

  • I have the same pain in my hips when I run. So I don't run or jog anymore. I stick to low impact exercises (Jillian Michaels's DVD's are great as you can modify the exercises to fit your abilities). I have been told by many physical therapists that, if you have painful and weak leg joints that running is the worst thing…
  • I just finished 30 DS as well. I was doing 6 week 6 pack along with the shred and saw fantastic results! (sorry, I didn't take pics but I lost 12 lbs in the 30 days and about 10 inches). Now I've started with ripped in 30 and still doing 6w6p. I'm mixing it up more on weekends so Saturday and Sunday I do the burn fat boost…
  • That's right, you don't have to worry about other opinions! You are making a great step towards being healthy and you should be proud :). I bought the 30DS last month and just finished it and went on to some of Jillian's other DVD's. I got great results from the 30DS and I'm sure you will too. You will probably be very…
  • I read in an article that it's recommended to get 30 min of exercise each day. I would say that's plenty, whether you are overweight or fit! People need to have lives outside of exercise and work every day!
  • I started the 30DS last month. I did level 1 until I could do most of the advanced exercises without stopping, then moved up to level 2 and did the same thing. I'm now on level 3. It took me about 10-15 days to move up to level 2 from 1. But I was amazed at how much stronger I got at the end of level 1 from when I first…
  • My friend started doing yoga two weeks after she had her baby, just took it slow and didn't do a lot of the tough stretches. She was comfortable with it and didn't overdo it, and it was great for her!
  • I've lost 8 lbs in the last 4 weeks, but I've noticed bigger changes in inches. 3 inches off my waist, hips, and thighs so far. I do 30DS in the morning and then 6w6p in the evening. I've also noticed lots of toning in my arms too. All of the workouts on the DVD's are great!
  • I only workout at home as well due to the high costs of a gym or other exercise class membership. I bought some Jillian Michaels DVD's which cost $7 each so it's much cheaper than a gym membership. I find her workouts have enough variety that I don't get bored working out at home. And I like the convenience of being able…
  • You should stop feeling sore after about day 4. The first 3 days of 30DS were brutal for me, I could barely walk up the stairs haha! It's amazing how strong your body gets after just a few days of the workout though. It's awesome, I know you and your wife will see huge changes from the workout soon!
  • I've been doing 30DS and 6 week abs every day for the last 3 weeks and I've seen huge results. I think you will probably see the same results if you do 30DS and killer buns & thighs. I looked at the workouts for the killer buns DVD and they look tough so I imagine you will see big changes if you do both.
  • I'm on level 3 now of 30 day shred and I love the changes I've seen already! I was trying to figure out what to do after I'm done the 30 day shred, and ripped in 30 was one of the things I was looking at. Glad to hear it's more intense. Be sure to post your results from this program :)
  • Yeah, my cheat days aren't the entire day, just one meal during the day. I could plan on doing a bit more cardio that day to burn the extra calories, that might help me to not feel so guilty about it :)
  • We usually get together with friends on Saturday nights and have drinks and not so healthy food. It's a weekly tradition that I don't want to break just because I'm trying to eat healthier and working out.
  • I found the same thing when I moved up to level 2. So I went back to level 1 for another week and then tried level 2 again and I was surprised to find myself much stronger! I was able to complete the level 2 workout no problem! Don't feel bad if you have to do level 1 for more than the 10 days. All of the levels give you…
  • Did my first day of level 2 today. I tried to move up to level 2 a few days ago but was too tough, so I did level 1 for a few more days then kicked it up to level 2 this morning. I've already lost 8 lbs and 2" off my hips, since I started on Dec 26th. Jillian's DVD's are great! I also started the 6 week abs last night, my…
  • Bought my copy at Wal Mart for $7. Definitely the best $7 that I've ever spent!