

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,406 Member
    Pip - you are Kirby are now very aerodynamic! Love your matching haircuts! If mine keeps thinning on top of my head, DH and I will match too someday :(:#

    Heather - Happy 13th Anniversary! Glad the T-shirt was a hit and that necklace sounds gorgeous. Wishing you two many, many more happy years together!

    - I am loving those Israel photos! Keep them coming... so much history there and the weather looks great. Looks like a good place to spend a month - how long are you there?

    - crossing fingers the medication and your head turning keeps doing the job. I hear of more and more people with that vertigo - I wonder if it's a function of age? This is all so good to know - my mom had it terribly and was very inactive during her final decade - this was prior to the Epley maneuver as far as I know. I need to find out more about it.

    - always look forward to your blog each morning! Sending prayers to your SIL that he is kept out of harm's way in Syria. And crossing fingers you can find health insurance for Corey that treats your budget right. Hope you can dip your toes in the Atlantic soon!

    Joyce - wow, you are having wild weather. We have nightlights all through the house but like you, when the power goes it, it's pitch black. I take my little Fire Tablet to bed with me to listen to podcasts which lull me to sleep....it actually is a good flashlight in a pinch. I really like to listen to the "Lake Woebegon" ones by Garrison Keillor.

    Machka - I never get tired of seeing your beach photos. Now that the monsoons are starting here in the Pacific NW, I'll enjoy them even more. That workplace health program sounds interestings.

    Katla - hope you are on the mend too from your headache and acid tummy. I'm sure Arrow misses his pal. Good luck with the boat decision. Are there better times of the year to sell them and are there brokers or agents that list them and sell them for a person? We had a tiny sailboat at one time, would take it out rarely and got tired of paying the moorage. I was glad when DH finally had sailboats out of his system and I was happy to see it go to a new owner. Also, hope the Thanksgiving plans work out.

    - wow, that rehab facility run by the Dominican Sisters sounds terrific. You are so sweet to spend time with her and I bet she really looks forward to having you stop by. Good for you with a 4 day weekend!!!!

    Michele - you continue to amaze me with all you get done in a 24 hour period. You are the energizer bunny. Have you always been this industrious? I love to hear about your day! Hope the Thanksgiving plans with Jess work out.

    Barbie - I think you have the right idea about gifts. I have nieces and nephews that I haven't seen in years, now all adults in their 30's and 40's -- they are too busy to email -- I used to email and message them and finally gave up since I'd never hear anything. They'll be getting cards only this year. We have a family in town we are very close to who will get a gift card to a nice restaurant and their son who just purchased a house will get a gift card to Home Depot. We certainly don't need more "stuff" and I agree, the fretting what to buy on both sides is not necessary. I'm sure your pupsters will be thrilled to see you and Jake this morning!!

    - that wreath is gorgeous!!! I have to remember to save the grapevines when we prune them next spring and try my hand at making one... it will probably end up looking like Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree, lol.

    I was talking with one of my favorite Safeway cashiers, Jan, yesterday morning... she is very concerned that her mom, 72, who has been widowed less than a year, found a new guy this past June (he's 77) and is going to be married - a big Catholic ceremony. Jan said he has three children and she's concerned about the inheritance- there are 3 kids in her family as well. We didn't have much time to talk - I don't think she meant it in a mercenary sort of way. When dad was ill, the kids were good at stepping in and taking him to doc appointments, hospital stays, just visiting. It's a close family.

    I told her my big concern would be that her mom would be stuck with having to see another husband become ill and pass away.... not only the caretaking, the "who will pay for the nursing home" part if it comes to that.

    I would encourage her to talk to her mom about all of this... and if mom doesn't want to talk about it, then consult a good elder care attorney here in town and find out if anything can be done to make sure mom's side of the assets are protected.

    Of course, there's a chance Jan is thinking of the worst case scenario, and that mom has taken care of everything. I don't know her mom and it's not my business.

    I know firsthand of a late in life 2nd marriage of a well to do lonely widower where the new wife's kids came in and helped themselves to family heirlooms stuck away - they weren't in line for any property inheritance, but they found old coins and treasures he'd promised to his blood grandchildren. Perhaps he had forgotten the promise and gave them to the step-kids in a moment of generosity. More likely they came to visit their mom while step-dad was out of the house and wandered into the basement, spare rooms, silverware drawers, etc.

    Enough on that.

