Too Thin?

After you lost some weight has anyone said to you that you look too thin or in my case "drawn up?"

Here is a little bit of my story - about 2 years and a few months ago I weighed 278 lbs. My wife and I started and finished our first round of P90X from January - April 2009. I lost about 76 or 77 lbs during that 90 days. For the next 20 or so months I kept my weight in the 206 - 212 range. Then around the holidays this year 2010 - I gained up to about 218 and thought my weight was getting a little outta control along with my eating. So once again, we started P90X including the diet plan. Now about 60 + days in I have lost 32 lbs, (CW: 186) and feel great. I would like to lose around another 10 or so but am not stressed out about doing so. In wanting to lose a few more, I have already gotten the wow you look awful thin or sick comments - Not what I was looking for. So I wonder how would some of y'all feel about this? I put this in the success stories because in a way I guess it is. Any input or comments would be fine.


  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    I think people are just accustomed to you looking like you did before and wont think out of the box. You are almost 100lbs lighter then you were. I think it will just take them some time to get use to the new you. Congrats!!!
  • Texaganian
    Some people just don't want others to succeed with controlling their weight. This may be part of what is happening.

    What is your BMI? If you don't know, you can get a rough cut at it with the calculator on the tools page here. As long as you are over about 19 on your BMI, you are fine.
  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
    Good for you! What an accomplishment!

    Yes, I have another 5 pounds or so to lose, but I get comments like "You are already a bag of bones!" and similar comments. Honestly, it seems like jealousy to me. Most of the people around me want to lose the weight but don't want to work hard to do it, so they make these comments out of jealousy. It's much more comfortable for THEM for me to be heavy. You can't worry about that. Do what you have been doing and reach the goals that you want to reach.
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    my friends [who happen to be heavier than me.] yell at me all the time about weight loss. i know i get a little crazy with it, but i am by no means too thin. im on the brink of being over weight again and my goal really is a healthy one for my height. i think they just get annoyed by me talking about health and working out and eating well too often. but DEF all the time i get nagged about it.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    All. The. Freaking. Time. I used to be 161, and I got down to 109. I can admit, I looked a bit scrawny, but I cannot stand when every single person you see says "eat a cheeseburger" or "quit trying to lose" or "you've lost enough". No one believes if you're not trying to lose.
    What does your wife think? Her opinion matters, but not the peanut gallery..
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Whenever my sister, who was heavy most of her life, loses weight, my mom accuses her of being anorexic. She may think this is some kind of compliment, I don't know, but I think it's incredibly rude. She's a size 6 and looks fantastic.

    I think most people who make comments like that are jealous, really. You don't sound like you are too thin - unless you're 7 feet tall or something.

    It may also just be the shock of seeing the huge change in you. You could respond with something equally rude like "Uh, thanks! You look like you haven't slept in days!" Or something wittier...I'm still waking up :laugh:
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I think people are just accustomed to you looking like you did before and wont think out of the box. You are almost 100lbs lighter then you were. I think it will just take them some time to get use to the new you. Congrats!!!
    I agree...there is no way to had a HECK of an accomplishment and people fail to see the positive side. If they say you are "too thin" tell them you are " way healthy"
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Go by with how YOU feel. Also take into consideration what your height is, your body fat %, and your BMI.. if all of these are resonable and you want to still drop a few pounds, you have every right to do so.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    When older people i.e. 40-60's lose weight 90% of the time (depending on the amount of weight) their face does look more 'sickly' and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

    At 29 that really should be a problem for you especially since you may have been overweight but not morbidly obese therefore it's not like you lost 10lbs from your face.

    Without photos I really can’t tell you. Be confidant about your weight loss, that’s the most important part. A lot of people get comments no matter what the truth is b/c others are jealous and don’t have the same will power or dedication as you. As to looking too thin or sickly in the face, let us tell you that is false - but put a photo up to prove it ;)
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    I think people are just accustomed to you looking like you did before and wont think out of the box. You are almost 100lbs lighter then you were. I think it will just take them some time to get use to the new you. Congrats!!!

    I agree. Congrats! That's a huge accomplishment and very inspiring.:smile:
  • nana_of_8
    nana_of_8 Posts: 23 Member
    Before I tick everyone off.. let me start w/ this: As long as you are not under your medically suggested weight and BMI, don't worry about it.
    NOW: I am one person who has never been told I looked too skinny, (I stay around the top of my wieght limit) but I have thought that way about others. I would just never actually tell them. And the thoughts are not jealousy- -are we 2??
    Some of it is just the difference between how you used to look and how you look now and they'll get used to it.
    But when a person's bones start sticking out all over, and thier checks and eyes are hollow; yes that makes a person look sick.

