Jillian Michael's 30 day shred



  • Digby
    Digby Posts: 27 Member
    try doing push ups on your coffee table etc. on an incline is easier. you'll get there eventually!

    Inclined pushups are the best way to get better at them....skip the knee pushups.

    I use 30-day shred when I can't get to the gym. I love Jillian and all her annoyingness!
  • AmandaW01
    AmandaW01 Posts: 138
    I love the 30DS but just can't do it - I've tried 3 times now, level 1 is fine but level 2 just kills my knees completely - couldn't run for 3 months after the last time :-( If you've got dodgy knees be VERY careful
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I started yesterday. Jumping jacks kill my knees, but I do the best I can!
  • jessward12
    jessward12 Posts: 24 Member
    I started yesterday. Jumping jacks kill my knees, but I do the best I can!

    I know!!! I thought I was gonna die doing the jumping jacks/jump rope.. I honestly believe that's the hardest part of the whole workout lol
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I am going to start tomorrow! I am nervous. I can't do pushups either. I have bad wrists, and have had cortisone shots in both along with multiple sprains. not sure what I will do. knee pushups the best I can I guess

    Try just holding yourself in plank position on your toes with your entire forearm on the floor, elbow to fist. You won't be raising and lowering your body on those wrists and it won't be working out your arms as much, but keep your belly button sucked in and it will still be a good core exercise.
  • crysta1000
    crysta1000 Posts: 25 Member
    Day 3 here and this video is still kicking my @$$. Can't do a push up if my life depended on it lol. You'll get better as you continue and you'll feel great after this workout. Just stick with it and you will shed off those inches in no time. Good luck!
  • shanellef05
    shanellef05 Posts: 17 Member
    I made it about halfway through 30ds a few months ago. I stopped because of medical issues. I just wanted to say that I had to modify a lot of the moves for my fitness level like the pushups and some of the other exercises. I really enjoyed it. I plan on starting it again in a few weeks. I haven't exercised in a while so I'm just getting back into the swing of things.
  • mcshoelovin22
    mcshoelovin22 Posts: 263 Member
    I am! Today will be day 3 for me...she's bi+ch and really means to shred the fat. Im sore in places I never knew had muscle but loving it over all. To early ro speak on visible changes but I feel so much more energized and I'm doing more pusups than I could Monday
  • mcshoelovin22
    mcshoelovin22 Posts: 263 Member
    Hi guys - I have ordered my dvd and went and bought a mat and dumbells to get started. I have one question how do you record this under which category of exercise on here?

    I use circuit training
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I haven't followed the program, but I throw it into my workout now and then to switch things up. I can't do the push ups, either. Every time I start the actual program and try them, I end up re-injuring my shoulder from years ago (not as bad, obviously). I just did Level 1 last night and decided I'm going to do a plank for as long as I can during the push up portion.

    I also have a bad knee so the jumping jacks and lunges can hurt me if I'm not careful. For the lunges, I just don't go as deep, and for the jumping jacks, I slow down and pause if I feel my knee starting to ache.

    All that said...I've done 5 or so days in a row at one point and saw results quickly. I'd love to do the full program if my joints will ever cooperate with me.
  • dnhardy
    dnhardy Posts: 59
    I couldn't do pushups at all when I first started doing the shred either. I would do 4 or so on my knees then be so wiped out I could barely do the next strength move. By the time I finished the 30DS and started again I could do the entire segment on my toes. Just be honest with yourself about if you really *can't* do them or if they're just hard. Work your way up to maybe doing three on your toes then dropping to your knees. You'll build up to finishing them all in no time.
  • iluvco3
    iluvco3 Posts: 98 Member
    Hopefully I can explain another option for push-ups. On the floor on one side with your arms/hands in push-up position. Switch sides half-way through. Does that make sense? My wrists were a problem when I first started exercising, but gradually, I have been able to do a few regular push-ups and the rest on my knees.

    I found my knees were starting to bother me by the time I hit Level 2, too. I attend 5-6 Jazzercise classes each week, so I guess it was too much. Since then I have been doing low impact movements instead of all the jumping on 30 DS. I wear a HRM and it doesn't lower my calorie burn at all. If you keep your arms moving vigorously, it will keep your heart rate up.

    I burn 150-165 calories per session. It sure feels like it should be more than that!!
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Hi guys - I have ordered my dvd and went and bought a mat and dumbells to get started. I have one question how do you record this under which category of exercise on here?