    We don't have any Thanksgiving day plans... we were invited to our friend's family get-together which we used to enjoy but DH is becoming such a hermit. He says to me, "you go" but I don't want to go without him. With it getting dark so early, we don't like being on the road at night (country roads, plenty of deer) and our friend's meal normally runs into dinnertime.

    Back when we were working, we always looked forward to NOT going anywhere on holidays for meals. We had no relatives close by so the obligatory family meals weren't going to happen. Having a day to ourselves was always a treasure. The life of introverts I guess, lol.

    Lenora - how are you??

    Have a good Monday!!

    SW WA State where it's raining cats and dogs right now!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    amazing what a few hours can do~ went to work and found out they cut my hours to 24 1/2 . and how do you survive on that.I am sort of in a state of shock, I have sick time so I took some today to gather my thoughts, get a resume together ,take a deep breath and then call the regional manager... and speak with her.
    I am 57 yrs old, not that is ancient but even harder to find a job.... that will let me able to stay here..
    I am at a loss for words..
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    edited November 2017
    (((Alison))) So sorry this has happened. Prayers said that you will find something better and more lucrative.

    Terry ~ Love the wreath.

    Lenora ~ Hope you'll be back with us soon and hope you are OK.

    Lanette ~ My mom and dad divorced after 37 yrs together and I see what you mean about the spouses kids being worried about assets. My mom then married a retired General and his children were very wary of the assets going to mama. They ended up divorcing after 3 or 4 yrs and then they stayed together as companions. My dad married the same woman twice and divorced her twice. She showed her true self too many times. She was about the same age as my oldest brother. My brothers who would inherit dad's businesses were very upset. In the end, my mother became his caretaker at night when he spent his last few years in a community hospital.

    Got to go walk the Pom....

    Carol in GA
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Sending strength your way Allie <3<3<3<3
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,575 Member
    I am so sorry, Allie. That is really horrible about your job.

    Lanette, we are here until Saturday. I was going to go to Jerusalem today, then changed my mind. Stayed in tel Aviv and went to the art museum. It was fabulous. I didn't take pictures because I feel funny taking pictures in a gallery. Walked a different route back to the hotel and ran into David Ben-Gueron's house, the first prime minister of Israel. It was free, and didn't take a lot of time, but was very cool to see. It was well set up, and included a lot of historical pictures, letters, gifts, and artifacts. I really enjoyed it. I don't know what I'll do tomorrow.

    During my first flight here, we found out that my sister was in the hospital and on life support. Why they waited until it got that bad, to tell us, I can't say. My nieces went down to take care of things. They said goodbye and arranged for hospice. I am kind of preparing myself to go get her remains after she dies. I feel like the girls have done enough, and my mom is not able. I can't explain what happened because it doesn't all add up to me. I guess I'll get it figured out when I get home.

    I am very thankful that we took my mother to L A to see her in June. I had a feeling we needed to make it happen, but I didn't expect that my sister was going to die. She is 54, but looks about 80. Her mental illness has taken a huge toll on her.

    Ready to eat dinner. I hope hubby gets back from work soon.

    Felicia, enjoying Israel but a little distracted today with family crisis
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    edited November 2017
    Allie - So sorry about the hours. Hope the regional manager can sort it out for you. If not, I hope there is a better job out there. <3<3<3<3<3

    Lenora - Hope you are OK. :|:o

    DH got another email from his elder daughter (the Aspergers one) suggesting we meet up for a pub lunch on Sunday 3rd. I know she hates sitting near kids in restaurants and I hate musak, so I've asked her and her boyfriend over for a roast dinner. It's further for her to drive, but she seems happy with that. Her favourite is roast chicken. With sausages wrapped in bacon. No problem. :laugh:

    Spent most of the afternoon buying the grandchildren Christmas presents. DDIL sent pics of their choices from catalogues, so I've more or less followed that route. One order wouldn't go through online, so I ended up phoning them. I didn't want to have ordered two by mistake! It's ok now. I hope. The order for Edie is coming tonight!!!!!!! And Bea's is coming tomorrow. Phew! :o:o:o All I've got to do now is buy Bea some clothes. (I used to buy the others clothes, but I don't think they would be too pleased nowdays.)
    I think we will ask for some superior champagne from them. I much prefer consumables. B)

    Love you all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,406 Member
    Felicia - I remember when you took mom and went to visit your sis this summer. Sorry to hear she's on life support now, wow. David Ben-Gurion's house sounded very interesting!! Take in all the sunshine you can get - pretty dreary here. Wishing you a safe flight home!

