

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    You ladies are so insightful and supportive! I love checking in with you all <3<3 NYKAREN
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good evening friends. Been a long day of shopping with our last stop at Costco. Really didn't buy very much.
    Meg- thank goodness the tumor wasn't cancer. Dr thought that when a cyst was cut out years ago they left a piece. He was very surprised at how deep it was. Still hurts as it is right under where my bra snaps. As others have said, you are a strong woman and you will get through this difficult time. Be like Allie, keep all of us in your pocket.
    Felicia - you son is sweet. We went to Israel and loved every minute we were there.
    Mary- because my hubby was in the AF and we moved to different states. Consequently, I had to get new certifications for each state. Agree the subbing is difficult. Because I taught business subjects it was easier as they choose to take the classes. You probably would have to get certified to be a personal trainer as well.
    Yvonne- are you located near the DFW area? Kelly is coming done in January and hoping to meet some of the TX girls in the DFW area.
    Welcome to the newbies. Come back often and chat.
    SueBDew in TX
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,882 Member
    Wet drizzly day today although we had a sunbreak just as I was feeding this morning. How nice was that? Everybody is hanging in the shelters today. DH is going to have a knee replacement on Dec 12. He has post-polio syndrome so it will be a little more complicated. I expect he will be very grumpy during recovery. We had a good choir practice last night, did some work on the Christmas cantata. We have some new members which is wonderful. It is so nice to have a fuller sound.

    Mary - That is a really hard decision to make but if you are happy and don't need the money I think I would not worry about a job.

    Kim - Those towels are darling. You are so talented and I am sure whoever gets them will be pleased.

    Becca - I hope you ate that marionberry bite very slowly and savored each morsel. If you did and logged it then I think you did awesome. If you stuffed it down feeling guilty and not even tasting it then ask yourself why. And like Kim says the real numbers that matter are at the end of the week or the month. Please don't feel down on yourself for you are an awesome woman.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Becca, I have seen you list calorie counts and some times you are under 1000 calories, I'm not sure if that's at the end of the day or not, but if in the week there is enough un-eaten calories for a strudel bite, and you can limit yourself to an appropriate amount, you should log it and remember this is a life long style change! I know I hate spending a lot on a market item, but grapefruit is so healthy and you are saving money in the long run and really that like the dieting is the goal, every bite or penny counts but at the end of the month it is are you within budget, and is the scale down....

    Well here are my week 1 results

    Goals for the week
    Calories 1200 day 8400 week
    Fats 53 grams a day, 371 week
    Proteins 46 grams day, 322 week

    My numbers.
    Week 1
    Calories 7955
    Fats 318
    Proteins 339
    Average for week
    calories 1236
    Fats 45 g
    Proteins 48 g

    Week 2
    Calories 7299
    Fats 282
    Proteins 388
    Average for week
    Calories 1042
    Fats 40 g
    Proteins 55 g

    So I am eating enough protein, but I need more calories!
    I am eating fats, and not going over my ceiling of 53 g a day.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated!
    Swimming in numbers now in
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Becca - Don't beat yourself up. Even if you ate "bad" food all day, it is one day. Log it, let it go and move on. Personally I don't call any food bad. If I want it and it fits into my calorie allotment that I have set for myself, then I eat it without guilt.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    the towels I embroidered for a hostess gift...
    Okay, I'm just curious. Why did you embroider "gooble till you wooble" instead of "gobble til you wobble"
    Am I missing a local colloquism or something? I've just never heard it said that way. Cute towels.

    The "oh crap" moment I had yesterday... realizing at mile 10 of my 14 mile run that I had forgotten my fitbit. My intended trouncing of my grandson in steps didn't happen. lol

    Had a meeting with our investment counselor last night about retirement options. I liked the "Monte Carlo" option.... spend every last dime before I die. lol Not that we would, we tend to be pretty controlled when it comes to spending but I thought the name of that "option" was rather humorous.

    Busy making Christmas presents here. Throwing pottery, 8 sets of mugs and a bowl for Corporate folks and sewing my little heart out for the grandkids. Tired of sitting.

    playing in clay and thread in Houston

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,157 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka - glad you are recovering from that tooth extraction. I think I have a cavity starting under an old crown... my last experience at a dentist working on those molars, I had a bad reaction to the painful shot...there was plenty of screaming and crying and shaking, I had never done that in my life. The evil hygienist just kept pumping the novocaine in and wasn't giving it time to freeze the nerve. I have since switched dentists, will likely need a root canal and in that case, I am considering finding an endodontist who will just knock me out.

    One of the problems with freezing me was that I had a bad reaction to the adrenaline they use with the local anaesthetic during my root canal (heart rate shot up, dizzy, nauseated, sweating profusely, headache, etc) . I'd never had that reaction before but mentioned it this time, and so they gave me a local without adrenaline. Unfortunately, it works better with adrenaline so that was part of the reason I wasn't frozen enough.

    And if I ever have to have a tooth pulled again, I will strongly suggest that I be knocked out for it!

    A sort of "funny" thing ... all the way through I kept thinking about what it must have been like for people before there was such a thing as local anaesthetic. My understanding is that they gave them a lot of whiskey ... numb the senses, clean the area (perhaps?), and help them forget what happened. I wanted to call a halt to the proceedings half way through and ask for a bottle or two of whiskey!! :grin:

    M in Oz

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Becca - Don't beat yourself up. Even if you ate "bad" food all day, it is one day. Log it, let it go and move on. Personally I don't call any food bad. If I want it and it fits into my calorie allotment that I have set for myself, then I eat it without guilt.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

    Could not have said it better myself. This is how I try to look at it. I have to eat as best I can but want to enjoy the foods I like. Just have to eat the “bad” foods sporadically and track them. Doing that way is something I can live with without the guilt.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Ladies thanks for all of the advice. I all ready have three possible job offers maybe four. But I think I like retirement. Lenora I retired because I was commuting 3 hours from my new husband's home. John can find a job or we can be on a permanent vacation B)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,157 Member
    Hello ladies. The wind is out of my sails a little. I am not quite sure why. I have nibbled on some on my husband's Marion berry strudel bites, so I must be feeling guilty about that. I am really hard on myself and can even convince myself that my day is lost by eating one wrong thing. I am not perfect, and my sister told me the other day I was so diligent with eating clean and healthy. That made me feel good. I want to be that girl that sees this thru. I want to be that accountable. Maybe realizing that as long as I log things, and keep at this, my weight loss journey will be a success.

    There's perfection in being imperfect.

    I need to know my choices aren't based on things from a diet, they are choices that are healthy, and stuff I like to eat. My husband has to beg me to buy healthy food, because I'm used to buying for other people. Its just him and I and so the other day when we went shopping I was looking at grapefruit segments in cups. Looking at the large container it made more "cents" to buy that instead of the individual cups. But the large container costs $9 which was uncomfortable for me to rationalize. My husband was saying if you want it get it! I got it, but jeez! Soon I will need my wild rice, and that is $9 as well!

    Take care!

    I opted not to follow a diet ... no clean eating, no healthy eating, no vegetarian, paleo, or whatever else is all the thing these days.

    Instead, I just count calories.

    That said, I do have to make wise choices. For example, nuts are very high in calories, but have no staying power whatsoever. I can easily down 500+ calories in nuts, and be looking for another snack 30 minutes later. So ... no nuts. Pears are the same way ... higher in calories than I thought they were and I'm starving 20 min later. Therefore I experimented and now choose things that I know will work to help me remain under my calories and feel reasonably full.

    But since I am only counting calories, if I have one of my favourites nutella and honey on toast ... that's OK, as long as it fits within my calories. :) If I'm going to have that, it might mean I need to exercise a bit more or have less of something else. So there are no "wrong" foods ... it's just a matter of strategy adjustment.

    To that end, I find that prelogging works well. I prelog and determine whether or not I've got room for ... whatever extra I want to eat. :) Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

    M in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.28min, 133mhr, 10.7amph. 1.5mi= 81c
    apple watch- 58c
    LATERAL MACHINE- 20min, 62aw, 5lat, 5lvl, 129mhr, 1.72mi = 145c
    apple watch- 141c
    *old* SKI MACHINE- 15min, 15resist, 3ncl, 124mhr, .77mi = 100c
    apple watch- 90c
    Floor exercises- 4.36min, 4sets of 10ea, pushups, ab sliding crunches= 35c
    apple watch- 41c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.27min, 13.7amph, 130mhr, 1.4mi= 52c
    appple watch- 46c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 16.12min, 145mhr, 11.2amph, 3mi= 152c
    apple watch- 111c
    JOG sta 2 wk- 4.51min, 150mhr, 9.23min mi, .5mi= 60c
    apple watch- 54c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.20min, 10.17min mi, 144mhr, .5mi = 60c
    apple watch- 55c
    ride dome 2 hm- 20.09min, 7.5amph, 157mhr,2.5mi =n221c
    apple watch-137c

    total cal 931
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,343 Member
    Hi there, awake in the night so I'm visiting you all. The day went well but I wish I could sleep better. I've moved in to my sons half of the bed in their room so I don't disturb DH. Will try again in a minute to sleep.
    I hope I will be able to see the live stream but I am not very tech savvy. www.tedxunic tells you about the conference and Jessamy is on at 15.35 Cyprus time Saturday. I expect it will be archived. Kim, is it Saturday v early???
    Will try to sleep now.
    Heather UK XXXXXX
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Friends,

    I just saw a preview ad for the Walmart Black Friday sale and they have a 5 quart Instant Pot on sale for $49. I know that may not be large enough for some but wanted you to know about it just in case any of you are interested.

    Kelly, I still marvel at how creative you are with the kids. The owl cookies are precious. (later) You win the prize for my best giggle of the day just thinking about your DH chatting away as ya’ll swim. swimmer-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Rye, I never heard of crock pot stuffing. Do you prepare the rest the same way as if it were in the oven/bird? I admit, as many things as I can make very good, stuffing is not one of them. My great gravy is often the savior but I’d love to have a good dressing for a change.

    Lisa, what if egg just stayed in the house? Would that solve some of the problem or create a bigger one?

    Pat, OMG have you had your hands full. I’m so glad you got your DH to the doctor when you did. I wish him a speedy recovery.

    Barbie, I am the same way about my first hour in the morning. DH can ask or tell me something but I don’t want a conversation yet. smiley-face-yawn.gif

    Vicki, how special to get the things that were your mother’s and grandmother’s.

    Mary, a 40 pound kettle bell does sound really heavy. Good grief, lady!!!!

    Felicia, your son is a doll. Think he’ll be an actor when he grows up?

    Rye, I’m glad the cabinet door didn’t cut a big gash in your head. Take care.

    Pip, seeing the pictures of Kirby again just reminds me of what all you both went through and how worried we were for you both. He has just done fantastic. And like Katla, I remember vividly your fall in Vegas and that shoulder bone sticking up. You two need to just chill for a while. (((Hugs))) to you both.

    Joyce, those were some interesting stories about things that went on in the hospital. Lol and ewwwww

    NYKaren, how nice that you and DH had the day off on the same day. Hope it was fun.

    Kelly, I’ll bet you could write a book about things with the kiddos. Don’t you wonder why they would think of elephant poop rather than dog or cat poop. Lol

    Mary, I can understand why you didn’t like subbing. I subbed a few times in a school where I worked as a Teacher’s Aide and at least I knew the kids and they knew me. I still didn’t like it and would have never subbed in a different school. Health insurance is why I worked as long as I did after we moved to Myrtle Beach. Good luck with your decision!

    Marcelyn, I like the name of the “Monte Carlo” option, too. The biggest problem with it is that we never know if we have an accurate calendar and the money could run out before the days do. lol

    Terry, isn’t it exciting when people finally start to notice the weight loss? Keep up the great work.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    It turned cold (for us) here yesterday so today I made chicken soup. My DD took a taste when she got home from work and even she said it was good. I see that some of you are cooking soup this week. You know what they say about “brilliant minds”. *smile* It has not stopped raining all day since daylight. I hope it will finish overnight.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Janet, your ornaments are simply breathtaking! Love them!!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Crock Pot Stuffing:

    2 Cups chopped onions
    1 1/2 Cups celery, chopped into small pieces
    1/4 Cup Butter
    1 Tbsp Sage (ground)
    1 tsp Marjoram (ground)
    1 tsp Salt
    1 tsp Pepper
    1/2 tsp Savory
    1/2 tsp Thyme
    12 Cups Bread, toasted or stale, torn into bits
    1/4 Cup Parsley, chopped
    1 1/2 Cups Chicken Stock
    1 1/2 tsp Poultry Seasoning

    Saute onions and celery in butter until onion is just translucent
    Stir in sage, marjoram, salt, pepper, savory and thyme
    Combine vegetable mix with bread cubes and parsley - toss well.
    Pour stock over mixture - Toss well.
    In crock pot - cook covered on high for one hour.
    Reduce to low, continue cooking for 2-3 hours. Check and stir every hour, and add poultry seasoning as necessary to taste.
    Rye NOTE: I add a lot of poultry seasoning, as I find original seasoning makes a bland stuffing. I add it in 1/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp at a time when I stir usually about 1 1/2 to 2 tsp extra in total. I also check in every 1/2 hour or 45 mins to stir and season.

    Cook time better on long side 3 to 4 hours. (Weak crockpot?). If longer cooking, may need a touch more liquid (chicken stock) added at check in. Like 1 tbs.

    After finished can set crockpot to lowest (keep warm setting) until ready to serve
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did a Cathe Legs with Weights and Barre DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to go to water aerobics

    Rye - you poor dear. Take care of yourself. My grandmother used Boroleum (you get it at the pharmacy but you have to ask for it) for a dry nose. I tried it when we lived in the Poconos and it really works!

    pip - those pics of Kirby injured bring back not-so-good memories

    Kim - thanks for the the "how to heat up" stuffing.

    NYKaren - enjoy your day with dh

    katla - I was shocked to find out that there are courses online to make a dog a service dog, so I'm sure there are ones online to get the dog to be a therapy dog.

    I go for my DEXA scan tomorrow. Oh fun...I'm not really looking forward to it

    Mary - is tutoring a possibility? I can see where subbing all day would tire you out. But tutoring you can kind-of make your own hours.

    Yvonne - what a good idea to make a wall hanging! I never thought of that. Or a couch throw. You know, these are things I never thought of!

    kim - beautiful towels!

    Michele in NC