    You can either log it under Circuit Training, or if you have a HRM you can create your own and call it Jillian Michaels 30DS and enter your own personal calories from your HRM.
  • Hey all, I'm on L1D3 and Jillian is kicking my butt! I thought I was in pretty good shape but it turns out I'm not. I'm not looking to lose weight, just eat healthier and get fit so I can feel confident taking my kids to the beach next summer :)

    I also have a lot of trouble doing push-ups but I try to do as many as I can and rest if I need to. I think it actually gets more difficult before it gets easier because you're in so much pain and there are no breaks in the days.

    To all of my fellow beginners: WE CAN DO IT!
    To all of the members who have already made huge accomplishments in their personal goals, you are an inspiration to say the least. If I ever want to quit, I'll just look at your before and after pictures! Thank you!
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I am actually on level 3 of the 30 Day Shred right now. It's a really good workout! I definitely recommend it to everyone who is looking to lose weight.


    Don't feel bad if you can't do all of the moves exactly like she wants you to. I promise Jillian is not going to come crashing through your door and yell at you if you have to do the pushups against a wall or the coffee table as opposed to doing even the ones on your knees. (I know this because I did them that way and she never showed up... not yet at least. Haha)

    Along with that, feel free to make the workout your own. Stick with what she is doing, but if you need to pause for a second and catch your breath or do a move without weights for the first few days of the level it's ok, I promise.

    Take pictures of your results! I didn't do this and I really regret it. I actually recommend taking your weight, measurements, and pictures at the end of each level. The progress might not be as huge as waiting until the end, but it's really nice to see how much you can change in just 10 days time.

    Lastly, stick with it! I know this seems pretty obvious but it is a tough workout. The results are definitely worth it though so on the days when you really just want to push it off until tomorrow, don't. I did this a few times and I really regretted it.

    Good luck with the shred! And I hope you enjoy your awesome results! :smile:

    This exactly!

    My sister was 230lbs when she first did this dvd. She didn't even have hand weights....she used canned vegetables haha
    Most importantly, she didn't give up. She ended losing 50ish pounds after a couple rounds I believe and a couple other JM dvds. Later went on to do P90X and Insanity
    Before she got pregnant she was down to 143lbs in less than a year
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hi guys - I have ordered my dvd and went and bought a mat and dumbells to get started. I have one question how do you record this under which category of exercise on here?

    You can either log it under Circuit Training, or if you have a HRM you can create your own and call it Jillian Michaels 30DS and enter your own personal calories from your HRM.

    And it will vary....I have a lil friend who only has 10lbs to lose and smaller, she burns about 50cals LESS than I do when I do it
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I am going to start tomorrow! I am nervous. I can't do pushups either. I have bad wrists, and have had cortisone shots in both along with multiple sprains. not sure what I will do. knee pushups the best I can I guess

    Try just holding yourself in plank position on your toes with your entire forearm on the floor, elbow to fist. You won't be raising and lowering your body on those wrists and it won't be working out your arms as much, but keep your belly button sucked in and it will still be a good core exercise.

    You might want to get good wrist braces
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Basic plank instructional video, with no stress on wrists:

  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I complted the 30 DS in December.

    I started level 1 using cans of beans instead of weights, and even then I couldn't complete the full reps of some moves.

    I did many modified moves, even into Level 3, but would always at least try 1 of the hard core moves - sometimes my body would really surprise myself.

    I never gave up - even in level 2 when I really wanted to punch JM in the throat.

    I saw great results!!


    [img]http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s541/Linli_Anne/Weightloss and Toning/30DS-day1front.jpg[/img]


    [img]http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s541/Linli_Anne/Weightloss and Toning/20121227_161004.jpg[/img]

    I'm now working on Ripped in 30, about to start Week 3, my profile picture is an "update" on my progress in the first 2 weeks!
  • I love the 30DS but just can't do it - I've tried 3 times now, level 1 is fine but level 2 just kills my knees completely - couldn't run for 3 months after the last time :-( If you've got dodgy knees be VERY careful

    I found the same thing when I moved up to level 2. So I went back to level 1 for another week and then tried level 2 again and I was surprised to find myself much stronger! I was able to complete the level 2 workout no problem! Don't feel bad if you have to do level 1 for more than the 10 days. All of the levels give you such a good workout :)