    Congrats and good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    This can be a touchy subject.

    My fiance has similar issues. He's 6'3" and he's not small framed by any means. He's steady at 216 (which looks good on him), but he would like to get down to the 205-210 area. His mom is constantly telling him that he looks too skinny at that weight. He was 206 once before and all she can ever talk about is how horrible he looked. I've never seen him at his lowest weight. He's always been around his current weight or he's been up around 250 since we started dating. I can't tell him what I think because I haven't seen him at 205. I certainly don't want to tell him not to if he's happier at a lower weight. I want to be thin and healthy just as much as he does, and I wouldn't want him telling me to stop losing weight when I only want to lose 10 more lbs.

    I think that people are afraid when you lose a lot of weight, because there are so many overweight people now that it looks abnormal to be thin. When you were heavier, people didn't think twice about it, but when you start losing they comment about "how tiny you are" or "how you'll look weird if you lose any more". But you know deep down that you would be happier a little lighter. You know your own limits and eventually everyone around you will get used to seeing your new leaner body and won't think twice about it.

    My future brother in law told me that I shouldn't lose any more weight because I'd look weird. I was 152 for 8 years throughout high school and the first few years of college. I didn't look "weird". If I lose 5 more lbs and get down to that weight, I will be at my ideal weight. I won't "look weird". But since he met me at my heaviest (220), he just needs time to get used to the new me.

    Lose the weight if it makes you happy. Just be healthy about it, and there's no reason that other people won't accept you once they see that you're happy and healthy.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    First, I think parents see us differently and want us to look healthy and happy. They are afraid that they dont "feed" us enough. This is really often the case...
    It will take some time for people to get adjusted to your new looks!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Are you healthy? In a health weight range for your health? Are you eating properly and not starving yourself? If you answered, yes, yes, and yes, then I would not be concerned with what others think. For as much as it sucks, people do not like to see other people accomplish things they cannot do. You have lost an outstanding amount of weight, probably look FANTASTIC, and are happy. That sort of happiness and success is rough for other people to handle. In my opinion, rock on. Be healthy and fit and love yourself, because in the end, thats all that matters.
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    Your probably fine. I yo yo between 140-155 and every time my mom sees me on the lower end she says I'm getting too skinny and I don't need to lose anymore weight. I think part of her issue is that she was anorexic growing up, so she doesn't want me to go there. I must admit, I do lose weight pretty quickly but it's really not my fault. I try to burn 500 more calories than I eat in a day, which isn't insane by any means :P It just comes off pretty fast for me, my hardest part is motivation. I really really really like food, especially junk food (who doesn't). I think if she ever saw me at my ideal weight (120-130) she'd keel over and die. The truth is my "normal weight" (right before I hit overweight) is about 135. But enough about me :)

    I think they probably just aren't used to seeing you thin, and they'll get used to it. Either way, be happy, be healthy, and everything else will fall into place!
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Don't worry about what other people think or say. Only you can decide if you are happy where you are, or if you feel you need to lose more weight. The most important thing above anything else is that you are getting fit and healthy. With such a large amount of weight lost, I'm sure you look very different to what people are used to so of course you will get a lot of comments, some of them negative. Stay focused and concentrate on what you know to be the right weight/fitness level for yourself and don't worry about what anyone else thinks!
  • Ida13
    Ida13 Posts: 19 Member
    Honestly, I've said that to people before - not that they look sick or are a bag of bones, but that they really look good and shouldn't feel pressured to loose too much more, and that they look beautiful as they are. It surely wasn't out of jealousy! And when people said it to me, I would take it as a compliment, but reply that I feel I am not at my healthiest yet, and have some more tweaking to do to my diet and fitness.

    Don't let it put you off - unless they are really rude, then by all means feel free to slap them :)
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    How tall are you?
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    YES! People have seemed appalled that I still have weight to lose. I have explained that I'm 5'2" and have a very small frame. My goal isn't so much a number as it is the fat on my tummy now. The way my genes work, most my weight is put on up top. It's frustrating, cause I'm at the very top of my healthy weight range, so I have lots of room before I'm too skinny.
  • Twinsytoo
    Twinsytoo Posts: 77 Member
    When older people i.e. 40-60's lose weight 90% of the time (depending on the amount of weight) their face does look more 'sickly' and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

    At 29 that really should be a problem for you especially since you may have been overweight but not morbidly obese therefore it's not like you lost 10lbs from your face.

    Without photos I really can’t tell you. Be confidant about your weight loss, that’s the most important part. A lot of people get comments no matter what the truth is b/c others are jealous and don’t have the same will power or dedication as you. As to looking too thin or sickly in the face, let us tell you that is false - but put a photo up to prove it ;)

    Sickly! :(
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