just starting 30 day shred

Hello everyone,
I am new to my fitness pal and new to exercise. I haven't exercised in years. I am 240 lbs on a 5' 3" frame. I want to get healthy and start to lose weight. I couldn't believe how badly out of shape I was until I bought Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I could barely do the jumping jacks and pushups! I couldn't complete more than the level 1 the first day. So i decided to take it slower and stick to level 1 for the first week till i can build up a bit more muscle and my knees get used to the exercise.

I felt like such a failure, but then had a discussion with my sister, who said i need to be realistic in my expectations and do what i can, then increase my levels as i am able, to avoid injury. she said it will get easier.

anyone else had to stick with level 1 for week 1?


  • fwilson1031
    Everyone does it differently. Most people do level one for 10 days, then level two for 10 and on to level three for the last 10 days... This is the way I have been doing it... It will get easier with time. Each level gets progressively more difficult, so stick with level one and move on when you are ready! Good luck!
  • jenniferwilcox
    I started the 30DS last month. I did level 1 until I could do most of the advanced exercises without stopping, then moved up to level 2 and did the same thing. I'm now on level 3. It took me about 10-15 days to move up to level 2 from 1. But I was amazed at how much stronger I got at the end of level 1 from when I first started. Don't be discouraged, you will notice changes in your strength and stamina in about 4 or 5 days. And if you have to stop for a break during the workout then do it. Pretty soon you will be at the end of the workout with no break and it's an amazing feeling!
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    I think you're supposed to do each level for 10 days then "graduate" to level 2!! You're doing it RIGHT!!! :)

    I'm on level 3 and there is NO WAY I could have done level 3 exercises 20 days ago!!

    Here are some tips:

    Keep going on level 1 for AT LEAST 10 days - if you feel like doing it longer - go for it - make personal mini goals with the different exercises (eg. I will do 3 push ups before droping to girl style... etc.)

    Modify the heck out of everything!!! Even modify it more than Anita does if you have to!! (Tonight there was one cardio exercise I just couldn't make myself do, so I did jump rope instead...I'm not guilty, I kept moving and I'll build up to doing it in time!)

    Relax, and settle in - this journey will take some time, and being day 1 into this is further ahead than you were yesterday - remember that!! You're doing SO much towards being healthy!!