Staying in Shape While Studying Abroad

I'm studying abroad in Europe for two months and I want to do my best to stay in shape while I'm here. I walk at least 3 miles per day because I walk everywhere, but I don't have much opportunity to work out besides that. The school that I am at does not have a gym, and the sun here rises at 8:30am and sets around 5pm (I have to be at school from 9-5) and I do not feel comfortable going running in the dark.

So far I have been running on the weekendsand I have been doing a few things like crunches and lunges in my dorm room during the week. Does anybody have any other suggestions for staying in shape without any exercise equipment and only a small dorm room to work out in? Not being able to run every day has been killing me. Thanks!


  • aelphabawest
    aelphabawest Posts: 173 Member
    Are you in classes literally from 9-5? Because if you get a lunch break or something you could run during that, in the middle of the day. Just bring your stuff and plan on shorter runs.

    When I was in a remote part of India (far away from any yoga classes) for a couple months I did 45-60 minutes of yoga every day. Between that and walking everywhere it did an okay job at keeping me in shape/preventing me from gaining weight.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    get a gym membership? You should be able to get one for a short time if you can proof that you don't actually live in that country. Or find a sports club? Get someone to run with you? youtube some workout videos?
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    Maybe check out workout videos on youtube, hulu+, etc. The sun will probably be up long enough for you to run at somepoint while you are there too as we move toward spring. You might not have to deal with this too long. Another thought is maybe you could find a group to run with for safety...I'm sure you aren't the only one who doesn't feel comfortable running alone in the dark.
  • 7seas_sailing
    7seas_sailing Posts: 224 Member
    My first question, if you can afford it, is there a commercial gym in the area where you can work out. If not, maximizing your dorm room or any other appropriate space at the school is your only other real option. However, having studied abroad for a year myself, this is a great time to find a couple of like-minded friends who could run with you. The personal and cultural connections are often the biggest gains from a study abroad program. :)

    Feel free to hit me up via PM. I'd like to hear how it goes.