

  • I will join you in this starting today. 27/01/2015. I'm also going to have a packet of crisps every other day as I have a tendency to have a packet a day at a minimum.
  • I'm in, apart from the scales, I'm in the process of moving so need to wait till they are back out on Monday :smile:
  • Am I able to join in or is it too late?
  • Hello. I am the same on Metformin. Feeling sick and completely out of it. I haven't no. But I brought some Acai tablets and Colon cleansers from Holland and Barretts and they helped give me a kick start.
  • Hello. I have the same as you. Found out when I was 15, always been over weight. My doctor informed me that just by losing a little weight can help ease symptoms a lot. How are you getting on with your weight loss journey?
  • Hello, Sorry for the late reply. I know how you feel with the losing the weight and the junk food craving. I still find it hard now. I still yoyo! I eat healthy for so long then have a little junk food for a treat then I end up on a week long binge. I think all it comes down to which is as hard as it seems is will power…
  • Hello, I haven't done it personally but I know people that have done it. Drinking water and coffee can help suppress your hungry feelings for a little longer. Try things like a small bowl of porridge, pears, cup a soups, or anything with a low G.I number. The lower the G.I the better,…
  • It's okay, anytime :)
  • Sorry for the late reply I work two job so time to get on here lately is really hard. This is the copy that I have if this helps :happy:
  • The G.I diet is food that give you a feeling a fuller for longer. If you have porridge for breakfast it will last you longer then cereal. It may just be that is has a high G.I therefore will only full you for 10-15 minutes whereas other liquids may last longer. The book doesn't give reasons for each food item.
  • Hi Kimi, It sounds like you went through a horrible experience. I think all of us have been messed around by the doctors. This is why I created the group so people can do this, share your experience get it off your chest. I am willing to provide you with any support you need (you are welcome to add me as a friend) It…
  • The foods to avoid.
  • I suppose it is just time :) I didn't lose anything then I started on these and boom! Lost 6 lb within to weeks. Just my scales have broke so I need to wait till Monday for my other half to give me his :)
  • Hello, Thank you, I have been on them for roughly a month now. I started with 1, then after a week went to two then after a few days up it to three and was really ill, sickness, etc etc. I have gone back down to two now and feel better but just finding it hard to handle 3. Have you had much success on the tablets? I may…
  • EWhitaker526 Thank you for your support! We hope that you keep us all up to date on your progress! :smile:
  • Hello, I'm new so will be a week behind everyone else. What are the two that I have quoted above? :happy: Thanks.
  • I'm still experimenting with diets. I've been told no sugar, gluten free, low carb, high fibre, high protein. I think it is just trail and error for all us PCOS ladies! What works for one may work for another! If you find one that works be sure to share with us please! :happy: The more the better!
  • Sorry for the delayed reply. I hope that you can conceive soon! Congratulations on your wedding too! 20lbs will hopefully feel like nothing once you get going. No I haven't I have the doctors this evening (now something is actually being done) to go through all the medication and the best plan for me. I'll keep you up to…
  • I think if we all pull together and get started on a fat kicking group between us we can encourage each other, and talk to each other. Feel free to create a post about anything you wish ladies! This group is for you and for you to have support from fellow PCOS women as you don't seem to get it from else where! LADIES.. WE…
  • I wouldn't say that you may give me an ego lol! You are really dedicated, if you keep that up you'll be laughing the pounds away. What exercise was your favour last time? I may have to use your idea and start taking long walks in the evening after work.
  • Try these: You can add extras like chocolate chips or nuts Number of servings 6 Ingredients: Ouaker - Plain Cooking Oats 100 g Sainsbury's - Runny Honey, 1 teaspoons Splenda - Granulated Sweetener - 1.2 lb Bag, 2 tsp Generic - Grated Apple, 1/2 cup grated Spices - Nutmeg, ground, 1 tbsp Copella - Apple Juice, 100 ml…
  • If it's that much of an issue see your doctor. There are lifestyle people who help you with food and exercise to shift extra pounds. No point giving up as then you have wasted all that time for nothing. You could need a blood test and your body may not be using the sugar correctly, or a lack of vitamins etc, the tiniest…
  • Hi, I haven't heard that, but I'm lactose intolerant and cutting out dairy did help me lose a lot of weight (2 stone) I've heard rumours of low sugar, low carb and high fibre. I started to try it 2 weeks ago and lost 2 lb, so that may help. There are so many diets around nower days it's just finding on to suit you. These…
  • Thank you thatsingergirl I'll check out the blog now. My only problem is with being lactose intolerant I can only really eat fruit or pay a fortune for lactose free food. As much I love fruit there is only some much of it I can eat. What kind of things did you eat for your low carb diet? Thank you lovelivelaugh, that…
  • Thank you. I was on the pill but my doctor moved me onto the implant for it being more reliable, as I can't forget to take it that way. I'm lucky to have one once a year, and even then its only a day or two. My doctor seems to think there is nothing wrong. I have just booked to get a second opinion, and I'll have to ask…
  • What type of low sugar foods at your eating as I have been informed to eat low sugar, and low carb? Not sure if it leaves me with anything else to eat.