cal snacks. Neither is wrong as long as it's in your plan. **What I noticed; is…
  • I'm a brown eyed girl! :happy:
  • FROM THE OTHER POINT OF VIEW: Before I tick everyone off.. let me start w/ this: As long as you are not under your medically suggested weight and BMI, don't worry about it. NOW: I am one person who has never been told I looked too skinny, (I stay around the top of my wieght limit) but I have thought that way about others.…
  • oh and the best thing to eat before a work out is a banana :bigsmile:
    in CAFFENIE Comment by nana_of_8 March 2011
  • If you're not already hooked on caffeine, don't start now! Even if you are, don't expect it to really keep you moving throughout each day when you don't get enough rest; unless you're taking mega amounts of it and that's not healthy. Try eating more energizing foods on a daily basis like fruits, beans, nuts, whole grains,…
    in CAFFENIE Comment by nana_of_8 March 2011
  • I agree, my husband always tells me he loves me just the way I am when I complain about my weight, which is sweet but...... I'm overweight and not healthy so it's not good for me, and I don't love me when I'm overweight. So I'm getting healthy for me and I know he'll love me just the way I am then to!:love:
  • Bread, rice, pasta, tuna, low fat lunch meat, eggs, peanut butter (has the good fat but still go easy on it), lettus, tomatoes, bananas, soup, beans, yogurt, oatmeal, apples, Hunts no sugar added tomato sauce, chicken breast (cheaper to buy w/ skin & bone in- just take the skin off b4 cooking) Take your pick and eat up!
  • Greek Yogurt! Yuck, No doubt! I was ready to barf after one bite!
  • Hey, you've already done great so don't give up! Go ahead and give into those cravings but with healthy and/or high fiber snacks! Just try to stay within your calorie range, and work off any extra callories. Berries, dessert flavored yogurts, low cal ice cream, low cal frozen desserts, 100 cal packs, pop corn, pretzels,…
  • Welcome! I think this site is very easy to use, and reading some of the blogs and comments lets you know you're not the only one feeling whatever it is you're feeling
  • Here's a few for ya! Good luck! B= Brave I= Incorruptible O= Obedient Q= Quaint U= Unfaltering W= Warm hearted Y= Youthfulness Z= Zealous
  • Hi :bigsmile: Welcome! You're off to a great start! Just make to take in at least 1200 cal each day so your body doesn't go into starvation mode. Keep it up!
  • Make sure to acurately enter how many calories you're burning from exercise. If you burn 300 calories in a day, the system will tell you to eat 1500 calories that day. Stay as close what the program says you should have each day after entering your exercise. (not too much under or over)
  • I was the same way too! Never drank water, always soda, tea, juice, milk.. anything but water! Because I knew it was good for me...I started drinking the carbinated/flavored waters and using flavor packets. The more I drank, the better I liked it, and the less I needed flavorings and now very rarely even want soda.
  • Daily Mintutes column: The first number is the number of total minutes you entered for how long you worked out that day. (60) The second number is your daily goal of how many minutes you're shooting for to work out. (60) This can be adjusted in settings. Daily Calories column: The first number is the number of calories you…
  • I just use one container of my fav yogurt, add 1/2 cup of whatever frozen fruit I have and blend. You can add some fat free milk if it's too thick, or ice if it's too thin. And double the ingredients if you're making it for 2. The flavor combinations are endless! :flowerforyou: