89nunu Member


  • you could just jump to it. But you will gain a bit initially. Glycogen replenishment + your body not being used to eating that much. But given that you don't really know your maintenance you could also add 100 every week or two until you stop losing. Way of finding your maintenance. You might still add a bit once you get…
  • mfp gives an estimate based on what fitbit sayd on your last sync + what your rest of the day should be like based on your activity level you told fitbit. If you told fitbit you were active it will think the rest of your day will be very active too. In order to avoid these things happenening be cautious with your activity…
  • what she said. Depends so much on your bones and your muscle mass weight is an arbitrary number and says nothing about how healthy a person is or how good they look. Me, I'm 5'11" went down to 157 and have since been bulking up working now to get to my tightest ever body at around 170.
  • I get a sports massage every monday. While I don't run, I lift on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays. And yes most Mondays I'm sore (Sunday is leg day) but it is not that bad and actually helps to get rid of the DOMS. I also never had a problem lifting the next day which is back day. Don't worry! Is a sports massage making you…
  • I listen to some beat producing stuff when running (don't really care what it is then) but when lifting it's all hardcore metal. Lot's of screaming in my ears telling me to stop being weak. Works great
  • Mt all time favourite workout song is Hatebreed - live for this. When I'm feeling really tired and that song plays I get everything done I need to!
  • I'm a German in Britain. In my gym women change while trying to hold their towel around themselves. It's funny to be the only one (okay and that old lady fluffing up her coocoo with talcum powder) that really doesn't give a *kitten*. Unsure how I would feel about coed changing rooms though
  • Buuuuut... the 1800 calories come from her fitbit account not her mfp account. So obviously she burns 1800 on an average day from walking around (with or without workout) OP generally you have to decide what your main goal is. Gaining muscle or losing fat. While there is the possibility of some newbie gains on a deficit…
  • I came in like a wrecking ball...
  • Flapjacks are made of oats. Oats are high in carbs... I don't quite see how lowcarb and flapjacks can work together
  • While I love all the mockery of little magic tablets, in all seriousness you need nothing but this. You are in the right place! Educate yourself about nutrition, get a food scale, count accurately. Bam! Done! Just try it for a month and if it doesn't work, figure out what went wrong (but still tablets with good reviews…
  • Listen to Sardelsa she knows her stuff... I really only comment to say check out the women who bulk group. Lot's of women doing the mind game so you wil find a lot of questions answered and worried spelled out there :)
  • this might help: http://www.t-nation.com/training/flat-butt-fix
  • I quite like em. Especially good for HIIT IMO. But yes it is pricey. I wouldn't get them just for slow things (although I like using them instead of an ab roller) but if you do HIIT type stuff it's a great tool
  • Just make your own base, I love mine half wholemeal half white (actually just for taste reasons). Use your own sauce so you don't have loads of sugar in it and be careful with the amount of cheese. You can each make a personal one and he can put a pound of cheese on his one
    in PIzza Comment by 89nunu January 2015
  • Falsches Forum. Einmal den Link von oben benutzen und nochmal versuchen :) ahh und Gewichtheben
  • unfortunately, it's not magic. You still have to do the work yourself! But if you actually use the app as it is designed, log everyday and exercise to keep a calorie deficit it works like a charm! It's science baby, not the app
  • that would be a bit high indeed. But what hornsby sais is right. 1 gram per pound lean body mass is ideal for people dieting or training hard. The mfp number are for the average person and a little low for anyone trying to lose weight So don't worry, it's hard to get too much.
  • a guy, 6 foot, 154 pounds, lifting and biking? You are not going to gain much on 2600 calories unless you are about 80... maybe. How old are you? I'm female, 25, 5'11" 168 pounds and gain on 3100! got to: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/ pop in your numbers (including how much you workout) and it…
  • what the cat says! Learn to live with it until it's gone
  • waaaa you beat me to it! But yes... some day, if I can get myself to actually cut properly for once :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  • 45g oats 30g unflavoured whey 2 eggs 1 egg white (can change the yolk to white ratio according to calorie target) 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon milk to get the texture right (how much depends on how many egg yolkes and how think/thin you like your pancakes) makes 2 pancakes put n pan like normal but be careful not to leave it in…
  • get a gym membership? You should be able to get one for a short time if you can proof that you don't actually live in that country. Or find a sports club? Get someone to run with you? youtube some workout videos?
  • I think you should just start. Forget about the time goal and see where you are in 3 months. Why worry about something that shouldn't worry you cause you want to go on until you're done anyway? the last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose so it might not work... but then maybe it does... Do 1lb now and switch to .75 .5 once you…
    in #20in4 Comment by 89nunu January 2015