    - that is the pits about your job! Good idea calling the regional manager and working on the resume. I would think with all of your experience, you would be a terrific asset to any dental office! Sending good thoughts your way!!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    spoke with the regional manager,but not much help there... she said she might be able to get me a couple more hours but they are cutting everywhere. I dont buy it, they are trying to get rid of me because of age... ,dont know if I can collect part time or not? will see..everyone keep me in there prayers, I will make enough to maybe get through the bills but not much else at all..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    M in OZ: I took a bio age test a while back and was very pleased with the outcome. I have very little faith in its accuracy but it made me feel good at the time. I do think I'm doing much better than I was before I discovered MFP. My bone density has improved over the past few years--which was a welcome surprise. I didn't think that was even possible. You are so much more active than I am that I suspect your test results are closer to reality. :wink;

    Lisa: Good luck with the affordable healthcare situation. :star:

    langman22: I love the twig wreath. It is very appealing. :smiley:

    Lanette: Spring is the best time to sell a sailboat in our area, starting as early as February or so. Will I woman up and give it a try? I have absolutely no idea. :embarassed:


    I had serious acid reflux last night and was up for hours. DH thinks it was caused by alcohol consumption, which was quite moderate. I'm wondering about corned beef, cabbage and mustard as possible contributors to the situation. Having the records of my eating is surely helpful in figuring out matters such as this.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Allie Unfortunately this is not uncommon in business. This happened in the school district I worked in too. It is hard to fight age discrimination and the lawyers are who win.

    You still have a job that is important. It gives you time to find something else. I would do the best job you can under the circumstances because it will give you better references for you next job. When you interview for your next job leave the hurt of how your were treated at the door. Your next employer only wants to hear how you will fit in and be an asset to their business. I know tough to think about in a time like this. They legally cannot ask questions about your age.

    I definitely would start looking when you recover from the blow. Use the strength you gained from your gaining your independence from Tom to see yourself through this. You have the tools to do this.

    When we went through times like this. We stopped spending money except for the essentials and we looked at every expense to see if we could find a cheaper way. I know it is hard to do at the Holidays, but important in times like these. Let your family and friends give to you in this time.

    Take care...
    :heart: Margaret
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Allie, my dear... I'm so sorry to hear that - go to indeed.com and look for dental assistant--there are a number of advertisements in towns near you. Perhaps there's one that is a quick train ride? Might even pay more... just hang in there, lady. Might be a blessing in disguise. I know it's scary right now, though.

    Heather - Happy anniversary!

    Lisa in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    grandmallie - so sorry to hear...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    edited November 2017
    Felicia - Your mind must be in a bit of a whirl, but you know you did your best by her and your mum. <3

    When we got married, in our fifties, we made new wills. After the first death each child (4 altogether - 2 apiece) gets a "tiding over" sum . Then when the remaining spouse dies the money is divided according to the assets we each brought into the marriage. DH's children will get more than mine.
    My worry now is that DH is very resistant to doing LPA. I want to. I think I'm going to have to make it a fait accompli and organise it with the lawyer myself. I don't want a situation where he has a stroke, or bad accident, and needs care and I don't have access to his money to pay for it. We only keep a small joint account for bills. Everything else is separated.

    We have another viewing on Wednesday. Bad news - the house for sale on the corner has just lowered its price considerably. :'(:o

    My tiny Bluetooth speaker arrived and I fired it up and had a quick dance. It is not deafeningly loud, but will do for me in the kitchen and the metallic blue is very attractive. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited November 2017
    Cheri! Busy thru Friday, but should be able to pop over to Ros's new house (???) over the weekend. xo

    World Travelers and Active Women I just noticed Macabi skirts are 20% off thru December 4th. macabiskirt*com. They aren't beautiful, but they are very practical for traveling. This is photo I pulled off the internet, (this isn't me): 8mlbfjbfpuy2.jpg

    Karen in Virginia
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    Well my head is swirling..been looking on the internet for work..going to take a nap
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member



    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hey ladies,

    I pretty much swirl only when I am horizontal, napping, and then only swirl when I change positions. I'm OK when I'm up, and can walk around, be in a car, watch TV, and do some time on the tablet. So that is encouraging!

    Hugs friends!