stellafgus Member


  • Dr just recommended where can I find a community for this
  • Day 1 2.31 miles walked and that was just at work I knew I walked a lot work with children, no sweet tea just water for me that is a big thing since this southern girl drinks the sweet tea, also I logged my food
  • Just found this blog and I see that it has monthly goals which I like the go by month instead of what is my overall goal , so here is my monthly goal November goals Exercise: strength training and walking 3 times per week Logging: log my meals every BLT ( bite lick and taste) Menu planning: weekly Beginning date Nov. 9th…
  • Pre school teacher since Jan of this year I have gained 10 pounds after being put on a med. Now that I am slowly being taken off the med, I have to deal with this weight gain. I actually spoke with a dietician July 3rd to assist me is losing the weight, she was concerned about the amount of carbs I have been consuming , so…
  • Shin splints when I started training for my first 5k this past July I was getting Shin splints really bad and had to take a week off from training. During that week off I was watching a Barbie Ballerina movie with my little girl, and noticed they was doing tippy toe stretches and others and I am thinking hay that might…
  • I have a rule if it comes in a Styrofoam/cardboard box and you eat it while driving down the road, it can’t be good for you.
  • Hi I was just wondering how you found out how many calories to eat with Weight Watchers?
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • forgot to mention my 5k is a Run for God through our church
  • :happy: great job keep up the good work i am in my 4th week training for a 5k coming up july 6 and i am struggle, so happy you are doing well with yours
  • I thought about quitting too but I am not a quitter, so I talk to my Dr and he upped my calorie intake to 1500 calories from 1200 to help break a plateau ,I have only lost one pound since the first of the year. Also I changed up my workout routine, this happened just today so we will see…………..
  • Nike+ found out about this app when I signed up for a 5k run/walk I am in week 4 of training
  • Ok, was reading some of the replies about plastic surgery, and speaking from experience, I would not have another surgery, I had implants placed after breast cancer, and the pain was worst from the implant surgery then the cancer surgery, so done with plastic surgery.
  • Weight Watches 3 times Slim Fast 2 times TOPS 1 time Weight Watchers is what seems to work for me up until now the new 360 program isn't working for me plus on a medicine that causes weight gain so battling against that
  • A tough win! I kind of like that, will keep this in mind A tough win! Also every day is a new day with a new challange and set a goal for that day.
  • I keep reminding myself that in a month my husband and I are renewing our vows, today I tried on my dress for the first time after buying it to give myself some encouragement. It still fits, but would like to drop at least 5 more pounds between now and March 21st , so could use all the extra support I can get, And help…
  • I also am losing motivation and getting tired of counting calories I do allow myself one day a week to eat what ever without tracking and then get back on track the next day. But lately everything that could go wrong has and I guess that is what is causing my motivation loss.
  • I have to eat something light before I work out if not I get the shakes real bad. Usually it will be oatmeal or grits with an egg (that’s the southern girl in me, grits) or a smoothie homemade with fruit and yogurt. And then when I finish my workout strength and cardio at the gym, I have a snack piece of fruit or protein…
  • Have gotten lazy about walking my 30 minutes on the treadmill at the gym so this challenge should help me to remember a full 30 minutes I am in
  • Just printed out calendar so ready to start
  • Being from the south Sweet Tea is the big thing, so it was really hard on me to give up my Sweet Tea, Now mind you I haven’t given up the Sweet Tea all together once in a while I do treat myself But I have replaced it with plenty of water sometimes with cut up fruits and veggies and most of the time with Crystal Light.
  • Love to cut up fruits and veggies also to put in my water, especially when the weather is hot outside. Also I have been putting Crystal Light in my water for as long as I can remember.
  • I keep a paper journal too, with boxes for my proteins, veggies, fruits, dairy, water and grains, that way I know where I fall short and can add them in by the end of the day 2 pounds to go you can do it
  • Incorporate the veggies and fruit at snack time if you’re having a hard time eating them, eat at least two snacks a day, this means you’re eating five times a day: Three meals, Breakfast your most important meal even if it’s not your typical breakfast food, think outside the box like maybe soup or sandwich, snack, lunch…
  • Ok here is a tip Keep a food journal make sure you’re getting 3 proteins a day 3 veggies a day 2-3 fruits a day 2-3 grains a day 2 dairy a day At least 8 glasses of water A good multi vitamin At least 30 minutes a day of some kind of exersice
  • You have hit a plateau, try changing the foods you eat and doing something different with your exercising, maybe swimming or spinning. What has happened is your body has gotten use to your routine and food. You should notice a different in the number on the scale.