

  • Absolutely 100% inspiring. You are amazing. Congratulations.
  • Congratulations..your an inspiration.
  • I have a digital scale and pretty much weigh just about anything that can be weighed. I measure everything else out. I'm just hoping that sooner or later it will just rev up and I will wake up and I will have dropped 10 lbs. LOL Thanks for the input. I will try cutting down on the calories.
  • I'm having the same issue. My clothes are fitting me different but I cannot seem to lose any weight. I work out either in a pool, walking, or hiking and nothing. I watch what I eat, have cut out soda and sweets. I can't figure out why. Please don't say your gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. I can't hear that…
  • Welcome back. You can add me if you want. The more friends we have this journey the better off we are.
  • Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm back at it and need all the support I can get and I'm a great cheerleader for others.
  • That's awesome. I'm a sodaholic also. I have switched to diet but like you I have not seen a difference at all. I have cut back and am going to keep going forward. Your post gave me inspiration. Thank you.
  • Thank you for posting these pictures. I'm having issues with not seeing the scale change but I have been changing everything. My clothes are fitting different but still nothing. I'm going to throw the stupid scale out and just do pictures. Congratulations and keep up the great work.
  • What an inspiring story. Thank you for sharing.
    in Walking Comment by mistym1967 April 2012
  • I have started a walking program with a co-worker and we are walking at least 3 days a week but usually more. We have been right around the 3 mile mark too and use I May My Fitness with the GPS and it is awesome. I have already noticed a difference in my body changing and it is a great stress reliever after work. I did the…
    in Walking Comment by mistym1967 April 2012
  • Always looking for buddies.
  • I work at at a OB/GYN office and the majority of our patient's do not even have their periods with an IUD and if they do it is usually just a very light spotting and they get away with using a panty liner. Inserting the cup is similar to putting in a tampon. It should have some with instructions.
  • You can add me because I love having new friends.:tongue:
  • Hello both of you...congratulations on beginning your new journey. I'm just about 5 weeks into it and love it here. Everyone is so great and soooooooooooo supportive. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me if you would like.
  • I'm going to be getting it this week. My friend has it and she loves it. I'm hoping it will help jump start me. Good luck with it.
  • I was beginning to think that I was the only person I knew today that wasn't watching. I could care less. I have never been into it. Don't see the need to sit around yelling a TV and like someone else said pigging out for now reason to pig out. You would think that today was a national holiday or something. Even when my…
  • Welcome...I love the site. I have tried them all but this is by far the best one yet. Everyone is so helpful and supportive it's crazy. I use the app on my Ipod and love it. I can log all day at work and it has really made things easier for me. :happy:
  • It's a lovely -1 this morning but with the windchill it is an exceptional -14...woohoo. I plan on doing things in the house that need to get done such as finish painting my dining room, taking the Christmas decorations back to the basement, getting boxes around for the Salvation Army. Nothing spectacular. Not much to do…
  • My Ipod has so many different songs on it because it used to belong to my 17-year-old daughter but for the most part I listen to 80's music which really keeps me going and then I throw a little AC/DC in there for good measure...always have to have my rock and roll keeps me young feeling.
  • That wonderful that you help out like that with the cats. I'm a cat person and it makes me sad when people don't take care of their animals. Kudos to you. I have to work all day today, then tonight I have a meeting for my daughter's travel softball team. Other than that...my day is pretty boring but it's Wednesday and I…
  • Welcome to MFP. You will find so much encouragement here. I have never met so many wonderful people here who just want to help a person on their journey. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like and together we can do this. Again, welcome.
  • Would love to try but can't find anyone in the area that offers it. :mad:
  • Welcome to MFP. You will love it here. I have been here since the beginning of January and can't tell you how much I love it. Everyone is so encouraging. :happy:
  • I tried the diet after a friend of mine did because I too wanted that quick fix and it made me extremely ill. Trying to survive on 500 calories a day is so dangerous and unrealistic. It so wasn't worth the money and the sickness. It is extremely dangerous and for the record the companies cannot put the real hCG into the…
  • Welcome...I'm a 43 year old mother of three; 22, 20, and 17. I have been here since the beginning of the month and find that it is a great place. We are all here to cheer each other on. I have put most of my weight on in the past 7-1/2 years since my husband died but I have decided that it's time for me. I'm going to be…
  • That's okay not a problem. I know these boards get confusing. I appreciate everyone's input. That's what I love about this site.
  • I hadn't planned on do it every time but was just wondering if it would work out. I'm really trying to eat more in the morning but I have never been a big breakfast person and it's really hard since I have to be at work so early in the morning. I'm sure I can find something to munch on tonight like popcorn or something. I…
  • My daughter loves it. She puts it on most of everything. I like it on whole wheat waffles.
  • Hi Carey, I'm new too this past weekend. I can't believe how much information is on the site along with all the wonderful people...real people that have the same struggles as myself. Glad you found your way to us. Misty :happy:
  • You look fantastic...good for you. Keep it up.