30 day shred... oh boy



  • I completed the entire 30 day shred last year before vacation. Without paying close attention to my diet, I still lost a lot of inches around my waist and I could tell a big difference in the tone in my arms and legs. Halfway through the program I started struggling with my knees some (old basketball injury) and I had to take a couple of days off, but once I continued the program I was fine.

    I have lost 60 lbs. (pregnancy) since last May and I am now into week 2 of her ripped in 30. I love it so far, it is much more intense that 30 day shred and I am also following a strict diet this time, so I hope to see significant results in the end.

    I'm on level 3 now of 30 day shred and I love the changes I've seen already! I was trying to figure out what to do after I'm done the 30 day shred, and ripped in 30 was one of the things I was looking at. Glad to hear it's more intense. Be sure to post your results from this program :)
  • syrklc
    syrklc Posts: 172 Member
    I did day 5 of level 1 today. I am pretty amazed at how I have improved in such a short amount of time. Woo hoo! Actually looking forward to the next 5 days of level 1, which I didn't expect at all on day 1! Lol. I may have to peek at level 2 soon to see what's coming next. :)

    lol ... I did that today (Day 6)

    i did day 1 level 1, I didn't think it was that bad because it was only 20 min. I am not sure I will do this every day. I have other workouts I have been doing and I like to alternate workouts :wink:
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    thanks everyone! i did day 2 today. i plan on doing it every day. unless it gets too easy im doing level 1 for 30 days, then 2 for 30, then 3 for 30. :)

    i worked today and oh man... by the end of my shift i was walkiing a little funny. the most pain is in my thighs and pecs(feels wierd saying i have pecs lol) heres to living through tomorrow!!! :)

    *edit* anniemmcgehee we should keep eachother motivated since we started the same day! :)

    I think you will get really bored with this. If you want to to each level for 30 days I would do 3 cycles of it, increasing your weight each time. A lot of people do it for 30 days w/o breaks, but I was able to go harder and stronger doing it only 5-6 days per week. On my off days I would take an "active rest" day doing some sort of moderate cardio.
  • mininipuce
    mininipuce Posts: 50 Member
    I'm on day 7 of level 1. Can't wait to see the results. I already increased the weights. I'll stick with the program and just increase the weights if it gets too easy :happy:
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I try to do it every day, but I end up doing it 3 or 4 times a week. It's not every other day either... I usually skip a few days in a row when I get busy or tired or whatever the case may be. I am probably going to finish it in 6 weeks rather than 30 days.

    Today I did Day 2 of Level 2 and so far I think I'm getting results... my pants are looser.
  • I'm on day 9 of level 1... I'm nearing my "graduation" to level 2 and I peeped at the next level and I'm terrified!

    I didn't lose any weight so far, but I lost 1/2 an inch off my waist and 1/2 inch off my hips, and about 1 inch off my ankle (Of all the...!) Anyone else lose inches in the most bizarre places? I hope this doesn't keep up, 'cause by the time summer comes around I'll look like a rubber ball balanced on two toothpicks!!
  • jmariscal3
    jmariscal3 Posts: 57 Member
    If you are planning on doing the same workout 30 days each I would definitely take the suggestion of doing it in a circuit! You get used to the workouts after a bit and if you do the same one for 30 days you may get bored and your body may not get worked out properly after 30 days. It is a great workout and got me into weight-lifting after that. I saw inches lost and muscles tone with this and cardio at the gym. Keep at it. Spaghetti legs in the begining but they tone up and get stronger :)
  • What size weights is everyone using?
  • Sunflowergirl1
    Sunflowergirl1 Posts: 33 Member
    I did day 5 of level 1 today. I am pretty amazed at how I have improved in such a short amount of time. Woo hoo! Actually looking forward to the next 5 days of level 1, which I didn't expect at all on day 1! Lol. I may have to peek at level 2 soon to see what's coming next. :)

    lol ... I did that today (Day 6)

    So, do I dare peek? :)
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I may end up doing it how its supposed to be. It all depends on how i feel after day 10. Lol. Right now im using 3lb weights. I have 5 lb weights but im waiting to use those. :)
  • Sunflowergirl1
    Sunflowergirl1 Posts: 33 Member
    I peeked. Hmmmm, I think I will do my best to enjoy the next 5 days. Some of level 2 looks verrrry challenging.
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    i regret to say that im not doing my shred today. i feel very nausious and dont want to risk throwing up in the middle of my living room. :/ hopefully back at it tomorrow!f
  • GypsyNrs4Evr
    GypsyNrs4Evr Posts: 49 Member
    I totally got my lazy butt out of bed at 530 this morning and completed L1 - D5!!! I almost can't believe it!! I'm so not a morning person!! Woohooo!
  • MiTime2016
    MiTime2016 Posts: 50 Member
    I peeked. Hmmmm, I think I will do my best to enjoy the next 5 days. Some of level 2 looks verrrry challenging.

    I watched the first few minutes, I'm going to watch some more tonight. I'm looking forward to the change, hopefully there are fewer jumping jacks.
  • MiTime2016
    MiTime2016 Posts: 50 Member
    What size weights is everyone using?

    I use 3lbs for the squat/presses and side lunge/anterior raises; 5lbs when it's front lunges/bicep curls and chest flies.
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    I totally got my lazy butt out of bed at 530 this morning and completed L1 - D5!!! I almost can't believe it!! I'm so not a morning person!! Woohooo!

    woo hoo!!!!! :drinker:
  • iambabygoose
    iambabygoose Posts: 42 Member
    It gets easier after the 3-4th day when you start to notice your strength! You'll stop hurting too haha! think I'm on day 14, did it last year and I only got to day 12 because level 2 kicked my *kitten* haha
  • iambabygoose
    iambabygoose Posts: 42 Member
    I totally got my lazy butt out of bed at 530 this morning and completed L1 - D5!!! I almost can't believe it!! I'm so not a morning person!! Woohooo!

    woo hoo!!!!! :drinker:

    Well done, keep at it!,
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    I started yesterday so I am hurting! I will stick to it this time cos I gave up last year at day 3! anyone add me for moral support!
  • DinoSaurous
    DinoSaurous Posts: 72 Member
    What size weights is everyone using?

    5lb, they are all I have (and I have 2 sets for some reason) I find the side lunges with arm raises hell with these though :sad: