Question about my exercise diary...

Ok this is what my exercise diary says...

Cardiovascular Minutes Calories Burned
Walking, 3.5 mph, brisk pace 60 362
Add Exercise Quick Tools

Daily Total / Goal 60 / 60 362 / 465
Weekly Total / Goal 335 / 360 1910 / 2790

The part I don't understand is, in the Daily Total / Goal row and Calories Burned column it says 362 / 465. Is that how many calories I'm supposed to be burning??? I put in the exercise and time and that's what it put. I didn't manually input the number of calories so I'm confused as to why it says this. Also it says this every day when I input my exercise which is exactly the same every day. Could someone please explain this to me??


  • tndsmom
    This is showing that you met your 60/60. You did 60 minutes of your 60 minute goal. You burned 362 calories during that 60 minutes of exercise which is part (most) of the goal of 465 for the day. So, your weekly total is is showing that you've burned 1910 OF your 2790 goal. The system determines how many calories you need to burn to reach your weight loss goal. It's not something that you have to input. It does it automcatically based on the initial information that you entered about yourself and your lifestyle. So even though you met your time goal, you haven't met the calorie goal that the system set. My treadmill says that I burn many more calories than what this system says, but I'm defaulting to this. Don't be discouraged!! The fact that you're on here, eating well and exercising is awesome!!
  • nana_of_8
    nana_of_8 Posts: 23 Member
    Daily Mintutes column:
    The first number is the number of total minutes you entered for how long you worked out that day. (60)
    The second number is your daily goal of how many minutes you're shooting for to work out. (60) This can be adjusted in settings.

    Daily Calories column:
    The first number is the number of calories you burned during the actual time/type of work out you entered. (calculated by the computer) (362) If you feel you're burning more than what it is giving you, you can enter the number manually.
    The second number is your daily goal of calories you are trying to burn. (465)

    The weekly columns are just the daily numbers times 7...

    Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • Nicole114
    Thanks for the encouragement and the info!! I really think I'm burning more calories than that but I guess I would have to get a HRM to find out for sure. They're just so expensive!! But for now I guess it's better to burn more and log less than to burn less and log more lol...
  • Nicole114
    Daily Mintutes column:
    The first number is the number of total minutes you entered for how long you worked out that day. (60)
    The second number is your daily goal of how many minutes you're shooting for to work out. (60) This can be adjusted in settings.

    Daily Calories column:
    The first number is the number of calories you burned during the actual time/type of work out you entered. (calculated by the computer) (362) If you feel you're burning more than what it is giving you, you can enter the number manually.
    The second number is your daily goal of calories you are trying to burn. (465)

    The weekly columns are just the daily numbers times 7...

    Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:

    Yeah I got that part. I guess my real question is, is MFP is saying that I need to burn 465 calories a day to lose 2 lbs a week? (that's what my calorie goal is set at.)
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Nope. This particular page of your exercise log has nothing to do with your weight loss goal. This particular page is informational purposes only. The only thing on this page that actually affects your goals is the actual calories burned that day that get transferred over to your food diary as exercise calories. Everything else is just FYI.

    Your 2 pound a week goal has already been built into your calorie goals per day before you add any extra exercise calories.